Is Yui a trap?

Is Yui a trap?

Attached: ThatsOneSexyBoi.png (1078x662, 513K)


He's a handsome rotten banana.


I don't know. Show me pictures of them hugging a pillow so that I can make an informed decision.

I wanna sniff Brat ass

Attached: 1608D4F2-8135-45B9-96D0-E54C09FB5625.gif (480x270, 885K)

This is a sfw board. We cannot post such lewd images here

Attached: 9F6DFD7C-6A32-47B7-AF81-624CD9477A46.gif (480x360, 328K)

It should be okay if you use a spoiler tag.

Attached: 8EBCB768-060B-4C4E-9540-F51643A48D11.jpg (550x750, 172K)
