Detroit Metal City

Golden Boy
Seto No Hanayome (Wait till second ep to get the feel)

Are equal equally good at making you laugh, sadly never found anything that good again.

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Time to watch it then.

Sexy Commando

The golden boy manga was a train wreck wish I never new about it.
The anime takes all the best parts.

Ping Pong Club.

I'd rank this alongside those, but I might be the only one because for some reason they went back to generic action in the 3rd series.

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Top 3, definitely.

Yea it was really good for sure.

Cromartie high school is probably the most similar anime..

I used to love comedy anime and marathon different series. Here's a few good ones:

Seto no Hanayome
Great teacher onizuka
School rumble (Gets worse over time, s3 almost drops more and more comedy and it's just a shit school romance)
Yakitate Japan
Golden Boy
Inukami (Well, mostly for the first 2 eps and last few episodes)
Prison school

>Seto No Hanayome
someone should have told me it was mad repetitive. I couldn't go past 4 episodes. I feel bad that I cant make it to the terminator. maybe I try again with 1 episode a day