New chapter.
Vinland Saga 148
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Fucking nice thank you so much.
love you hox baby
I'm really starting to be annoyed by all the intrusions of modernist beliefs. Once or twice with just a few characters was okay, but it's now beginning to distract from the historical setting for me.
It was fine when it was Thorfinn and his father. I liked the contrast between such a small few in a larger society. That being said, Sigurd is kinda awesome.
As always, thank you based Hox
The anachronism was pretty obvious.
And what the fuck, an anime? I clearly haven't been around here much lately.
Gudrid's panties' status: Genesis 7:17
Yeah, I don't mind modernist themes in a 21st century works, but with all the characters spouting such lines, it's beginning to feel like a lot of the characters don't understand the societies they've been born into and lived their entire lives in.
Sigurd is the Viking Solid Snake
[Flood intensifies]
Is it me or are their faces drawn to look really beautiful?
It's manga style, son. Making people look realistic is the John Kricfalusi hyper-realistic closeup of japanese comics: it's only ever done for comic effect
Even fatty's eyes are looking pretty moe. Kind of reminds Pop Team Epic for some reason.
No you dumbass, I mean relatively to before. It's their eyes I guess.
THis manga use furigana?
This is probably the first time he's smiled in... probably 30 chapters
Almost every manga uses furigana. If not for easy reading then for artistic purposes or to convey a specific meaning.
It's like most seinen manga. Mostly used to have furigana deliver a meaning/pronounciation different from the kanji. In this case, it's used to write Jomsvikings while the kanji simply reads "strongest warriors."
Is Gudrid getting wet from the shota as well?
Oh boy.
Really? well I know most shounen manga use furigana, but I think every cute girls seinen slice of life manga don't use furigana at all. It's such a pain. cute girls is such an intellectual genre isn't it?
thanks based Hox
any news on Historie?
>that ear closeup
No, that's not really the case at all. If you actually read them in Japanese, you'll notice furigana usage isn't different.
By "using furigana" I mean every single Kanji have furigana all over it.
Well, shounen manga and pretty every other manga that is aimed mostly for children uses furigana to make it easier to read. It still doesn't rule out other uses for furigana like the aforementioned case of Jomsvikings or some classic things like 宇宙(そら). Or if a rare or unusual kanji is used, like sometimes instead of 聞く for ask\listen it's 訊く.
I may be wrong, but it's not uncommon to put furigana over any other kanji that is not in the 2000 general use list in any media.
No, I understand what you mean. Shounen and seinen manga differ noticeably. But for a lot of the SoL stuff with cute girls, most of which run in seinen magazines to begin with, their kanji/furigana usage isn't that different from other seinen manga in other genres.
Even shounen shit doesn't do that. It's for preschooler books.
>Even shounen shit doesn't do that.
The 3 main shounen magazines, Jump, Magazine, and Sunday sure as hell do.
holy shit
>anime adaption confirmed!
>starts page with siggy
wouldn't have it any other way
My memories may be tainted, but as for Jump — they doesn't do that. Of course, they put more furigana than for an adult oriented media, but still not over each and every kanji. I don't remember, how many symbols is middle school level. 800? 1200?
One of the key themes of the manga is about self-determination. That's literally what the Vinland dream is, gathering a bunch of people together who are sick of Viking traditions to find a place free of war where they can choose they're own fate.
Something tells me that's never going to happen because of history but it's not like this manga is very historically accurate
this is what i love about his char development from the farmland saga.
Thorfinn looks like the most chill guy right now. But try to mess with his companions and he will fuck you up
Nah, he's pissed at Floki for killing his dad. He's not thinking about his friends at all right now.
Well I'm looking through my copy of Magazine and right off the bat with the front chapter of Juliet there's furigana in just about every single kanji. Only exception was small side text in one part.
>already loading the crossbow
damn, she's really holding him to that deal
he's not really that much angry about his companions getting on this mess, user
thanks for the dump
So, Thorfinn just regressed back to typical revenge obsessed brat again? meh
Well, I must be wrong then. Apparentely it's made comfortable to read for elementary schoolers. Not much surprise, though.
Yeah, WIT studio is set to do it. Yukimura's comments make it clear that he's very excited that VS is finally getting an anime and even moreso that it's WIT doing so, given how hugely successful they were with Shingeki.
thanks for the dump
my prediction is that Thorfinn will almost kill Floki but the crossbow girl would stop him
Yeah look at this shit.
thanks hox
Thanks as always, Hox.
some debts must be paid
Thanks Hoxxx.
Oh yeah I'd like to note I'm actually glad for this kind of thing, because my nip is elementary schooler tier so it's nice being able to keep up with the raws and not have to be 20 chapters behind a series due to scanlations. Shounen magazines are my heroes.
Dear Lord!
So, Vinland Saga doesn't do that. Only rare characters and artistic\specific readings.
What are they going to cover? I'm not sure I can be bothered to watch a mostly angsty Thorfinn for that long (again).
Yeah but that's because it's published in a seinen magazine.
Nobody knows yet. I would assume just the prologue?
Can't believe that was 17 months ago.
Yeah, where've you been? Confirmed just this week.
Most certainly. Target audience is pretty much a deciding factor for the abundance or lack of furigana for any Japanese media up to TV infographics.
Can't say I'm very interested in a VS anime. I think I'll just stick to the manga.
My expectations aren't high either, but I'm hoping it'll be decent at least.
So it's out of the author's hands to some extent?
For the most part it seems that way, iirc one of the editors' jobs is to do this furigana shit when typesetting the chapter for publishing.
FullEyes fags btfo
It'll probably boost sales, so all in all, probably not a bad thing.
DL to this chapter:
I always wonder how he would react if he learned that Thors was killed on the orders of Floki or how Thors didn't even die in a fight. But had his son held hostage by someone he already spared.
I guess the author doesn't let current Thorfinn grow any kind of facial hair because he'd look too much like adult Canute.
Just a random thought.
There is a list of around 2000 kanji that every adult Japanese should now. There are also other lists that correspond to what school students should know at a certain point. My guess is that each magazine puts furigana based on the age of the targeted audience. And, if I'm not mistaken, media is required to use furigana for kanji that are not in the general use list.
Why the fuck wasn't she outside looking out.
Nice nice
her primary objective is keeping an eye on thorfinn
All of this would be solved if Floki married Thorfinn.
man, even hild's taken aback. Good shit, Hox
yea prolly
Cheers again Hox.
I wouldn't call his current state cold blooded.