>hime cut
>long black hair
>gambling bitch
>big tits
>black pantyhose
a miracle of the universe
>hime cut
>long black hair
>gambling bitch
>big tits
>black pantyhose
a miracle of the universe
Other urls found in this thread:
Not good
I'm a simple man. I see a black himecut, I click.
Suzui is so lucky
>doesn’t want angry sex from blonde childhood friend
Kaede? More like Cakede
Suzui got cucked by glass chad
She's absolutely delicious, OP.
When is season 2 again?
You mean MANyuda.
This ain't my girl Mary
this shot made my dick explode
Get this uggo out of the way.
>fkmt cut
>smooth white hair
>gambling psycho
>big nose
>can beat kenshiro
Just an ordinary JK here.
You're right, she's not Mary; Yumeko's BETTER than Mary. You just have shit taste.
>all those red flags
This little bitch is best girl.
>this shit taste
kys senpai
Is there any doujin with that artstyle?
>hime cut
>long black hair
>gambling bitch
>big tits
>black pantyhose
You forgot she's bi/lesbian too, now she's a perfect miracle of the universe.
Das it mane.jpg
Thats not Yumemei
This post has sealed your death.
I'm in love
Bds when? They're all out in Japan, subs soon I hope.
I don't think she's a lesbian senpai. Bisexual for sure.
She's gamblesexual
>moe Yumeko
I wonder how she'd do in a CGDCT anime.
Yeah pretty much. It reminds me of Dead Tube.
I want her to fly into a gambling induced frenzy and rape me
Good design wasted on shit show.
Literally girlycard that gambles instead of hunting vampires.
But that’s not Midari though
Let me guess; she's not the main girl.
She's the protagonist
you are guessing wrong
Picked up.
>gambling mary sue
>boring bishonen shit
She is, and the japanese still prefer the twintailed tsundere, as do I.
Miracle of the universe indeed
>president is n°2
Wow great shit taste japan
Hiryuu subs when
holy shit Japan has terrible taste
The plot is centered around her being a dominating force. She doesn't overcentralize the storyline but is more of a catalyst for other characters' development. So no, she's not a mary sue.
Nips have shit taste. It is known.
but it's a gambling anime and she wins almost every time without breaking a sweat. The only time she loses it has litteraly no long term consequences and it all fits in her bigger keikaku.
>vice pres and sayaka over yumeko
What the fuck man?
see , , and
That still doesn't make her a mary sue.
>except they never actually mean life or death... except for that crazy fuckup Midari
you will never be a studnet at Hyakkaou
Kaede? More like KAERE
>lol I'm betting my nails bro, truly my life will be ruined if I lose
Pull out all your fingernails, if you're so great.
If you have balls you bet your fingers
Why not the balls themselves?
We're getting somewhere
>you will never bet your balls to Yumeko
>you will never lose
>she will never proceed to collect her winnings by milking them dry
How many partners do you think Yumeko needs when she finally reaches her limit and has to work off the sexual thrill of a high stakes gamble? I'm guessing 4-5, minimum.
Agreed, I would say around 3 men and at least 2 women
won't be missed namefag shitter
I'm actually impressed how little amount of doujinshi this show produced. It's about gambling and bets between various good looking girls and there is only a few decent enough H-doujin.
Does it feature dark-skinned men?
>two characters that literally say nothing ranked over Yumeko
I cannot forgive you, Japan.
What was the supposed reason on here that she hasn't gotten many H-/doujins again? Pretty sure there's been speculation about this before.
Name three honest to god slut-type characters who got popular with doujin circles. You were born too early for this.
How is Yumeko a slut-type character?
yes please
There you go, doujin plot written, courtesy of Devil Trips.
>A blonde dyke takes the polls
Nips finally got it right
why would you want that, you would probably lose a bet on your first day and end the slave of some bitch like Mary
Like the girl from Flying Witch
>sexier Flying Witch
The typical set-up would be Yumeko losing a gamble and being broken? It just doesn't have the right feel.
>you will never be a beautiful lesbian schoolgirl at Hyakkaou
It's actually the final page of a doujin.
she could win a gamble to take someone's virginity
It's mostly women probably 4 women and 3 guys.
It's such a shame the story itself is so shitty and boring. The character designs are delicious.
literally why the fuck would you ever want that
only way it would be even slightly beneficial to you is if you are a shitty anime MC with a magical power to win "fair" 1-in-10 rolls every time and have infinite money like Yumeko
Yumeko is a filthy fucking whore with a gambling fetish.
Ah yes, being a plot device is much better than being a Mary Sue.
>hime cut
>long black hair
>black pantyhose
Literally the best
There is nothing whorish about having a fetish.
Problem with that setup, and Kakegurui doujins in general, is that Yumeko genuinely appears to 1) have no interest in anything but gambling, 2) is not aroused by anything except gambling, 3) is legitimately insane to the point that she wouldn't even care if she was enslaved or killed, and 4) is generally just way too autistic to function as a character.
The few Kakegurui doujins I have seen focused on Mary instead and had Yumeko only as a side character. Mary is normal enough that you can do the usual femdom and mindbreak shit with her without the character herself sabotaging her own porn.
>piss drinking
>nose hook
I'll have to pass on that one, I'm afraid.
But there is if you engage in it with everyone.
Yumeko is just going through the school masturbating constantly, 24/7. She is very, very clearly sexually aroused by gambling, and she gambles constantly, compulsively, and with everyone she sees. If somebody doesn't gamble with her, she loses interest immediately. She only thinks about her next orgasm. She is an extremely slutty character, one of the sluttiest ever oustide actual porn.
>get a full boddy tattoo
Boner instantly lost.
let's gamble
Masturbation is inherently non-whorish. She isn't jacking anyone off. She's just masturbating. Nothing about that behavior is whorish. It might be a bit slutty, but not whorish. And there are plenty of popular anime sluts. So I don't buy that reasoning
Is Manyuda Blanco going to NTR Suzui?
is the new chapter out ?
>Debut at a brother before stripclubs