Literally only one week left of Idol time and Stars.
Aikatsu time: netorilu no cocotama
Cocotama is now the sempai /ai/ show.
Rei told me that Hime is dating Elza.
Why do you have to mention my favorite Stars idle like that ainon. Now I want to post more Hime and her amazing beauty
Rola told me to stop posting that picture of her dressed as a boy with her underwear showing.
You make it sound like posting Hime is a bad thing.
So this guy is Aira's crush and he is there with her in her darkest time, then she gets smoozed by another guy sometime later. Aira is girlfriend material or casual visit material but she is no wife.
Bad for my already drained balls.
I love this swan.
He was her crush three years ago maybe, now Shoe is realizing he made her wait too long.
Maybe but then again Aira was the one who jumped the gun in AD and this guy loves his work more than anything else. He is a pro after all.
Making his work into his priority over the vagina is fine and all, but he's suddenly very into Aira as soon as he realizes she might go for the korean cock instead. You had your chance shoe, now let her go!
I bet it is just his competitive nature. He just wants to his rival, Aira is an afterthought. Maybe both of them are doing it competition reasons.
Took me a while to realize that koala
Are they still Futari Nara Saikyou?
Are they still futanari?
>Hugs Yume in front of the World
>Basically a public declaration
Was this part of Hime's grand keikaku?
When a girl is crying you don't not hug them.
The more I think about it, the more excited I am for Friends. I'm just excited to see idols who aren't good yet again, idols just starting out, finding out what it really means to be an idol, just doing fun idol activities trying to become better and grow to one day hopefully become good. Even early Stars was fun when it was just idol activities and wasn't so focused on rainbow cancer and competitions. I think it'll be fun.
Uh oh, the Black Meganee Squad is going to get mobilized to break up a fight.
You will probably be saying something different come next year when Friends season 2 comes out.
Hime is so cute its almost unbearable. Yume and Hime's singers harmonize really well too, shame Yume sucks on her own.
Aikatsu and pripara purge from these threads soon, time for Rilu Rllu and Cocotama domination
The VA's are doing the singing voices this time in friends, right?
Its not going to last forever, and I'm not saying I don't want to see them succeed, but it'll be refreshing after a full season muh rankings muh wings muh S4.
Yup, which means you know what to expect and don't get blindsided by something like Yume's awful singing voice.
I for one welcome our new overlords and I beg for your mercy in advance.
But wings are Aikatsu's thing. They are the ultimate idol weapon for the franchise. Aikatsu idols without wings aren't Aikatsu
I want this thread to be flooded with Fairilus.
But not eggpests.
I want this thread to be dedicated to Kokoro-chan.
You'll get Cocotamas and like it.
I want this thread to be flooded with Himes
AND more DP and drinking
Was it autism?
It was a broken heart.
Fat angel
Why were all the Armegeddon-focused episodes so good?
God I want a hug now.
I want Rola to hug me.
Sloshing is fun
Slosh fund
Slush fund
I'm going to miss them the most.
Blue hair is pretty cute. Red hair is hot.
Blue Rola is cute.
Smell her aroma
I hope there's an user right now infiltrated in the prichan event.
Wait, is Mio this small?
I'm excited now.
It feels like guitar was not meant to be played by human hands.
She's going to be just like Aoi and Roller isn't she? A badass with attitude and everyone's favorite at first but by the 12th episode she'll be calling herself the MC's number one fan.
Angels have to stop Devils
Is it true that female are more likely to like Kii than Aoi?
>last episode of Pripara is coming in a few days
And Aroma doesn't seeems to mind her
Aoi is Ichigo's friend in the first place and she is more supportive type compare to Rola's as rival.
cause they fuck shit up inside & outside of Pripara
Hi Imouto! I was looking at the archives and I found a few of the Precure threads a long with the Cocotama, Aikatsu & Pripara threads but I can’t find the rest. Could I have the links to those as well? Thanks in advance!
I want to fuck Rola's armpits.
Prichan was at AnimeJapan.
What did they mean by this?
It was a long year, but after this episode I can say I'm no longer mad at Lily losing during the S4 selection.
This was a truly marvelous conclusion to her character and Yuzu's.
Setting up her return in season 4.
I have more hope for this than I do for North Korea not nuking me tomorrow.
Why is Shugo Chara allowed here but Doremi and Sailor Moon isn't?
Nobody said they weren't.
I see no reason you couldn't discuss that
>Sailor Moon
Because it's shit? If you wanted to, I suppose you could.
There was some Sailor Moon discussion earlier this week.
Sailor moon isn't /ai/ by definition.
what makes Shugo Chara /ai/?
What would that definition be?
Rola proposed to me, we're going to elope tomorrow
Best day of my life
Don't worry ainon I'll treat her well
What color is her hair in your universe? The Rola from this universe has been married to me for some time and we already have a daughter.
That is best girl
Pink of course. And that's impossible as Rola is a lesbian
Let's bid it!!
Dreamy & Cute Fluffy Cotton Candy
That's a big Lala
What is this, idolfest?
That gundam looked like Nightmare Capricorn wings
Toei stuff is more /pc/. Not that anyone really minds occasional discussion.
On that note, does Nadja count as an idol? She did a lot of dancing in cute outfits but not much singing.
Your Rola might be, but mine isn't.
I remember a small bit of Nadja discussion here a while back, I'd say its close enough to /ai/. I just watched it about a year ago, really enjoyed it.
>multiple roller theory
I'll buy this.
>That's a big Lala
>instead of a hand drawn shot they use CG
Platinum mad.
>Hime didn't get a full shot drawn in her moon dress when Hime/Elza did
Toei Magical Girl plus Tokyo Mew Mew >>>/pc/
Anything else >>>/ai/
I want to fuck Lala.