How many good shows do you need in a season to say it was a "good season"
3? 5?
I would say a season is good if there were 3 "must watch" shows. This was not a good season.
How many good shows do you need in a season to say it was a "good season"
Why do retards think that having an opinion requires that there be some form of quantification behind it?
>not living by quantifiable variables for every aspect of your life
Why do non-STEM retards think their illogical thought processes are worth stating?
Better question is how many years has it been since we had a good season?
Nothing will top 2010, or 11. So I don't really give a shit anymore.
Using integers as the rationale for your opinions is inherently illogical; it lacks merit, only serves as self-gratification and is in all senses a desperate cry for the validation of others.
I'll be sure to remember that next time I'm critiquing a restaurant on TripAdvisor. My followers simply must know that I'm not rating the restaurant a 1/5 because their bathroom looks like the test bed for America's nuclear bombs but because I desperately require their input on my drug induced typing frenzies.
>not 2006 - 2008
t. brainlet
Prove me wrong.
2 memorable ones that make me want to watch them really badly on a weekly basis. i dont care if a season has 20 "good shows". good shows dont have as much of an impact as exceptional ones. i take spring 2017 which had 2 exceptional shows in form of uchouten and tsuki ga kirei over shit like winter 2018, which didnt have a single memorable entry.
You didn't even read what was said. Using a numerical rating system as a representation of your established opinion is not even remotely the same as establishing an opinion based on numbers.
I didn't read what you said because it's not quantifiable.
It is quantifiable. What I said was 1 whole sentence, included 31 words, and had a total of 191 characters.
One 8/10 and two 7/10s.
Niggers can't read don't be stupid.
>actually typing this out
holy hell these are low standards
At least 10
This Uruagay nigger is trying to act like he knows his way around a textbook.
A good 6-7 solid shows. These last two Fall and Winter Seasons have absolutely spoiled me though. They've been truly great. With that being said, I think that this upcoming Spring Season is going to take a bit of a dive again. After all, after these past 2 Seasons, it's simply a hard act to follow.
If good means just good, not necessarily amazing, then I'd say 4 or 5.
This was a great season, probably better than any from the last two years.
I'm not gay.
>Owari no Seraph watcher
>not gay
yeah thats a pretty heavy exposé. user is not recovering from that any time soon.
Why are you so homophobic?
>a literal gay nigger
This is just the way the world works.
It depends.
I'd prefer having 2 really outstanding anime to watch every week instead of having 6-7 solid ones, but probably the latter is a better definition of a good season.
btw this season was shit