Will you dance with me?
Will you dance with me?
Will anyone (good) do a release for the BD?
Just like Mytho I am a man of higher culture so no thanks
Man, I loved Princess Tutu when I was younger. It was everything I wanted from Sailor Moon in a magical girl series but never got: completely watching all of it.
I don't know how.
You mean like how it was for the DVD?
Ahiru is a miracle of the universe
This show was so fucking good
Rue a slut
sorry I have the traditional 'two left feet' when it comes to the dance, I do appreciate the offer though.
No, but I'll have you marry me immediately.
Go away Neko-sensei
Do you wanna fight?
Rue was the cutest and purest girl.
>cutest and purest girl
That's not possible when she's in the same show as Ahiru
Ahiru is great but Rue was what sold the show to me, casting such a good girl into the antagonist was genius
The best thing about Rue is her seiyuu
I fucking love Nana
God her performance at the end of episode 24 was so good
I really wish they made more anime with a fairy-tale feeling
Not today. How about we do something else instead?
Never understood why she's shipped with Fakir when she's clearly still in love with Mythos in the end, even after he NTR'd her
Because you had that scene in the lake where her pendant falls off the moment Fakir tells her she can have him instead of Mytho, school and shit.
If she still wanted Mytho and the rest it wouldn't have fallen off.
Also she often blushes around Fakir so gimme a break, she just didn't know he wanted her romantically.
>That ending
Poor cuckduck
I'd rather invite Himemiya