>Kawagranny fags have an Oedipus complex
>Futaba fags are autists that fell for the NEET bait
>Ann fags are lemmings that fell for the canon waifu
>Makoto fags are just Sae fags that are butthurt they can't get Sae and settled for the inferior Niijima
Caroline is the girl for true patricians. No other girls can compare.
Kawagranny fags have an Oedipus complex
The anime hasn't aired yet so this thread is off-topic Sup Forumsshit
>Makoto fags are just Sae fags that are butthurt they can't get Sae and settled for the inferior Niijima
Thats not even close to true. Never liked Sae at all.
That said, I will grant that Caroline > Justine
>haru not even relevant enough to get made fun of
I love Fuuka!
Patrican taste
I'm a 123fag. What does that make me?
Chihaya is the only one in my heart.
I never did a NG+ run.
I romanced Mommy, Nerd, Doc, and Makoto.
I spent Christmas with Makoto.
Does she ever give you back the $1,000 she scams out of you?
Yeah at like Rank 8
I prefer the improved version
My nigga
Lavenza is less than the sum of her parts
That's where you're wrong.
>Ann fags are lemmings that fell for the canon waifu
I don't think she's canon though. No girl is.
>Makoto fags are just Sae fags that are butthurt they can't get Sae and settled for the inferior Niijima
Sae is the inferior one. She did not believe in her own justice and instead became female Edgeworth.
Meanwhile Makoto fights for her justice, and not just what the laws deems it as.
Why is she so hot? Damn, if i were her teacher...
>lovers arcana
>not canon
What about goroboys?
>he wants to be abused by a little girl
You are not a real man.
>people's Shadows have yellow eyes
>assistants have yellow eyes
Man I like the lolis too however pic related
>He doesn't want to be abused by a little girl
You're gay
Speak the truth, brotah!
Lowest of the low. They go to their containment thread.