Why did Sebas just decapitate her instead of turning her head into a red mist? Was it because of his whiteknight side or does he plan to do anything with the body?
Is Ainz really that broke?
Is NW's currency even worth it to maintain Nazarick?
What is the value of NW's money if you convert it to YGGDRASIL money?
Sadly, sex isn't really on the minds of anyone but Albedo, and she is Ainz-sexual, so it looks like the only exposure this dead woman is getting will be in future doujins (if any).
She was hyped as a genius with the equivalent of several brains that can perform different actions simultaneously.
What a waste.
In the LN is was way more funnier.
Well,money goes down like water in Ainz hands. Especially when creating a nation. That's why they invade and raid everything in their sight.
After v11,his money problems are over. And Demi in v12 made them even more wealthier
>Do you really think some game nerds that just ended up in a NW can know how to properly fight a life and death battle
According to this logic, Ainz should have been killed by Shalltear in volume 3 already.
>they probably strangle you with their numbers
The hypothesis here is 50 players come at once.
The only one in the whole nation that has that ability. At least her body will be put into good use for Nazarick as food
>If Nazarick could kill more than a 1000players in a game,they sure can kill a puny 50 if they have enough time and resources to prepare themselves.
They only managed to do it thank to the trap mechanisms in the tomb, no way they can bring them out.
Reminder that Succulent's level is higher than Gazef. He is already a hero.
>According to Maruyama, Succulent is a level 30 with 15 in Warrior classes and 15 in Magic classes. He fights by combining swordplay with illusion spells. Due to this twin specialization, he is actually below Climb in terms of fighting power and was the weakest of the Six Arms.
Shalltear was on standby mood. Plus she is new to the whole thing. Ainz even mention in v11 that if Shalltear had learn a little more in tactics he would had run away without a second though during that battle.
I though it was because of Ainz WCI and the floor guardian trap skill after dying as a martyr.
>maxed level vocation
>still weak as fuck
I doubt it.
The key here is "if she can learn". She can't. Like the maids can't learn to cook.
Yes. That too.
So, season 2 of the anime is way farther the manga? Holy shit didn’t know this
It's not Monday yet!
He's still a gentleman that's why.
Plz niggers, he can mine quarter of a planet with skellies and throw it in Exchange box. Then he can found Space Nazarick and exploit even richer asteroids.
You will never get a kiss from Landfall-sama!
>She can't.
She can.
>Like the maids can't learn to cook.
That's a job\skill limitation. NPC can learn to better apply skills they ALREADY own, Ainz is just hesitant to teach them PvP since it's his only edge against them.
It's because they had 41 guildies defending at the time. Including Ulbert and Touch Me.
OOO i fucking, love pics like these. lOVE SEEING HOW THE NPC'S WOULD REACT TO A HUMAN AINZ. You got any fics?
Except there's nothing worthwhile to dig up in the New World.
>level is higher
>loses to Climb
That's why you don't multiclass like a faggot.
Not my thing, those pic probably involve IRL and I fics about IRL is cancer.
All 6 Arm members are adamantite rank.
Succulent is a bad build though.
Threadly reminder to read the LN folks. Its good.
> throw it in Exchange box
>undead labor is maintenance-free
Can you at least think a bit before you post? Planet has ore veins and even simple rock yield some money. Ainz is about to implement CROP ROTATION to mass-feed exchange box with wheat.
>Its good.
RTW is better.
Imagine hugging Lupu
If I wanted to hug a disappointment - I'd hug myself.
When will Renner team up with Demi to make his breeding farm more efficient?
Even Lupu gets forgiven user.
He rather farm. Massively mining will only deplete the earth resources.
But I can't forgive myself.
>That's why you don't multiclass like a faggot.
>Who is Shalltear?
Who would want a kiss from a mosquito?
it's Nation Breaker in YP
When you saw one of the acclaimed Six Fingers getting beaten by a kid with reportedly no fucking talent, you knew the whole organization was a complete joke and waste of time
Vampire with holy attribute.
I am not even sure the guild members actually fought in that more directly. More like the invaders halted in the 8th floor while AOG members gather in the 10th floor to make their last stand.
it it is cute why not?
She can learn. She learns a bit during volume 10.
You bet they did. It's said that every NPC and Player died at least once.
Who knows. Ainz believe there is. And there might be deeper underground. The world is one big unexplored world anyway. He might find metal that are not from YSSDRASIL
It basically caught up and went ahead by like a volume and a half.
He build just lacks a few additional job levels to make it work.
Same meaning. Nation breaker is more like a title use to address someone famous while Landfall sound like a name which is not even her true name.
this. heres how i think about it
>AOG players can respawn right back at their base if they die
>invaders can't
That means AOG should launch guerilla tactics around their NPCs to take down enemies. Heres how I would see it going.
>41 AOG members attack the invaders flanks
>immediately focus down a few enemies with burst damage from 41 people
>enemy moves more forces to intercept them
>they retreat and lead enemies into traps killing more
>use their rings to TP away if things get to hairy
rinse and repeat, taking a few of them with you every time. even if a few AOG members die, they can just respawn at base and rejoin the guerilla force. And the AOG members can come at them pretty much any way they like because of the rings.
That's a pretty weird concept desu. If humans can all learn to cook, surely the maids can. I get if they can't learn by themselves but anyone with cook levels should be able to train them imo. Also level up their cook levels ought to be possible, since it was said that food with buff was a thing.
Players died? When was that ever mention?
>even if a few AOG members die, they can just respawn at base and rejoin the guerilla force
Except you drop you items when you die. No one would risk loosing their precious items for this shitty tactic.
Problem is their level set in job. Which mean the no longer has any level left to learn new jobs.
How many episodes are ahead of the manga’s story?
This just remind me. It's possible the NPC's has never witness with their own eyes any of the guild members dying in battle nor ever saw them lose in a battle.
AOG is rich as fuck, they have multiple sets of gear. They don't necessarily have to go in with their top tier shit, they can use lesser shit and still be able to take down some enemies due to force concentration and leading enemies into traps, etc.
Let's not talk about the manga. Anime has already past the manga by 4-5episode. Drawing is crap and looking at their current pace,it will take years to even catch up to LN.
So? Just because something works and more than breaks even doesn't mean it's efficient enough to reach various lofty standards. What he considers low-level ore is so amazing it's completely unheard of among the most mining-savvy race in this world. Odds are he could shovel whole mountains of NW ore into his shredder and only get pennies compared to his potential needs.
Several thousand gold is an unbelievable sum of money to NW people, more than a person could earn in a lifetime. Resurrecting Shalltear cost a BILLION such gold coins. That's hundreds of thousands of life incomes. If he didn't have to burn that money bringing back Shalltear he could probably BUY E-Rantel several times over.
In the end Ainz is stuck maintaining a top-level end-game guild based on farming a few very low-level zones.
who is the most well behaved pleiades besides yuri-nee?
doggo is a lazy disobdiant sadist, rabbit is a complete retard with no self restraint, slimetits is a bitch who steals from the other's bathroom, robot picks on penguin and is spoiled, bug eats disgusting shit and talks with a rude girls voice.
I wonder just how much the invaders lost when they were defeated. AOG must have gotten rich. The invaders must be crying after that war
Why is Ainz doubting Sebas fighting capability in v11? After thinking over who he should choose to accompany to the dwarf kingdom,he rather went for someone else than him. Sebas and the maids are really cannon fodder station in the 9th floor to buy the members time to assamble.
I want a legit threat already, fuck all of you 'nothing happens' enablers so much wasted potential.
Some continent fully taken over by an insect player that went full genocide route and has about 100 billion insect children who are god kin averaging lv 50-90.
Ainz must face the mass invasion of the cockroach blitzkrieg and the fire locust airforce.
Orgasm in the next episode.
How awesome would it be if Ainz let the area guardians each rule a nation.
>I want Shalltear to create a vampire nation
The few things in the NW that could even give them pause are in favor of the waaaaaaaaiit and see approach.
And the author is definitely blueballing with teases of players who may still be alive
About Tsuare.
If Sebas and she really love each other,Ainz might need to start planning to give her a race change to preserve her lifespan. 20more years she would turn into a old hag.
I am rooting for angel or dragonoid race
I doubt Sebas cares about age. The more important thing may be to see if a mini buttler/maid can pop out
>100 billion lvl 1s
>100 billion null dmg
>cry of the banshee
>100 billion dead bugs
>nothing happens again
The regular maids are so regular. I had sometime more epic in mind when i heard the race Homunculus. They are immortals right? Author should have gave more information about this race. Like do they have regeneration power or night vision.
Negative aura is enough.
I have bad news and I have good news user. The bad news is that you're about to be viciously tortured. The good news is that you get to choose if it's Lupusregina or Clementine who does it.
Take your pick.
>All virgins are made into Shalltear's vampire brides
>Including a childhood friend of some moralfag
>The dude becomes a hero to rescue her and fight Shalltear
It could be a good spin-off.
>run out of mana
That's why endlessly spawning fodder are still a threat, in the prologue too touch me and his group were about to be overrun.
If it's to death I prefer Clementine, otherwise the dog.
The only way Ainz is going to vs a legit threat is if wild magic turns out to be op, or another guild comes over that's in the higher tier of guilds.
We dont really know much about wild magic, so it could be a interesting thing when Ainz finally meets the dragon lords.
and another guild coming over could happen in 100 years when the next players show up since they appear to show up every 100 years. Ainz conquers the world, rules for 100 years, then the new players come over who are human and are pissed that a skeleton is in charge so they declare war on him.
That's racials you mongol.
It wasn't I'm pulling your leg.
Takes the same amount of mana to take out one bug as it does to take out a million if they're all in AoE range.
And if they're weak enough passive shit like auras might kill them with no mana expenditure.
>spin-off consists of 26 episodes getting ready to fight
>chair instantly kills dude with pink nail
Or someone turns off Ainz's life sustaining devices.
>out of mana
>pull out chair to relax
>think about how to act like a ruler and spy on other countries umu
>send chair back home
>fly a bit to practice poses
>continue stepping on bugs
>reach various lofty standards
No idea what you're talking about: free labor + exchange box = profit. Enough to allow buying all them 90lvl mercs.
>pissed that a skeleton is in charge
They are the same humans from Ainz world. Is no longer a game. Why would they have any issue with a fellow person that's from their own world.Is not like they are natives and is patriotic. Unless they are retards and can't think properly. Any normal person would panic when they end up in a completely new world with no allies or any knowledge and death is a possibility. Any modern person first though is discuss peaceful and find a safe asylum. Who in their right mind would start a war and risk dying in a world that they don't even belong too
>Who in their right mind would start a war and risk dying in a world that they don't even belong too
Isekai protagonists.
____ the Evileye
Would have been funny to see them interact.
That's why you have higher leveled bugs leading them, add some bug necromancers and generals.
>bugs infests the chair and steal the shiny items attached to it
>bug population explodes by x30
How can you forget best vamp?
You're given 100 levels for an NPC and a small area to design to your hearts content. What race is your NPC? Classes, personality, backstory? What equipment do you farm for your NPC? And the area, what do you design it as?
A shinto shrine full of cute shrine maidens.
Of course it is full of holy items.
Does Demiurge eat little kids alive?
>Tease a fight important enough to be referenced in the opening between Bug maid and Evileye.
>70 percent of the fight happens off screen...
That was just so lame. Especially considering it looked like Evileye only had one spell that actually hurt her.