>it's an ESL scanlation group scanlates 40 chapters episode
Why do these people exist? Scanlation hate thread? Scanlation hate thread!
It's an ESL scanlation group scanlates 40 chapters episode
>It's an ESL scanlation group scanlates 40 chapters episode.
Are you and ESL as well?
Hey there McDonald
americans really need to get fucking purged. the use of "ESL" as an insult, despite the fact that the majority of the american population is unable to speak more than half a language, has been off the fucking charts.
>complaining about the quality of a FREE service
>an ESL calling other people ESL
By the way what have you ever done for other people?
>scans look like they were taken with a camera
>the cleaning of the pages clashes with the art
>the Japanese sound effects are erased with no redrawing and English sound effects typed over the art
Some people should just release their translations for people to read with the raws without actually scanlating if they can't at least do a decent job of putting the translation on the page. Sometimes it would make it quicker for people who want to read a series too.
Hey there McDonald
Well, is his translations good? The majority of humans are ESL.
>FREE service
I'm giving them ad money.
>is his translations good
Hey there McDonald
Why aren't you blocking those ads?
This looks old as fuck, though. Not a real excuse, but this might be early internet scanlations.
i highly doubt that the scanlators receive money from mangaupdates. but even if they did, youre doing so by choice.
the use of "ESL" as an insult, despite the fact that the majority of the american population is unable to speak more than half a language
So fucking true. I know ESLfags who write and speak better English than most of the Amerimutts.
Because that way I can shut the fags up who claim it's a free service.
Truly, DBS has filled Sup Forums with some ornery ESLs
fucking kek.
thats not how advertisement/marketing works. its still a free service.
Majority of people still don't speak English.
>Why do these people exist?
Because nobody else is doing it well enough
Is Sup Forums just getting worse by the day or am I just getting too old for this place?
>ingrate brat unable to imagine other people not also being ingrate brats
Report sage ignore etc.
As an ESL, I'm always wondering why the term "ESL" even an insult? every ESL is guaranteed being able to speak at the very least 1 more language than generic American. Shitting on ESL, especially scanlators who actually contribute something is just weird.
i think you meant
>because the manga/anime community is a bunch of entitled children that, no matter what, will complain about the quality of a release
at least be consistent about you're shitposting attemps and greentext the "thats" as well
How the fuck does that makes sense?
turns out you havent been here for long
Depends on the quality of the translation as I doubt you'd defend Duwang even if he was the only person scanlating part 4 at the time. It's a shame though that so many series don't have translations or if you find something you want to read and the only person translating it has a tenuous grasp of the English language that affects the reader's understanding of the series.
Because if it's obvious that you're an ESL, then you're incompetent at the language.
no, I am quite sure of what I meant. You're not very good at reading, it seems.
That's not how you use that meme but go ahead and pretend "attemps" was a meme too
He was a fucking hero. He tried his best to translate while stuying and working, despite knowing next to no English. While crap, Duwang is the result of tremendous effort.
it doesnt really matter what you meant, since you quite clearly suffer from a mental disability. hence why i felt the need to point out the actual reason why barely anyone competent bothers to scanlate chinese cartoons.
>USA is the only English speaking country
y'all are obsessed with the best
>please whitelist us
This amounts to asking for money and I'm paying them by whitelisting them.
Not worse than LHT
That's a cute ad hominem. You didn't refute my point though, you just spat out yours without any regard. And no, "you're dumb so I won't try" is not an argument.
Knowing an extra language doesn't make you good at English which is what the insult is for you retard.
>paying them by whitelisting them.
its still free tho.
another retarded ESL kid sigh
its 5am in great britain so the probability for this clown to be american is pretty likely. canadians are french crossbreads, so why would they ever bother to call someone ESL? who else do we have left? south africans?
service is still free, no matter how you spin it. youre not forced to pay anything.
english too difficult please help
Start learning from the beginning.
>sakurafish thread gets deleted, but this is fine, as are , , , , and so on
Stop pulling punches and start purging this fucking goddamn cancer-addled board. You're running out of excuses, cocksuckers.
Old English sounds like a dumb person making an attempt to speak.
Guys. For the last time. I'm reffering to ESLs for their qualities. This doesn't mean I used ESL as an insult. Only ESL-kuns would jump to that conclusion.
He's definitely a burger.
Is "you're not competent enough in a second language" really an insult, anyway?
>The majority of humans are ESL
Subhumans, that is.
I know it's bait but I'll keep pointing it out
It is if your lack of knowledge leads to severe issues in translation. I mean I've studied several languages but am not good enough in them to translate stuff and I know this so I don't go shitting out poor translations of things.
>scanlator just gives up before the chapter even ends
I'm just saying, it is absolutely hilarious how fast you guys connect everything to your hatred for Americans. Not that we mind the attention, we know you're just being tsundere.
>anime character wears shoes
>grrr, americano wear shoe on carpet
>anime character eats food
>ugh why do americans do this so much
I wonder if people that know jap go out of their way to read translated manga just to see if they have recruitment pages?
But again, why do the issues matter? Because you consume them? Nobody forces you to. Back to the payment argument.
In this context you're a dude walking past people engaging in a hobby and taking what they freely give. Your "insult" would apply if this were a paid translator who claims to be good.
>hating on that great Gogol13 thread
why though?
So you support the internet being flooded with "translations" done by people that can barely speak English or going Japanese > Chinese > English? Just because it's free doesn't mean there should be no standards. I'm not OP by the way, I just think it's pointless to have translations that are no better than any given person with no knowledge of Japanese using Google Translate.
Because if you are going to take someone else's work and translate it, you fucking better do a good job out of respect to the people that worked on it to begin with. A bad translation can be the difference between someone enjoying a series or not, and if they aren't aware the translation is bad then it will reflect poorly on the author.
I support people doing whatever they want (not to mention I can't do jackshit about it). If we talk about free translations, then the presence of shitty translations can even be beneficial because it will push people to find better translations. There are always people willing to do this stuff, even if they have to do it slowly.
And what if it doesn't, you might ask. Then the manga just doesn't have enough attention. It doesn't matter anyway, since the presence of bad translations doesn't impede the production of better retranslations. Besides, you make it sound as if the Internet is finite. "Flooded"? Please.
>it will reflect poorly on the author
So what? That would be an issue if this "poor reflection" brought about monetary problems. When we talk about fan scanlations we talk about people who don't spend a dime on manga. Their opinions don't mean shit when the market is almost completely jap-oriented.
The translation quality in stuff like simulcasts is totally accountable for such issues, of course, because of its reach and the money involved.
>So what?
If you don't understand the concept of having respect for other peoples' work then you're a lost cause. This is regardless of whether someone pays for it or not. If a series gets a negative stigma based on a poor translation then that author would have a much more difficult time selling their work in that market in the future.
>since the presence of bad translations doesn't impede the production of better retranslations
I disagree for two reasons, one I've seen translators say they'd rather work on something totally untranslated and two you get situations like the sensei manga where everyone shits on the translator for redoing the old stuff instead of working on the newer stuff
I'm an American who speaks proper English. I also speak 2 other languages, with one of them being Japanese, and I translate anime and manga for free. This is an English language imageboard for discussing Japanese media. No one cares about whatever language you speak, ESLfag will always be an insult here, and ESLfag translators are complete fucking shit.
>He doesnt know Sup Forums was filled mostly with E S L (proven on /spa/ thread years ago)
>respect an adult that translating things in a language they don't understand
Now why would I do that? Respect is not given. It's earned
That's fine. I didn't mean it as an insult.
>hat author would have a much more difficult time selling their work in that market in the future
it won't happen because most of the fucks reading scanlations never buy anything, and much of the market is Japanese oriented.
>English language imageboard for discussing Japanese media
and at the end of the day language is nothing but a tool. so unless you can prove that someones posts is written in a different language, the amount of spellings error, typos or grammatical blunders is utterly irrelevant.
>I also speak 2 other languages
texan and boston ghetto speak arent languages, pal
What do I care if somebody else doesn't respect the author? You say "regardless of money" and go on to talk about money. Let's, then.
>then that author would have a much more difficult time selling their work in that market in the future
I just explained why that is a nonissue, but here you go again: manga does not gather much money from overseas and what little it gets is obtained thanks to official translations, which are not part of this discussion. Fan scanlations do not affect the industry.
>Now why would I do that? Respect is not given. It's earned
I think you're misreading something somewhere. I'm saying that if someone is going to modify (by means of translation) someone else's work, they should do a good job to ensure it doesn't reflect poorly on the original author. To do otherwise will make people like me think you're a street-shitting ESLfag because those are the types of people that don't care about the ramifications of their actions.
You are wrong. There is plenty of precedence for proper scanlations leading to official licensing.
>it's a scanlators skipped 50 missing back-chapters episode
fucking Minamoto-kun
This Comment Will are Triggers Anti ESLsFags.
>Fan scanlations do not affect the industry.
No buddy, if you ever saw what scanlations (and even subs) looked like some 15 years ago, then you know half of those weren't close to what you would call "proper".
What leads to official licencing is popularity, because the average person reading scanlations will make do with what they get.
And even then, a large amount of those people won't support the official product.
From my experience, it's mostly the other non-japanese talking staff members that bring dropped mangas or scanlation threads. And depending on where you start off in scanlations, translators usually know eachothers cause these fucks are in secret cabals (there's like 3-4 translators cabals I'm aware of), so they generally know what's dropped or not.
So if popularity is all that matters. Wouldn't better scanlations be more popular?
I get your point, I was speaking more in general about the fact that discussion of nationality, specifically American nationality, has become such a hot topic on a website where that kind of thing is concealed. English is the third most spoken language in the world and there are millions of speakers outside of the USA. Outside of boards with flags its easy to pretend to be of any nationality by just using different spellings of words or through written dialect, so I would think the average Sup Forums user wouldn't really give a shit but there's always this obsession with Americans. When you make these posts where you automatically assume the person is American and they are doing whatever it is they are doing because they are a stupid gringo creatura burgerman, even if that is the logical conclusion based on timezones and global population and website traffic, you yourself are fueling the problems you have with Americans on this website. You are the ones who have made Americans become distinct from Non-Americans on an anonymous website, and by my American nature if I am distinct from you it is because I am simply fucking better than you. The pedestal that Americans stand on was inadvertently built by people like you.
I really don't care if English is your second language as long as you're good at it so when I call you an ESL I am letting you know that something was off about whatever it was you wrote and you should reread it to learn from your mistake. I rarely ever see Americans provoking arguments about their nationality and it is almost always obsessed foreigners starting these arguments. Even if I wasn't an American I really wouldn't appreciate entering a thread about manga translation only for it to turn within three posts into how horrible Americans are because they are black
>What leads to official licencing is popularity
You are splitting hairs here. A poorly done scanlation can negatively affect popularity, and could result in other series being licensed instead of that particular work. Licensors absolutely look at the popularity of already scanlated manga. It'd be insane to ignore what is essentially a free poll of how popular your product will be.
> if you ever saw what scanlations (and even subs) looked like some 15 years ago, then you know half of those weren't close to what you would call "proper"
15 years ago was a different time. That was pretty much the start of the scanlation scene. It essentially didn't exist before Ranma was scanlated.
>And even then, a large amount of those people won't support the official product.
That's not a problem. Piracy is free advertising. If it leads to more people buying the product than without it being available, then it was a net gain.
Not to me, you aren't,
Not exactly. Scanlation has an unspoken first come first serve rule, so if a crappy group gets first dibs, most will back off unless they're so shit they deserve to get sniped.
>So if popularity is all that matters. Wouldn't better scanlations be more popular?
Examine your own logic. If popularity is all that matters, quality does not matter. Hence, better doesn't mean more popular.
That has been the case with Baki and WildFang scans, for instance. Those fuckers basically hold the series hostage.
If they're available yes. Otherwise, people will take whatever they can find.
>A poorly done scanlation can negatively affect popularity
No, they don't. You'll have to show proof they do.
For JoJo we had Dwang, which by any standards is shit, but that's what he had and we took it back then. Did that shit on JoJo? No.
>Piracy is free advertising.
Then, as you say, it's much better for options to be there. If the only available options are flawed scanlations, then that will do.
It makes sense to not waste effort on something that is already translated, but too many back off when a better translation is needed.
>nothing but a tool
A tool that you can't use, you stupid ESLfag. Go to a shithole for your native language and post about anime there.
>For JoJo we had Dwang
People KNEW Duwang was shit. It was a meme. It's not the same as having translations that don't seem to be ESL trash to a casual viewer, but wrong enough that the series is less enjoyable.
>If the only available options are flawed scanlations, then that will do.
No. I really don't see how you think it's okay to tarnish someone else's hard work.
I unironically use y'all and howdy as a Canadian.
sounds like youve understood me well enough. looks like proper use of the language to me.
>People KNEW Duwang was shit.
Yes, and we took it because that's all we had back then.
>No. I really don't see how you think it's okay to tarnish someone else's hard work.
As per your own words, it's advertising. People will take what they get. If they get nothing, then there's nothing to advertise the product, which means no sales.
Your idea that this would somehow "tarnish" a work is flawed.
If we go by respecting the author, half of them don't want their work illegal translated (regardless of the quality of the translation). Should we show them some respect, then?
>it's EOP complaining about scanlation despite never contribute anything episode
if you're caring so much then translate it yourself
>Yes, and we took it because that's all we had back then.
Not really. It was about as effective as reading a raw manga, considering it was about 100% wrong. Also, keep in mind this all happened later in the series, so it's less likely to discourage new readers. If you're up to Part 4 in JoJo you're probably in it for the long haul.
>As per your own words, it's advertising.
Not all piracy is positive advertising. Just piracy that actually does justice to the original work. Again, poorly done translations can discourage new readers, and they are unlikely to give it a second shot if there's ever an official translation. Those are permanent losses for an author. This is different than someone that may read a decent scanlation and later buy the official translations. And those people exist, I'm one of them.
>If we go by respecting the author, half of them don't want their work illegal translated (regardless of the quality of the translation). Should we show them some respect, then?
Yes. Go learn Japanese and read the raws. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if they don't want it translated because they don't want some retarded ESLfag to butcher their work.
>if you're caring so much
Found the ESLfag.
>It doesn't matter if I type in broken English, as long as you get the general gist then it's fine
You're an idiot, and any translations ESLfags work on are worthless garbage.
>any translations ESLfags work on are worthless garbage.
...says the fag, as 90% of what he enjoys reading was written by an ESL
again, language is nothing but a tool. as long as i am able to get the message across its absolutely fine. your self imposed standards mean nothing to me.
Go up the reply chain, you fucking idiot. I actually know moon and translate things. And unlike ESLfags, the things I translate are accurate and written correctly.
You're a highschool dropout, aren't you?
hahaha look at this fucking retard.
You could communicate fine by waving your hands, but people will still think you're a faggot.
>And unlike ESLfags, the things I translate are accurate and written correctly.
God damn, finally someone that actually takes some pride in their work.
You should translate Gingitsune since the faggots doing it originally dropped it after 11 chapters.
>I actually know moon and translate things.
Look at all those diplomas up my wall, they mean that my opinion matters.
Sounds like you translate word for word.