You’re in the 80's walking down the street and this girl slaps your ass with her ham hands and calls you a LIAR!!! What do you do?
You’re in the 80's walking down the street and this girl slaps your ass with her ham hands and calls you a LIAR!!!...
Tell her Oyashiro-sama doesn't exist.
Cum instantly
I start running in the 90's down the street
I get the fuck out of that village, I already know what kind of bullshit goes on there.
Patrician answer.
Steal her hat and run.
>I already know what kind of bullshit goes on there
Clearly not.
>leaving the village
you deserve everything that happens to you
>bust out louisville slugger
get fucked bitch
>I already know what kind of bullshit goes on there.
Do you know Oyashiro-sama?
>successfully fought back the symptoms
>single-handedly got the closest to unraveling the mystery on her own
>cool hat
>cool meat cleaver
Why is Rena so best?
>cool meat cleaver
Hell yeah dude also who has the best water pistol? I think it's Rika, that shit is mad cool, very slick and tacticool.
Apply baseball bat
bitch pls
Reminder that Rena turns 51 this year. Your waifu doesn't sound so hot anymore, huh?
>dies the least in the series
>most relatable backstory (to an extent)
>Canonically has the most kills
>Death doesn't scare her, successfully BTFOs Takano before getting shot
>kills most of the village with K1 to get back Satoko after they kill her father
She's undeniable best girl.
>most relatable backstory (to an extent)
I said to an extent, you know, just minus the extreme paranoia, the rest is pretty relatable.
Maybe it's just me, because I feel like I can relate hard to Rena
Rena a shit, Mion is best girl.
Having your parents divorce and not approving of the new stepparent is easier to relate to than being the kids of a powerful mafia family or injuring a random child for no compelling reason, yeah.
>making Rena sound like Sakura Matou
My Headcanon is that Higurashi is a series of horror films made by Himizawa to put it on the map. The IRL actors then settled down and moved on.
>Rena: Marries Keiichi, now stay at home mother to twins (Boy and girl)
>Keiichi: Marries Rena, now a Salaryman with a blood pressure/stress problem
>Mion and Shion: Went full anime kardashians, one of them marrying a kuroko no basket player
>Sakoto: Attempts to get role in hellsing anime but is thrown under the bus, later dies of heroin overdose
>Rika: Retires to be a shrine maiden
What do you guys think?
Why did Satoko become a drug addict? :(
She can't find a good role in horror anime and she didn'[t bode well in other anime genres, getting addicted to drugs as a way out along the way.
Basically child star curse
Why is there no good patch that adds the the voice acting the VN but without the ps3 sprites? Notice, I said GOOD, not that there isn't one available.
Kill it immediately.
Do NOT kill Rena!!!!!!!!
The real question is why the fuck do I prefer the hamhands sprites? I do, and I don't get it.
I'm on ep03 and find it funny how everyone is scared of Rena's anger, but when Keiichi finally snaps and decides to kill Satoko's uncle, when he responds angrily at Rena, she gets scared. Now you know how everyone else feels, you psycho.
whatever the sprites, Mion's got a nice rack
The original sprites may not be pretty, but they portray the emotion of the characters the best.
Leave right now. For your own good.
>spoiling him
Let me turn around so you can hit the front lassy.
The voice patch is bad anyways since the PS2 version it's based on inexplicably changes who says what line at times, leading to things like Rena talking in Satoko's voice. Also, the delivery of the voice actors for everyone but Keiichi was pretty iffy compared to the anime, strangely enough.
Oh shit, nigger. I forgot that what I mentioned isn't revealed until episode 6 or 7.
They're distinctive and emotive. The other sprites are generic shit made to appeal to tasteless brainlets. Same goes for seacats.
the voice patch uses the ps3 voices
but includes the ps2 folder as well, for some reason
A man of good taste I see
>Rena talking in Satoko's voice
That'd be pretty hilarious
>Also, the delivery of the voice actors for everyone but Keiichi was pretty iffy compared to the anime, strangely enough.
I agree, I might be in the minority here but am I only the person who honestly couldn't stand Rena's laugh?
Drop my pants immediately regardless of if she has the cleaver in hand or not. Hopefully get hit in the balls multiple times at the least
Wait for the embrace of death from this girl
Go treasure hunting with her
To be fair, they do have lots of things in common. Heaven's Feel is basically a really poor attempt at doing what Tsumihoroboshi did that goes way too far in casting doubt on the main girl while glorifying everyone else just because the author thought he was being cute.
Also they're both made of worms
If you have a cute dick I'm sure she would cut it off and take it home
Fate came out before Higurashi episode 6, baka. Only the first three episodes precede Fate.
Yes, it's nothing new that Ryukishi loves to rip off Nasu. He basically ripped off the plot elements of HF wholesale in Tsumihoroboshi, but executed them in a way that didn't invite unscrupulous readers to shit on Rena like what happened to Sakura.
>Yes, it's nothing new that Ryukishi loves to rip off Nasu.
Virgilia vs Beatrice had a blatant reference to Lancer vs Archer, for example, and Higurashi frequently brings up Reality Marbles when Keiichi or Irie are rambling about fetishes.
The thing is, the supposed aversion to Sakura didn't last long.
Most people who didn't pay attention to Fate stuff on the Nippon side back then didn't realize that people actually liked Sakura, employees at TM as well.
Nasu just walked back on joking about his disappointment in her popularity as she consistently got higher and higher in the rankings, despite new characters coming in until soon he said "it's Sakura's time now" and now he barely ever jokes like that about her now.
It's pretty much a select few in the West at this point that hangs on the memes to try to rationalize their bias.
Also, Rena still gets typed with yandere memes, while that is changing for Sakura, especially with how Sudou has done good work with the HF movie.
Yes, Hinamizawa.
>btfo entire club alone
>shit talks culprit before death
>can fucking punch your head off if she wants to
>just wants to protect cute fun life and will do what she has to so her problems don't interfere
Best character, best girl.
Thanks for the pickles
I've only read Higurashi and Umineko. Is the one with Lancer vs Archer worth reading?
Kick her off the game board.
The first two routes of Fate/Stay Night are pretty much like generic shounen in visual novel form, but the final route Heaven's Feel is great if you liked Higurashi and Umineko. Tsukihime is another good visual novel by the same author.
WTC 5 when?
This reply is so deja vu it hurts
Nothing wrong