AnimeJapan 2018 - Day 2 Thread 2

New Key Visual of Uma Musume Pretty Derby.

PV2 of Last period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari.

New PV For Happy Sugar Life anime.

New PV for SSSS.Gridman (Trigger x Tsurubaya Productions)

New PV of SAO Alternative GGO.

New Yuragisou PV

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Other urls found in this thread:

Any luck other than Gridman?

Is there a 3hz booth? I saw the Black Fox cutouts but I was wondering if there's anything more

SSSS Gridman looks great. I'm glad Amemiya is making normal anime now.

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>When your husband has the harem

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PV soon my friend.

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Character art looks really good, I hope this show turns out well.

I love 3hz so much.

Cause Flip Flappers flip flopped. Also Sora no Method and Dimension W weren't alliteration.

Looks gay

The MC is a top cutie.

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>Flip floppers 2nd half writer
Really feeling the change

Oh boy, good art wasted on shitty characters and yuribait again. Glad 3hz found their niche.

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PriPri had great characters though

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But none of the girls end up with boyfriends

>the only thing naysayers can do is screech about yuribait like a broken record
At least change it up once in a while, damn.

What criteria is there for that promo banner? How do they choose what characters they use? Very confused as to why Black Jack is there at the moment

Are people that cry yuribait yurifags or people that hate yuri?

GGO Alternative won't have that, though. Also 3hz isn't exactly a yuri studio, only two of their shows (FF and PP) are known for yuri undertones anyway.

>Cause Flip Flappers flip flopped
Fuck off.

>2nd half writer

Friendly reminder to filter attention whoring tripfags.

It's true though? It was a flop saleswise, and it barely had any merchandise. Its only hope is streaming, though I'm not sure how well it did streaming-wise.

Just ignore him. That faggot's been at it for ages.

Dorothy and Beato were pretty fun, but the rest were all pretty shit. Especially Ange and the Princess.

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Gee user what do you think?

Objectively not true. They were great

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>He mentioned the characters, but I better ignore that
>Let me whine that he doesn't like my shit fetish instead
At least pretend to respond to the other stuff, damn.

I honestly think it could be yurifags mad their shows don't deliver. Like people get mad at open endings in romance shows.

>two of their shows (FF and PP) are known for yuri undertones anyway.
>not mentioning Sora no Method
People are taking about their original anime, not the adaptations they make.

PriPri event when? I want my S2 announcement

I ignored it because someone else already brought up an example of good characters.
>he thinks people only watch that stuff for the ties to yuri
You're more delusional than yurifags.

Objectively true. Princess had a single episode of good characterization and that was it. Ange's entire personality was "I deflect about my personal life while saying muh princess."

You forgot your ange while posting.

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April 8th

>already brought up an example
You're full of shit, especially where you pretend you'd even consider watching PriPri if there were male characters.

To busy with Prigom and widening their IP.

Fuck off. It wasn't AOTY that year but it doesn't mean FliFla is bad

But I did mention Ange in my post.

I didn't even say it was bad, only that it flopped.

>especially where you pretend you'd even consider watching PriPri if there were male characters.
Holy shit, you're so paranoid and deluded. PriPri had male characters you retard. It's time you accept that people watched these shows for more reasons than just the yuri shenanigans.

It's 30th not 8th.

>im@s is 10x more idolshit than LL yet is sells 4x worse

Mai Hime sold it better than LL inside of Japan


I would have not watched PriPri if the main character was a guy, and only because it would be haremshit. I would have no problem with one of the team members being a dude. But good job putting words in my mouth.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy.

Yuri is making a resurgence, my friends.

How soon is soon?

>male background characters are the same as male main characters
Wow, that's the best reaching I've seen.

I didn't reach, you just moved the goalposts when you realized your stupid mistake. You going to embarrass yourself further or end it here?

>couldn't respond to it on that specific thread
>gotta make the reply on his special snowflake thread

Contract 3rd world AIDS and die.

I told you all, bro, stop giving those pinoy attention.

>You clearly meant any males in the show and not in the main cast
Wow, you're stupid even by yurifag standards.

But I thought yurifags hated male characters to point where they would drop shows even if they appeared as background characters. Oh well.

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Any stuff regarding Lupin pt. 5 announced?

hopefully nothing

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Yurifags hate male characters to the point that if there are any male main characters in a show that they think might even potentially threaten their favorite ship, they'll scream and shit blood harder than a purityfag reading a highschool harem where the main girl turns out not to be a virgin.

That's some of them (the more delusional ones), not all.

Oh god the head on that girl is nightmare fuel.

We already had 1 thread derailed by this topic, let's go back to focusing on announcements.
What are you guys looking forward to, or what do you like that's been announced so far?

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The thought process of people who post replies like this will forever be a mystery to me.

FGO anime when?

I like that they announced more info about Yuragisou. Hoping that there will be some performances by anison artists at AJ.

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Hopefully never.
That's from one of the New Year's specials.

It's tomorrow or in 1 hour?

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GGO Alternative


Real talk: FGO only really works as an anthology series collab by different studios. Also, it'll need quite a lot of rewrite, especially with the earlier arcs.

It doesn't.

Hoping for more info on Shield Hero.

There's a thread up if you want to talk about 3hz specifically.

Anime original mech show written by the HnS author with OST by Tanaka Kouhei. That's basically a dream project. So help me fucking god if it ends up being CGshit, I will strangle everyone who works at JCstaff. Why this project wasn't given to Bones, I'll never understand.

Need more info on Grand Blue


I like that Atsushi Abe is voicing the MC. I look forward to more illusions being broken.

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new Golden Kamuy PV

Boogiepop looks beautiful

Looking forward to more Golden Kamuy info.

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Raildex is shit, but the fact that the MC isn't going to be voiced by Kaji Yuki fills me with relief.

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Goblin Slayer's PV:

Almost every well known yuri series has male side characters. Stuff like LL or GuP where it looks like males are extinct is the minority not norm.

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I'd be okay with a daily life in Chaldea type anime.

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>by the director of Girls Last Tour
Well that's a change in genres for him

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A White Fox show with non-shit animation? Its finally happening?

Hey Re:Zero had pretty good animation.

Even LL had male characters, their faces were just off-screen, or they were kids.

Pretty sure it's just preanimated footage.

Gudako manga adaptation.
By the Tekkyuu guy!

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That CG forest and cliff is awful dude
Also Re:Zero had some good animation at times

>yuri series
This meme needs to stop.

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