>this isn't Killing Bites, this is anal sex!
This isn't Killing Bites, this is anal sex!
No. The bun is for loving vaginal sex only
It doesn't matter how hard you try, the best butt always wins. That's what Killing Bites is.
she's for double penetration but snek lost his members before that could happen
Hear hear
>rape snek gets his dicks cut off
Best ending I could've hoped for
Do snakes really had 2 dicks?
So did his human penor transform into the cobra cannons?
I'm learning so much about nature from this show!
Man, do I know that feeling
I love this wacky shit
Inaba? More like InaBest.
that's what killing bites is
>pissfag bait
>best anything
I dont watch this show but show me the scene
You're just jealous of Winaba.
It's true, she is a champion after all
< My face when anyone post hentai with my waifu.
whens caterpillar anime, etc
Thread theme:
I can't believe Nomoto is fucking dead
After KB s2
This show has the lamest attack cards I've ever seen
Lamest attack for lamest anime
Is there anyone who can defeat Hitomi Blanco?
Bunny Negro
Nomoto Dorado
Hippo if he decided to use his crushing jaw strength instead of autistically running into things.
I get his whole schtick is "we're people too", but he could've easily killed Kido with the bite pressure.
>Being useful at all
look at these bites
Should have used them on crocodile then, since that was his fucking element.
How do you define sharpness as it pertains to fangs anyway? It's not like there's an SI unit or anything.
In fairness, charging and trampling is a hippo's primary means of defense. Biting is for when the attacker is too close for the hippo to accelerate.
You just go the way around and see who won the most KB fights, that's the one with the sharpest fangs.
you mean hitomi morena
Fangs come in two types, piercing and shredding. Piercing are often the type that makes it easier for a predator to come to make a kill, while shredding rips apart flesh.
Naturally, the piercing fangs will need to be sharper and more durable thus they are indeed the sharpest fangs.
I got it guys! This is the killing bite!
I skipped the first 10 episodes of Killing Bites but is Pangolin the only guy with glaring CG movement? I'm guessing it's intentional to make him "different"?
Killing Bite is an anti-air attack performed while crouching. Jackals and Caterpillar have established it as such.
>She sees your pseudodick
>Pangolin the only guy with glaring CG movement?
Snek had some CG, but for the most part it's a Pangolin thing
>I skipped the first 10 episodes of Killing Bites
Why the fuck would you do that?
Imagine hentai with my waifu waifu.
Are we Sirene now ?
Kido Calvo
reptilians are moar stronk
I have some fish to deliver approximately 72 minutes from now.
What a boss.
I suppose Rabbit winning was always the obvious conclusion. Rabbit teeth never stop growing and must be continually worn down (and, by extension, sharpened) by eating.
Yet the most effective piercing fangs are rather dull and rely on jaw strength or sheer body mass for their puncturing power. A fine edge chips easily and all that.
>'tis but a scratch.webm
You get Inaba's teeth to write "The one with the sharpest fangs wins" on the point of Hitomi's fangs.
I wanna F*** Rateru. REEEEEEEEEEE.
Cute psycho.
Seriously nigger?
Is this show just comedy?
this is a blue board
You F***
God I hope future Nomoto hits this. Don't care if she's used. Loved their chemistry.
El Hermano de Eruza
>inaba kick
Killing klutz.
Oshie confirmed gay
Fluffy Kicks
>somewhat a realistic gunshot damage depiction to the head
Fun episode as usual.
>he's just sleeping kiddos
Dope ED.
Kido if he makes Hitomi into a real mama.
>Back off furry boy, i'm armed
Not quite
Just like my chinese cartoon board.
Will IPS panels allow me to impregnate her from any angle?
You need plasma panel for that.
Fool, did you think I had not practiced the secret art of fish every day? He who kills with the strongest surprise fangs win. That's what Killing Bites is.
Stop saying that catchphrase
I was hoping the last episode would be called the killing bite
The won with the sharpest fangs wins, thus is Killing Bite.
Stupid meme cat
Kido mamá triste already kind of won.
that isn't killing bites
Does anyone have a folder with all the faces of Smug Queen?
I have this
wtf you speak moonrunes
...could they take on Adeptus Astartes?
You don't?
Ultra Instinct Hitomi.
So UI Hitomi acts like Kid Buu because that's how she was as a feral Origin Therianthrope, right?
>You will never own a bunny the size of a dog
fucking no
>When Kido was preoccupied with Ratel's arm was the moment that decided his fate
Ell Perro Marron
>best girl in a series finally gets to be the main girl
>replace her with a stupid fucking dog
What went so wrong?
So how long we before they fuck?
>someone else watched chuuni taisen
right after me
Is the final boss going to be a human that's crossed with a human?
>the most dangerous animal on the planet
>when he transforms he gains gunpowder weaponry and just shoots other brutes