This manga is a realm of both (wo)manlets and fucking giants.
Made in Abyss
Rimender that Jiruo is Bondrewd
Belchero and Ozen must share hair tips.
>Torka was barely over 140cm tall
What did Lyza see in him?
Good food.
That's 4'7" in burger units, by the way.
>12 years old
>105 cm
What the fuck.
She not even looks 10 by the way.
Poor nutrition does that to people.
something to annihilate every night
something something, Srajo, something, something, predictions.
> Srajo has a necro fetish
> Srajo's artifact is a "plague" or "cure" that's similar to the effects of the Abyss
> Srajo's artifact is invisibility/phantasm which renders him undetectable and immune to damage for a period of time
> Srajo's artifact is a fuckton of crows
> Srajo's artifact synergises with Wakuna's artifact and when they do it basically obliterates shit
> Srajo's artifact is flight and gliding
> Srajo's artifact resurrects dead monsters
> Srajo's artifact is basically Cthulu insanity
> Srajo is friends with Wakuna
> Srajo's idea of the "plague" is Narehate's and hes about to basically gas the fuck out of the village.
> Srajo's idea of the "plague" is the desire everyone has to go into the Abyss
> Srajo isn't human
> Srajo doesn't speak but instead uses gestures to communicate
> Srajo is actually a chill researcher of the Abyss but everyone just thinks hes a strange and eldritch fuck.
> Srajo's coffin is actually a bookcase
> Srajo's coffin has his dead child inside and he's delusional.
This was most of the predictions, Sup Forumsnons made about Srajo, so go buckwild with a few more. I'll try and record every prediction possible.
Descending from the fifth layer does that to people's hair. The same thing happened to Prushka's.
Which means that Belchero must have been pretty fucking baddass in her younger days.
The mask isn’t just for show.
He became a Narehate at some point, and uses it to cover his beak.
Talking about giants.
Isn't that like actual midget territory at that point and not just manlet status?
Oh my my my my Nanachi, you truly were deserving of the blessing.
This manga is a realm of FLUFF.
>draw 7 years old girl
>call it 12
>draw 8 year old girl
>call it millennia old
nanachi is so smol
>The tip hurts when touched
Just walk around the Abyss looking for things to bend her over and fuck him on?
I am gonna LEWD this smol bun.
Why is Torka such a MANLET
she doesn't even wear a whistle though, and until "recently" only white whistles were allowed on the fifth layer. I'm guessing if anything other than similar design , she's just a fan of Ozen.
>10/10 design
>modest, elegant, slim, almost flat
>minor side character with almost no fanart
Life's not fair.
good job
How popular is the manga? Will we even get to Srajo?
Also, new chapter when?
Blame 4ChanX and/or Firefox.
>height chart with cm listed
That's fake though.
of course it's fake an user made it in a previous thread based on Jirou being the average japanese height.
Is it really fake? Orthians seem to be terribly short (maybe because they live close to the Abyss), just look at Praying Hands, those guys are most probably foreigners and they are huge
I always imagine bonedad's face looking like 20 years older jiruo
Huh? We've seen his face already
>not Kira Yoshikage
Japan doesn't exist, so Orth is probably Japan, and they're all short.
Tell me about Srajo, why does he wear the mask?
What's a good height for 12-13 year old boys/girls? Riko and crew are barely 3'10".
>Lyza is 5'1" and Torka is 4'8"
he's shy
v i s u a l i z e
at the age of 12 girls and boys don't really have that much height difference, it's around 14 that boys begin to grow taller than girls. Also at around 12 the average is around 150-155 so about 5 feet tall. Yea Orth is full of midgets
do you think srajo will be a man of imposing stature ?
Isn't Bondrewd's tallest Praying Hand taller than even Ozen? And Ozen's 7'6".
~4'6" or 135-140cm for short girls. So they're shorter than even that.
Lyza is smack dab in the bottom 10 percentile for height ranges of girls.
Torka is outright a dwarf.
plot twist: he was a cute girl all along
>Torka is outright a dwarf.
Maybe he just haven't fully grow up yet? he looks 14-15
Imagine being 15 and nailing one of the most well known white whistles.
She looks like an Atelier character.
it could be sucks though, i mean..
>imagine being 12 and banging the strongest woman in the world
What went wrong?
>just look at Praying Hands, those guys are most probably foreigners and they are huge
Nah m8, they're black whistles, and you can't get whistles without being a guild member so probably they're Orth citizens as well
nothing, fighting every once in a while isn't bad
Manhandling her tiny body...
>Every 2,000 years a 'ring' of the inner island collapses down into the Abyss
Well that's not exactly terrible, bad for Orth but they knew the risks.
>Every 2,000 years the Forcefield grows another layer
And considering how high up it's gotten the next layer will probably cover the entire planet. We're fucked.
No idea how all of this factors into the birthday curse or why the forcefield interacts so strangely with humans and their desires. Hopefully the reveal at the end isn't a big spaceship.
I don't think this scenario means the 1st layer curse will cover the surface of the planet. I asume it would just mean that Orth will be the 1st layer and every other current layer moves deeper one layer.
Also whatever happens it kills most of the stuff inside the abyss as well, there was a sentence regarding the giant plants on the 4th layer that they wither away every 2000 years. Also this event is probably responsible for the fossilization of the trees as well somehow.
No such thing you fucking moron. Kill yourself.
Bondrewd is a wanted criminal on all continents and is still being funded by them. Bon told the goverment of Orth to fuck off, while selling autism tier relic on the black market and they still fund him. Do you seriously think buying some black whistles illegaly to make his PR look less suspicious would be a challenge for him?
What are the chances of getting the chapter on the 30th?
He hasn't even started streaming it yet.
W-what are you t-talking about?! Ozen is the best! I love O-ozen!
Get comfy hombre.
Well he never did stream spoilers, if we are optimistic we can assume that the next chapter is full of those.
>chances of getting the chapter on the 30th
Haha! Did you heard that Miura-kun? Maybe I should change my arstyle as well?
He wants the two-page spread of eyeless Riko to be a shock, good on him.
i mean his black whistles are very competent, like y'know, actual black whistles. and unlike fake whistles like mark they actually got sent out on expeditions to do some complex missions
>What's the matter, Miura?
>My anime adaption is skipping the naked moth girl
>I got you senpai
>competent, like y'know, actual black whistles
You might have a point there, but considering the connection Bon has, I wouldn't be suprised if they were just some foreign top tier mercenaries or criminals, that got mindfucked
Who did it better?
Fortunately, MiA is full of lolis and shotas, so Tsukushi's art would never change.
It all makes sense, now.
>fake whistles like mark
I'd say surviving as Ozen's personal sex toy is a pretty complex mission
her belly button is GROSS
probably a combination of both, but I can also see the possibility that some black whistles willingly followed him down, not only because of their religious devotion to hierarchy but it must be also a sort of honor for them to serve a white whistle that actually produces results.
It's an outie so it'll fit perfectly into Reg's navel when they're lying together in bed.
Lolis are fine... but when will we see Narehate Lyza?
>he doesn't want navel docking
She'd have to sacrifice Riko for that.
You forgot:
>when they fuck Srajo is on top
Tsukushi draws children - rectangular body and stick legs.
Miura draws young women - curvy body with rounded hips and thighs.
Meh, I'm sure Riko would oblige
i miss shota puck, why didn't miura draw him like that anymore?
Will Riko destroy Reg's dick when she'll start ovulating?
Riko is fluffsexual, she loves Reg as nothing more than her precious artifact.
Doesn't change the fact she may play with her doggy
>Heeey Reg~ I've got an itch, y'know? And I can't really do anything with this busted hand of mine... aren't you going to take responsibility~?
Too bad Riko is tied to the Abyss and probably has less than a month to live.
it's lyza and torka over again
>less than a month
d-delet this
It's flipped this time, however. Now Riko has the dumb face and is the weak one with delicious cooking while Reg is the strong, handsome and protective one.
>please like me just because I'm tall!
This is why you're still a virgin and living in your mom's basement, user..
You just know it's going to come down to them having to do something that deactivates the Curse in Orth while simultaneously cutting off Riko's life support.
deactivating the force field is not entirely a good thing. It's the only thing gives light down there and probably the only force that's keeping the geothermal gradient at bay. If I remember correctly it's something like 25 celsium degrees increase with every kilometer. So if the bottom is really at 20km deep and they were to turn of the force field they would die either way from the heat. Assuming Tsukushi knows about this at all.
Don't say unnecessary things, Ozen
>There is a nonzero chance that she is the oldest character in the entire cast, perhaps by far
You guys said we would have new chapter on 10th :///
They could just use spears made of compressed children and make a hole in force field.
Where should S2 end, assuming we don't get a good 'break' point in the next 5 chapters or so.
>Descent into Layer 6
>Pic related
>Riko haggling her limbs/organs cliffhanger
perhaps something that's yet to happen in the next chapter. Or if anything your pic related the separation and the falling nametags would be good.