>Minori Chihara """singing"""
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i think its a great series the author and the execution of this story tries its hardest to make me cry
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I stopped watching in the middle of episode 8 because it was so cringy. Should I soldier on?
Yes. The last 2 episodes were great.
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The last two episodes have been pretty good. Sadly it can't make up for the poor start, though.
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Great animation. Lovely little stories. Shit Minori song and singing.
>Aaaaanata nooo koe gaaaaaa
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>I found you! Faker!
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So how old is the bitch?
Even from a far the soldiers commented that she was a child. She looked as old as the fat bitch she gave the letter to
What the fuck
Sick fuck wanted to be reborn his waifus child.
Is this some sick Japanese crap I just dont get?
Fuck you, Yasashii boukyaku was great.
>Minori Chihara
I love Kyoukai no Kanata's OP, I don't care.
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Alright, calm the fuck down Saber. Put down the sword.
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Fucking neck yourself SEAnigger.
*teleports behind you*
nothing personnel kid
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good luck hitting me with a sword, faggot clone!
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I can't help but laugh when they pull out the naruto run.