is this anime really a mistake?
Is this anime really a mistake?
Xavier White
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Jaxon Thompson
its very average
Aiden Roberts
Its decent
Better than Apoc at least
Henry Martin
>Better than Apoc
hahaha no
Adam Kelly
>Thinking Apoc isnt at the absolute bottom of Fateverse.
Shit taste user. Apoc is literally SAO tier
Jace Evans
It's just setup for a future FGO chapter.
Charles Long
Game Extra is better than this shite
Ethan Howard
Umufag please, unless they salvage it with Hakunon and Gil right about NOW its gonna be exactly side by side with Apoc.
Henry Lee
It's the best Fate anime in existence, but that's the same level as "the sweetest smelling turd."
Mason Hernandez
Kill yourself otomefag