Imagine having THIS as your servant.
Imagine having THIS as your servant
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I'm chivalrous so I wouldn't let a girl dress like that.
What would a date with Mordred be like.
Can servants get pregnant? Asking for a friend.
I don't need a servant
chest too big
I'd rather have this jobber. I'm going to lose in any holy grail war I'm in anyway, so I might as well have fun with the easiest servant.
Imagine dressing your son like that.
I love Mordred's design but meh
Having beers with Medusa while reading good books together sounds like it would be absolute heaven.
>Female servant
Kys faggot
What use is a servant that can't even dress herself?
>reading books together
You don't read together, tard. Book clubs discuss books after reading them. Reading anything meaningful will take way too much time, longer than it would take for your dumb ass to get assassinated in the grail war.
It's not canon
Disgusting slut. I want a pure servant with glasses, a delicious flat chest and poor personal hygiene.
I'd rather have Astolfo as my servant, no, my friend.
>come back from work
>see this
What do?
mana transfer time
Cook her proper meal. You can't live on a jerky. Then take her to the gym and lift or spar with her. Or play vidya together. I don't know her hobbies.
Tell her to throw me a fucking beer.
ask if there's more beer
But I don't want a servant, I want to be the servant.
I disagree.
police, there's someone in my house
>Those udders
Mossan stole Rhon from her daddy, didn't she?
Stop user, balanced diet is important. I'm going to adopt you too and feed you both home cooked meals.
Girls are supposed to be dressed up at home and not be alchoholics, I bought you some nice cute dress though.
Order a pizza and then ask for a beer.
It would be ok for a while but I'm still a catfag.
with astolfo you will lose the war and not fuck a cute girl , what's the point?
instead choose this saber
She's just as shit as Astolfo though.
No such thing.
In general - no, they aren't people, they're spirits.
But i wouldn't risk it with FS/N Seiba, she's a time displaced mortal.
Moedred is tiny, retard. Once you start "tweaking" her to match your fetishes - it's no longer the original character.
If she looked like that I'd fuck her and then try to use ancient forbidden magic to exchange her for an actually cool servant, like Babbage.
nah she s a glass canon but she can beat cu
>Nothing against Gay Buldge
It would be them killing each other at best.
Yeah but she can't beat Gil. Or Herc. Medea and Assassin perhaps.
Tell myself I need to stop drinking then sit down have a beer with her
well to use gae bolg he has to put himself in stance and charge mana which he wouldn tt have the time to do against okita
True she cant beat gil but few servants can. Same with herc but she may be able to run away
Nice try, bub.
We all know Mordred is only B rank.
Its instant, unless you gonna claim that in FGO specifically they altered it. It may look like its not instant in FSN anime but thats because he just wanted to talk to Seiba before finishing her off for good.
Running away doesn't win a grail war, user.
dear god I hate what FATE has become
ok then how come he couldn t kill gil in the fate route? Because gil kept preventing him for getting into position to use it. In fgo semiramis can instantly use hanging gardens even though it takes days of preparation in lore. It s not a reliable source
Proof he never got to use it?
Oh great, I draw an epic prostitute as a servant.
Can I reroll ? If not I'd like to withdraw.
Gil being alive?
That shit is broken and breaks causality, you need top tier instincts combined with very high luck to even turn instant ded into serious injury.
And Gil has more than enough hax to beat such a thing.
dumb gilposter
There is a reason why that fight was FULLY off scene you know. Really joggles your boggles
Get that shit out of there.
>this is the son (female) of king arthur (female)
because it would have been boring watching cu get destroyed for 6 hours
>6 hours
Nasu please, either Cu is divine and gets his ass handed to him with Chains of Heaven which are fast enough to appear and restrain Herc who creates afterimages when he fights or Gae Buldge is instant and Gil dies.
Fuck off Cu, you've been replaced
Go out and scout for any suspicious figures. I did not summon a servant and I'm not a participant in the Grail War, but there is still the chance of them abducting me and using me as a cheap mana source. And I won't allow that.
Seriously though, I'd just ask who is she. If she won't do anything I'd just leave her be and cook something - for myself, but also, for her.
There once was a king of England without a penis. He didn't let anyone know that he had no penis except his best friend Merlin. Merlin decided to give his king a magical dick so the king could finally fuck his wife. But one night the king's sisters snuck into his room and noticed his 18 inch erection from under the covers. So while the king slept she jerked him off. She took the bottle full of magic sperm back to her house and put it inside of her with a turkey baster. Then she used magic to speed up the pregnancy and the child's aging so it could be fully grown in only a few years
That's how Mordred was born
>Gil dying to GB with his luck stat
I see we're dealing with a secondary here.
reminder that she lost to a weaker cu
Tit size chart?
Hows that luck stat working out for him when he deals with high school children?
You're not thinking big enough, user.
Could you just fuck your servant nonstop and excuse yourself from the war and keep your servant around after?
What do you think?
The strangest part of this situation is me having a job.
good lord that armpit, forgive me father for I have sinned
So how old is Mordred mentally?
gay bulge only instakills people with low luck
Only part of the anime that was even remotely good.
The art sucks
I love this doujin.
Is there anything that stops you from exploiting some loophole to live with your servant forever?
I don't know why some people have this as a fetish.
So how strong is altera in lore? And how does she treat her master(mana transfer)?
FGO Scathach is weaker than the actual Immortal Goddess of the dark side of the world.
Good way to convey how much sex they had. Same as timelaps with multiple shots at a clock show how much time passed.
Please stop lewding Nero and Artoria
Nothing wrong with girls having fun.
Eh when I look at an image like that I just think that they're collecting filled condoms over an unspecified period of time, as opposed to "we fucked 10 times in an hour" or whatever. The fact that they're still clothed supports my viewpoint of them being long-term collectors as well. Simply making them covered in cum is an easier way to convey mass sex.
>Simply making them covered in cum is an easier way to convey mass sex.
I guess condoms is the "clean" option and they also exhibit them as medals for how much sex they had.
Tell me there is a doujin with that pls
Sauce me up, senpai
Reroll. She's a bitch.
True form of Altera is absolutely bullshit. She defeated proto gods including Amaterasu. Amaterasu has power on the level of the sun and both Tamamo and Altera consider her weaker than proto Mars. Even her familiar is strong enough to beat most of top servants. Mana transfer shouldn't be too hard because she is super lonely and is going to love forever first person that doesn't treat her as a monster.