Starting in 30 minutes
Fate/Extra Last Encore
W-why the livestream for this is ded..?
is this a type/moon reference
Fuck off back there.
someones VA sounds familiar
Instresting start.
>Blushing Nero
>mini emperor
>Height/Weight: 150cm
Hakunon and Nero literally took up half the episode with their flashbacks fuck 5/10. We didn't need them.
Great sakuga
the netflix subs name Hakunon as "Kishinami Hakuno"(岸浪 白野) with the same "Name"(浪 instead of the old 波) kanji as our Dead Face Hakuno
i was late on 5 minutes, but overall i like this episode, it was unique and interesting like always.
I missed it
Yeah the fight was pretty neat, not some groundbreaking, but i liked it.
Nasu should have just animated the Sound Drama at this point, this shit has been boring with the exceptions of like 3 episodes.
I love how Nasu got royalty fucked by Shaft
So what did Rin and Rani talked about in the end?
Finally, no more NIKUI. Finally someone slapped something else in Hakuno.
God, I waited for this moment. Every scene with Hakuno was much more entertaining after that. That last fight with Julius was fine too. Though Julius' last words about him hating everything again, hopefully that doesn't happen.
Next episode is the last one?
no, but technically the last one on it's normal air time.
Probably something related to next episode. One of them or both is gonna be the opponent in the next round.
For the billionth time, no. The timeslot will be taken by another show, but LE still continues.
So it flopped that much that the network decided to give the slot to something else?
They have been alive for a 1000 years. They have some goal, at least. That goal seems to be getting a proper Master to 6th floor, but we don't know why.
Alright, Anons compare this episode to the rest of them so far.
No, they aired late so SAO is taking the slot for the new spring season
No, it just started too late. The bought the timeslot for winter. Before LE started, they just aired Carnival Phantasm to fill time, I think. Seasons change, LE didn't buy the timeslot for spring.
Where is Zabiko?
Better than episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8. Lesser or equal to 7.
gone, keked to death
That their mission of sending a proper master to the 6th floor is over.
And that the 6th floor master would welcome Hakuno and Nero, even though that floor is like hell.
Rin decides in the end to follow Hakuno and Nero with the excuse that it would be bad if they commit suicide. And Rani gets deleted.
Just wanted to tell you all that I'm really enjoying LE.
I'm glad that you enjoyed this shitshow user
Fuck off back to your shithole.
LE is pleb filter
Me too, user.
but he said he was watching LE, not DBS
But more people on /fgo/ watch LE than on Sup Forums
Yeah me too.
they don't watch it, they just shitpost, i cheked just now.
I think the NIKUI and Deadface was a huge mistake, too forced to make things "interesting". The development of the protag in the game was simplistic, but at least they could've gone in-depth if they stuck with that. All the Rin vs Leo politics are gone too, they're probably gonna be hamfisted into his 2 episodes.
very good
But 99% of /vg/ is absolute cancer.
all the cancer on /vg/ is just DBS and OPM cancer from Sup Forums in the first place
/fgo/ are good people.
What do you think of this dork?
>/fgog/ are good people.
Are you retarded
Who are also Sup Forums crossboarders, who are attracted in droves by shitty mobage.
No. I know because I've been there on and off for over 2 years. It's an irredeemable shithole just like their game.
I like her legs.
You can easy filter cancer. Sup Forums is full of 2014+ newfags, Sup Forums and discord too
>muh fgo falseflagger
just ignore him
Me too. It's pretty great, I hope the ending will not disappoint.
>spend your time on a shitpost-filled general that mostly discusses a shitty game you don't enjoy for a franchise that has only gone downhill
I can't fathom anyone spending time there without enjoying shitposting. At least there's /tmg/ now for a much better alternative.
>/tmg/ now for a much better alternative
Dead general with people who post FANFICTION and secondaries like you?
Best looking Fate girl
Also one of best characters
In truth she's simply great
It's slow, the price you pay for not relying on shitposting to stay alive.
I never saw any fanfics posted besides that short Tsukihime one that's been beloved by literally everyone for years.
I'm certainly less of a secondary than you, faggot.
The cutest
How was the episode ? end up missing it
>I'm certainly less of a secondary
What's happened in SvsS? Or Case Files v5?
garbage and with quality
Last episode had decent animation, what happened ?
It's fun. Nero's flashback was very stylish.
Very bad. Can't understand anything. No epic fights like in UBW
The budget was cut a long time ago, execs have written off the series as a failure.
That's not how it works.
Look cool guess I will wait for subs instead of watching raws since kooritsukai only took 1 day last week
not like animation was good in episode one user that doesn't make much sense unless they did written it off as failure before it was even released
No clue about DDD other than some people don't like vol 2.
Case Files v5 is about Zepia helping Waver and Gray do a pseudo-rayshift with some Mystic Code from Atlas, that's related to Gray's origin story as an attempt to ressurect Arthur and Siry Kay. Why wouldn't you ask about vol 6, since it's more recent?
Either way, if you actually know Japanese and aren't just randomly asking about untranslated shit, understand that you are in the 0.1% of that shithole's population.
I'm enjoying until but still afraid of what they will do
Hey be glad no more extra anime that Nasu will butcher for the next decade thanks to this bomba
They fucked up by going with such low budget and low episode count, I really want a CCC anime since we might never get a translation.
yurishit dude. Nero love Hakunon. Hakunon is dead. Muh"Quality".
Shaft is garbage, most terrible studio
>CCC anime
Would be worse than DEEN/Stay Night.
You think CCC style doesn't translate well to anime ?
Really ? I thought I would se more happy yurifags if that happened kinda curious now will probably watch raw.
Oh damn this episode was kino with the doll show part. Why are you people so angry that you can´t enjoy good shows?
I know the fucking circle for you guys:
Subbed one week later = IS SOOO GOOD
> I thought I would se more happy yurifags
cuz, Hakunon is fucking dead.
> Hakunon was a NPC, which explains NR scenes
> Hakunon didnt have a wish until later on, which explains Julius scenes
> first scene of last episode hadnt happened yet
> anti """""""""speculation"""""""" faggot BTFO
/u/fags are a boogeyman
Alice arc was good, everything else was from bad to decent enough.
>re-using an animation style for backstories from Monogatari just like they did with Madoka is somehow amazing
Oh, you're just a retarded crossboarder.
I'd burn Rome to make this girl happy.
>Saber, what are we going to do on the bed?
>re-using an animation style for backstories from Monogatari
Look at this newfag. Holy shit. This is state of Sup Forums
When did they use that before Shinobu's backstory in SS and her OPs, senpai? I sincerely don't remember them in Zetsubou Sensei or any older SHAFT show.
>Hakunon was a NPC, which explains NR scenes
Hakunon didn't meet NR.
Do we know if Hakuno male with Suzuka was a memory from deadface or it was really a male Hakuno ? were Hakuno and Hakunon different people on LE ?
Pretty good like always.
What makes you think that?
Wasnt it said last week that male Hakuno didnt exist before Nikuiman?