>Index III confirmed for 2018
But who will sing the OP?
>Index III confirmed for 2018
But who will sing the OP?
Kamikoto is good for the heart
Kamikuro is better for the heart
Not really.
Kanzaki causes blood clots
Perhaps you're right. Kamikuro may be far too sweet for any normal heart to handle well.
You're trying too hard.
I don't think you're trying at all. Do you even care about Raildex?
Yeah I care about Raildex and not about some forced meme that a few kids found funny
Though it may seem odd to you there are plenty of people who want to see some sort of Kamikuro ending without it being a meme.
Sometimes we just have to accept that the world is imperfect and these flaws exist.
Honestly, poor taste is worse than having no sense of humor.
Fall season is going to be such an entertaining clusterfuck.
Then why are you whining about it if you accept it?
Kurosaki Maon and KOTOKO with an insert song by Ali Project.
Who will do the OP
>Ali Project
Please no
You know you want it, baby.
I'd rather have you-know-who come back, but I already accept she ain't coming back.
Would Konomin doing an Index song work, though?
>Kamikotofags THIS threatened by a joke that most everyone that doesn't participate in either it or Kamikoto dumb
Fripside, this time featuring Robert Fripp and Toyah Wilcox as well?
Each arc has a unique OP sung by the main heroine of their respective arc like in Monogatari.
Me perhaps
>new logo is literally a lazily photoshopped III with a piss stain color that doesn't even conform to the standard look of the toaru majutsu no index logos
I love saten!! I FUCKING LOVE HER!!!
nitpick harder, faggot
it's airing this year and there is nothing you can do about it
Look at the logo, man, they clearly don't give a shit. No PV, no key visual, an even shittier logo. Airing on 2018 and forced to compete with heavy hitters? Raildex is DED on the water even it aired.
New Logo is all white with three (III) roman numeral in gold
I see this new logo twice's in BluRay boxes and
coming soon in English
Los Angeles, LA!
I almost lost hope again, like it really was a mass hallucination
>Left = Fake
>Right = Original
Studio: 8-bit
Would Raildex have been better if it showed tits and stuff?
*clicks tongue*
>What is atoning with your life
It's fair to blame the scientists and Aleister, but at the end of the day only one person pulled the trigger and had power to say no: Accelerator. Continuing to live is not how a mass murderer makes up for their sins. He knows he's going to hell, he knows he can't pin the responsibility on someone else.
Every show is better with tits. No exceptions.
Even if it's 4 manly men trapped on an island, one of them needs to grow tits.
Especially Mikoto's tits
Pretty underwhelming.
what's underwhelming
Her boobies, at least in comparison to most of the other Raildex girls.
no way fag
I'm just saying that if we're going by breast size she's on the lower end of the scale.
it doesn't matter tho
How would Accelerator dying help anyone, let alone solve anything? By remaining alive he still has a chance of changing and helping people despite the all the horrific things he's done.
>PV in July (like we’ve been saying)
>2018 confirmed
>shitposters suddenly quiet as fuck
Kek, they must be really mad. They spent half of last thread fishing for (You)s and couldn’t get anything, and then they get BTFO within a few hours.
Oh wait, let me translate that into something they’d understand: OH NO NO NO DENIALBROS IT ISNT FAIR!
Whatever nerd, Mikoto's tits are small and that's that.
>has to use Railgun to bait & switch people to cheer for this Index trash
This is why OP, and these threads will always be shit
Guess what retard, if Index 3 doesn't succeed you're not getting Railgun 3.
Fuck off, mobilecunt.
I'm not mobileposter, moron.
You faggots tried to get a rise out of us for fucking hours last night and I’m the try hard for calling you out for being a dumbass? Nah, I think you’re just a salty bitch. Get fucked.
>literally shaking
>seething shitposter
You seem quite upset
I didn't try anything you retard. I just pointed out that you're getting obnoxious about shaming people that don't matter.
Looks like its working then seeing how you're spazzing out.
I have to say, I was really proud of you fags last night for largely ignoring the shitposters. When you took out the spam, it was actually a pretty good thread.
where was last night's thread ? I couldn't find any thread for 2 days now.
Atoning with your life is only meaningful if your death leads to more positive results than you'd achieve by remaining alive.
Accelerator is doing more for the Sisters as a living breathing human being than he'd be able to do as a corpse.
It was an Ingun thread.
damn I searched every combination I could think of expect for that and it's usually the second think I search for.
>one single smug post
>getting obnoxious
Uh huh. And I was pointing out how obnoxious they were being, so by your logic you’re doing the same thing as I am.
>”kek denialfags BTFO again, they must be mad as fuck that their spam tactics backfired”
>spazzing out
Hah, ok.
Trips confirm
Not him, but it was one post dude. Chill out
>Guess what retard, if people didn't like Index, Railgun wouldn't have done as well as it did!
Wrong. Railgun is probably *the* only good thing that came out of that whole franchise. Index is garbage, that's why you're forced to bait & switch morons with Railgun to post on your shit Index threads. There's nothing about Index anyone likes, deal with it
I mean, it was a picture of Touma. I’m surprised that you didn’t just see it
Yea, nobody likes Index! We only trended worldwide twice when season 3 was announced!
So Index is going to air along side SAO? Interesting.
>it’s a “Railgun is totally separate from Index guys” episode
Apparently, although it wouldn't be the first time Index aired along side a major anime.
Yea, I expected SAO to air in the summer honestly. But as other anons pointed out last thread, stuff like this has happened before and sales shouldn’t be effected too bad I think
>Railgun MC will only get about 3 seconds of screen time
Why do you keep calling it "Raildex", you pitiful bait & switch faggot? You suck as much cock as Index and Accelerator
>It's a "Everyone loves Index as much as Railgun, I swear!" episode
Did this guy have a stroke?
He's gotten so angry about people liking things that he doesn't that he's genuinely dying as we speak.
>off by one
At this rate you're gonna have a track record worse than Kakineanon.
>unironically complaining about "raildex"
Did I go back in time to 2009?
He called it Index? And our threads are Raildex because we talk about Index and Railgun here. Really it should be A Certain Magical Astral Idol RailRoad to KamachiLand at this point though
>Stop rubbing my face on the truth like when one rubs a dog's face when they shit on the carpet!
>off by one
It's time.
Off by ones are potent though. Plus KamiKuro has quite a few quints and a couple of sex’s anyway
Maybe Saru Locke is making a comeback because of the news?
Not denying that, but lately there's a been a lot of Kamikuro posts that have missed digits by the slightest of margins and it blueballs me every time.
I mean, you bitched at a guy for saying Raildex when he said Index. It sounds like you have problems my dude, you should get checked out
I’ll try harder senpai
Okay ganbaru.
I want to punch Uiharu’s cheeks
pinch, I meant pinch! God damn it
All praise based Othinus
Why? She sucks/
Kakine a cute!
Too late faggot, you're getting the buckshot.
Iruka is the true cuteness
Uiharu isn’t cute enough to warrant unnecessary protection. She’s like the 75% discount Saiai.