Why didnt they make arena made by pants fiber instead using the hardest material known to god?
Dragon Ball Super
episode 131 leaks
Who wins between:
>black’s last appearance vs ToP Vegeta
>F. Trunks vs Kale
>ToP Gohan vs Kale
rip thread. thanks a lot sudaca.
F. Trunks
Vegeta wins with SSBE, duh
Trunks wins
Kale wins
>that vegeta middle finger
kek, I wish that's how it really ended.
Not him but I'd honestly rather have a gajillion power level discussions than roleplaying fags and memesters shitting up these threads CONSTANTLY
Kale strongest form jobbed to SSG. Shesweak compared to Mirai Trunks and ToP Gohan
the gohan and kale part wiill ruin the entire thread
dawn of the final day 20 hours remaining
is that frieza's hand or foot?
You're smart enough to tell the difference from an ankle and a wrist. Aren't you?
Goku will probably regain ultra instinct and finish off Jiren with godly display.
Gohan is not even SSG tier
Yes, he is stronger than SSG Goku/Base Freeza and is nearly SSB and Golden Freeza tier.
Vegeta obviously
Trunks it it's anime version, Kale if it's manga
Everything in the anime tells otherwise.
fucking lmao the absolute state of denial gohanfags are in
Sum these threads up, or how you'll remember them with one image
Based Goku recovering from the backlash of a fucking angel tier technique in less than 10 seconds.
You know it's the truth.
Watch the fucking show retard.
Post proof
lets rehearse for episode 131
I curse these threads because they would be decent without faggots like and
Post it
Who the hell wants to see the audience with their mouths open
chadroid 17 always wins baby
You do
He wears the earring on the gay side.
>manga Trunks vs Kale
Kind of a pointless matchup until Kale's powerlevel in the manga is revealed. Trunks could nearly keep up with SS3 Goku and even if she goes LSS she is almost guaranteed to be below SSGoku. SS2 Goku will be stronger than both Cabba and Caulifla too, among them only Kale will have any chance to force him into using stronger transformations.
Needs a better harem than a stick, a spic, and his sister. Also remove the loli.
Another one tries to join the Chadforce, cool edit tho
>remove the loli.
look at those quads
Dumb pedoshit
Caulifla and kale are underage too.
And they don't exist
nice headcanon
They drink juice in the manga.
>Freeza Chokes Jiren
I never EVER taught this would happen!
We Officially Made It FreezaPatricians!
This ryona will be very special
I said this shit out loud to someone at work today when they said their rate was better than mine.
Fuck these fucking threads, ruining my life.
They are literally teenagers user , probably the same age as Buu saga Gohan
Jiren is such a boring flat character
I already mentioned them in an above post, though. They're hideous sticks and don't belong in chadroid's harem.
He just fucking did. UI took a physical toll on Gokus body that had even Whis shook and he's shown fighting back again right there in the preview for tomorrows episode. There's less than 30 seconds left in the tournament as of the last episode do the fucking math brainlet.
Buu Saga Gohan was 18 you retard.
It was just some stolen cargo from a military craft, do you think their gang was stealing juice cargos or something? And the army probably shouldn't have anything alcoholic in their bases.
Gohan was 16, which isn't considered underaged.
Feels GREAT being a FreezaPatrician and a 17Chad
Reminder that nobody so much as registered spicdroid 17 as a character before very late in the ToP and only brain dead millenials who started with DBS will defend Sakurada forcing him into the series finale while classic characters who deserve it more (Piccolo, Tien, Buu, Krillin, Yamcha etc) are ignored and spat on.
Post proof
its not the same without his Donut shop
and a pathetic whiner
Stopped reading there
Those are boring characters nobody wants tien or buu fighting jiren in the finals
>implying db threads ever were anything but a Sup Forums outpost on Sup Forums
God DAMN you guys surprise me with how retarded you can be. Fucking lol
They'd be filled to the brim with Sup Forums memes if they weren't basically banned on sight.
Anime Trunks doesn't even need his SSRage form.
Well which is it you dickheads?
Why is Pan so best?
He's 16 unless you're from burgerland
How is 16 underaged? Do you live in fucking South Korea?
>He's 16 unless you're from the only country that matters
Guess this means Gohan really was 18 when fighting Buu, and 11 when fighting Cell.
It's called America you fucking idiot. Do you think you're clever calling us Burgerland? Fuck you.
America is the continent gringo
>the only country that matters
that's not mexico though, home of the true db canon
After final episode is aired and DBS party is over, will spics lose their reason to live and kill themselves??
Wasn't that the same episode Zamasu gave trouble to SSB Goku but SS2 Trunks overpowered and then stabbed the green faggot?
>america is the only country that matters
Ask me how I know you're really fat.
why would his sister be there you retard