>got his girl stolen from him
>being a cuck sympathizer
>punching a guy that has health problems and injuries from battle
100% based fatty
Fatfuck damage control.
Are you reall a cuck if you man up and do something about it?
He deserved it.
Reminder that Mitsuru loves Hiro
Fat guy deserved to get his girl stolen, he was a creep.
that's gonna unNTR him
>the other guy could clearly have avoided it, but let himself get hit to appease the fatty
No, it was lame. Landing a hit was all he got in exchange of losing the girl he liked.
He took it better than I expected though, and I'm not sure if I would have reacted better than Futoshi. I mean, I was never that close to a girl anyway.
The fat swine deserved what he got.
"Jedem das Seine!"
Fatty deserved everything he got.
The milkman has no limit to the cuckoldry.
why did he punch mitsuru when it was kokoro who dumped his fat ass?
milkman didn't steal his girl
she dumped him
>Gets dumped by the girl
>Hates the Guy
Fag Alert
Will dyke-chan whip Fatoshi into shap? That's the real question.
>the exact moment Mitsuru won for good
Milkman was being the totally indifferent towards Kokoro. She just wants his Milk and dumped fatty for him.
Milkman did nothing wrong.
Because the edgelord nearly killed the slut by being a gay retard.
Mitsuru and Fatty were both really good this episode.
Milkman's continued existence is wrong
totally unflinching, what a fucking man
>be fat
>somehow surprised that your girl leaves you
Fat bastard 100% got what he had coming to him.
Mitsuru can steal your girl without even fucking trying
What a creep.
If you came away from this episode thinking anything but Fatso is pathetic and Milkman is a great guy who deserves to protect Kokoro you are retarded
Lump of fat
Milkman's drama was what made this episode good, and this was the best episode we've had in a while.
Reminder Mitsuru only took that punch to make it clear to everyone present that Futoshi is a pathetic asshole.
Remember when people insisted this show wasn't full of NTR?
First Hiro, now Futoshi. Who will the Milkman cuck next?!
Go eat some more fatass.
>gets the girl
>beats death
>girl fucks him up
>requires pills to live
Milkman is the true cuck here
And then based Mitsuru broke him with words.
I'm sad for him, even if he's partnering my favourite girl. I just don't see Futoshi and Ikuno connecting on any personal level besides piloting
Zorome is so cute, I want to fuck him
>futoshi was literally saving his ass while he sat there and cried
I hate Mitsuru but it is undeniable that Kokoro is in the wrong here.
>why did he punch mitsuru when it was kokoro who dumped his fat ass?
Because if you're a man you never ever hit a girl. So fattyboy goes for the next target.
he ended with best girl so it was a good trade
>punching a gay guy in the face
how long until SJW explode in rage?
>gets called fat even though he's ripped
>whips that pussy into shape
>has skills
>lets her love go and doesn't force her down even though he's broken inside
>punches slowly so his bro can dodge
>when he doesn't dodge he makes him promise to protect her
Futoshi is /OurMan/
>Futoshi being /OurMan/
Stop lying, he's nothing but fat.
El fatoshiANO señores
the point was that there was no reason to hit anyone, knight-kun
>be a man
>w-why didn't you dodge?
fags need to be clocked
fpbp. She literally forced herself away from him onto some anemic kid.
>No way, fag
> all these fat losers thinking of Fatoshi as their own self-insert
> they get cucked by an Alpha in the anime as much as in the real life
No wonder
Yes a man crying over another man not wanting to fuck him in the ass is very "alpha".
She led him on by not saying no.
Then he started crying like a loser, while yelling how he loved the girl who left him.
I have to say, Going full blown unapologetic NTR is not what I was expecting from this show.
If a woman did that you would be fine with it.
Fuck off, he's pathetic for different reasons, but people can cry.
Wasn't even Mitsuru's fault, Kokoro got her ass out of there the first chance she got.
I don't blame her, really.
its only creepy for you because he is fat
More alpha than having your girl leave you for a fag
Where's the punished Futoshi betrayed by his Kokoro edit?
>Mitsuru is gay
>Fatoshi is annoying
>Kokkoro is cute but made for faceless old men
All 3 of those characters are shit desu.
>that pic
40 keks
Being slighty more alpha than some retarded fatso doesn't make you an actual alpha.
Yes finally someone who understands.
>Kokoro wants to get impregnated
>Mitsuru impregnates her
>Mitsuru dies because he is sick
>Futoshi and Kokoro get paired again because Ikuno is gay
If only this could happen.
You want Futoshi to take care of his wife's kid?
>Mitsuru dies from Kokkoro's birth somehow
Yes please
Milkman almost killed Kokoro because of his unrequited love for Hiro, speedwatcher-chan
a fatty's fate
Exactly. Fatties are creepy.
Why is this show so obsessed with NTR?
At this rate the only genuine couple is going to be Satan and the tsundere.
>tfw women
>Because if you're a man you never ever hit a girl
Nice shounen logic
This is was edgy loners actually believe
Anyone have the image of the blonde slut and the fat old man hentai image that's always posted? Post it please
I didn't leave thinking any of that, but Mitsuru isn't at fault for what happened between Fatoshi and Kokoro. If anything, Fatoshi's behaviour was a bit shit during the relationship and Kokoro was a cunt too by hiding how she felt.
Being alpha is relative.
t. beta
>Mitsuru spent the entire battle acting like a fucking bitch and literally almost gets himself and Kokoro killed.
>Futoshi spent the entire battle curbstomping the Klaxo and saved Kokoro/Mitsuru from certain death.
>Futoshi is the loser.
What the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums?
He literally lost his girl to another.
A fat man deprived of his waifu will soon become a predator.
If you truly love something let it go. If it comes back to you, it is yours.
Futoshi loved Kokoro, but let her go at the end. If she comes back, she is his.
Ikuno and Futoshi performed pretty good this episode. They are probably second best unit after 02/Hiro. I wouldn't mind a focus episode with them two.
Kuckoro is gonna dump Mitusru for one of the 9s aint she?
This guy comes and steals your waifu, what to do?
Without plot being on 02/Hiro side they are the best combat unit of the Squad.
the most devastating thing of all is that Koko left fatty because she has a better emotional connection with Mitsuru
This isn't when Simon couldn't get GL to work and so Kamina hit him. He had already gotten over it and won. So again, how does hitting him resolve something that was already resolved, knight-kun?
Also user that I responded to here implied that fatty only hit Mitsuru because Kokoro is a girl, not because of protecting or failing to protect anyone.
Sadly, he blew up all his chances with this. He made the bad guy look like the good guy.
>Hit a milkman who isnt one responsible for whole shitfest, and was even concerned about fatso being fucked over with his actions.
>Not a thot who's actually responsible
Of all bad shit he did this episode, this moment made me dislike him most of all.
They are fairly competent, but the show is about character drama, not giant robutts.