wasnt he a kid when he asked hiro to pilot a franxx with him ? Also why does that automatically mean they want to fuck with them... wtf is wrong with everyone.
It seems like just admiring and being a friend makes them auto gay
wasnt he a kid when he asked hiro to pilot a franxx with him ? Also why does that automatically mean they want to fuck with them... wtf is wrong with everyone.
It seems like just admiring and being a friend makes them auto gay
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He has wet dreams about Hiro.
teen thread
There's nothing wrong with giving your bro a blowjob every once in a while. That's just what bros do for bros
Because fujos
> /y/ amd /u/ just lurking
But I'm glad this was a milkman episode. They seem to be building up the cast. You know what this means... death flags.
> EP 7: Beach episode, develops team
> EP 8: Puberty episode, Miku focus
> EP 9: Goro Focus
> EP 10: Zorome Focus
> EP 11: Milkman Focus
>Most effeminate looking male character
>Most effeminate acting male character
>Doesn't pay any attention to any of the girls or their bodies which every other male character has
>Explicitly asks to pilot with Hiro in a show there piloting is an abudantly clear metaphor for sex
>Is obsessed with Hiro
>Is paired with the only other homo
>Other homo implies he is a homo
Are you retarded OP?
seems like you are kek
Amerimutts think admiration = gay.
Symbolism 101, he wanted to "play balls" with Hiro.
Literally homosexual
Hiro x Mitsuru is endgame
Nips are just Asian burgers
>dream about a boy
>not gay
The same is true for Goro towards Ichigo, and Ichigo towards Hiro. None of the kids had sexual feelings at the time, and don't really have any now yet, but they are coming to terms with their feelings. Why would it be any different for Mitsuru?
But Mitsuru's realization wasn't about whether he liked Hiro or not; it was about how he had to get over his bitterness and feelings of betrayal and how he had to start connecting with people again.
Maybe the fact that he LITERALY said he wanted to be hiro botton has something to do with it?
>Wants a dick in the ass
>not turbo gay
even if he was gay, kokoro cured him with the power of love so he isn't anymore
There's no such thing as gay or straight in the show. The only thing that weird is they have feelings when the rest of society do not.
Mental gymansis and homo go hand in hand. Then again he got converted anyway.
>Homo gets partnered with a dyke initially
What did they mean by this?
>feminine looks
>feminine voice
>not interested in girls
>literally obsessed with another boy
How could you get the idea that he isn't gay?
Riding with someone is a metaphor for sex.
because they’re fags who project their full-blown faggotry into other characters at the slightly hint of homoeroticism
In case you haven't noticed, faggots in any medium's audience are quick to attach a gay label to any character they can no matter how unlikely. In this case they're taking an innocent child's ignorance and going "hurr he's gay" like those disgusting tumblrites
>Hiro's cock(milk)
>Other homo implies he is a homo
U wot?
>implying a child knows how sex works
He wanted to do cool things with his cool friend Hiro
Not everything revolves around sex, horny faggot
Clearly this shallow show was too deep for you.
>Admiration is now faggotry
Never change, /y/ and /tumblr/
In the show its a metaphor for it. It's literally pistil and stamen, the two sex organs of plants.
It's like they see gay in everything. (Like in Hibike, even the director said that they're not gay but everyone still insists on it).
It's like those people never had close friends or even interacted with other people...
Faggotfans on suicide watch, this is spot on lmao
Yes, "admiration" is faggotry.
A man "admiring" another man is the essence of gay.
Yes, but for Mitsuru wasn't. When he said he wanted to pilot a Franxx with Hiro. Do you know what context is? If I say I want eat a banana, I'm not subtly implying I like to suck dicks, I just want to eat a banana.
The show implies that Ikuno understands Mitsuru's feelings for Hiro because she also has similar feelings for Ichigo
respect and warm approval.
"I have the greatest admiration for all those involved in the project"
Synonyme: commendation, acclaim, applause, approbation, approval, appreciation, regard, high regard, respect, praise, esteem, veneration, adulation, extolment; Mehr
something regarded as impressive or worthy of respect.
"her house was the admiration of everyone"
Synonyme: object of admiration, pride, pride and joy, joy, wonder, delight, marvel, sensation
"their garden was the admiration of the village"
pleasurable contemplation.
"they were lost in admiration of the scenery"
>Do you know what context is?
Do you? These aren't characters, they are written by someone.
his whole complex is not getting to ride a franxx with hiro. and he's held that grudge since childhood. this guy is effeminate and weak. he's almost guaranteed trans and definitely a homo.
>It's like they see gay in everything. (Like in Hibike, even the director said that they're not gay but everyone still insists on it).
Yeah, who would see the gay in Hibike, how foolish.
he's a flaming homosexual. you're retarded if you believe otherwise
How does that change what I'm saying? I said you should read the context of a scene, not apply the general concept of "pistil and stamen" to everything, it's not deep and cryptic like you think.
he asked him when they were in the lab, they didnt even know that much about franxx
Other way around, every time there is homo people deny it and perform mental gymnastics.
None of the girls in Hibike act like they are real friends, director loves yuri-baiting.
He blushed when he saw Ikuno's half naked body.
because thats when he saw the boys naked asses
The content of riding in a Franxx in the show is romantic/sexual, hence why people cry NTR.
Milkman wanted to ride in one with Hiro, then still butthurt about Hiro forgetting their promise and not paying attention to him.
>Mitsuru kept throwing the ball forward
>But there was no one to throw back
>So the ball got lost in the darkness and never returned
Is it what the director said? or what you pulled out of your ass ? they dont even know anything
Director said what?
admiration has a limit
This dude has been having nightmares and has been salty about the whole thing for years
Now he wants to play with Kokoro's kokoros.
>even the director said that they're not gay
Ishihara said he thought it as gay as well.
No, he said it was adolescence. Not that it matter, people thought Hibike was gay because it was full of yuri bait. That's not how close friends act, not even girls.
Hiro gave them a name. Hiro gave them hope. Hiro was a friend and a source of inspiration.
I'd say Mitsuru sees him more like big brother or even a father.
Nah man Hiro just looks handsome and they are all gay for him
The show isn't even subtle and people still miss most shit.
Reminds me when people didn't catch on Atra being pregnant on IBO.
Yamada called it adolescenes Ishihara said it felt like yuri.
mitsuru is an angry cock goblin. he acted like a little bitch girl back then and now he's a little bitch
Oh right, I got confused. Well, my point still stand, Hibike was fucking retarded and not a good indicative of anything.
Yamada: That’s right.
Oguro: I thought there was also some yuri in Tamako Market.
Yamada: Ah, that’s right. Surely you mean about Midori.
Oguro: That’s right.
Ishihara: I agree. That’s somewhat serious too. (laughs)
Yamada: Is it?
Ishihara: Well, that doesn’t go to where men want yuri to be.
Oguro: (interrupting Ishihara) No, no, if Yamada-san doesn’t think it’s yuri, then it’s not!
Ishihara: (continuing on) What men want is a bit more giggly chuckly…..
Yamada: (interrupting both Ishihara/Oguro) Calm yourselves down! (laughs)
Oguro: Sorry. I got a bit excited.
All: (laughs)
Yamada: Okay. So I’ll say it clearly: I don’t think that’s depicted as yuri. I wanted to depict adolescence.
Oguro: For which case?
Yamada: Probably for all of them. For Tamako, for Reina, for all of it. I wanted to depict adolescence!
Oguro: Did you want to depict the feelings during that time.
Yamada: Yes, I wanted to depict those feelings. I have an interest in those points of view.
Oguro: Continuing on episode 8, when Reina sits down on top of the mountain, her skirt gets lifted, doesn’t it? That was also magnificent.
Mitsuru wants to have sex with his father? Ew
>Oguro: (interrupting Ishihara) No, no, if Yamada-san doesn’t think it’s yuri, then it’s not!
If you mean this then it is about Tamako Market not Hibike. Otherwise I don't know what you are trying to tell me.
What is adolescence?
some lines below: " Probably for all of them. For Tamako, for Reina, for all of it. I wanted to depict adolescence!" after getting asked: "For which case?" ? Isn't Reina from Hibike?
Yeah, but Ishihara was also director for Hibike and he thought it was yuri, which was my point.
Fatty's BTFO
did he direct the episode? wasnt yamada the one who made the yuribait episodes?
Its not like they worked on all epsiodes together..
Yamada was the series director, and Ishihara the director.
okay well doesnt that mean that yamada has the final word on things?
We've got 23 threads right now motherfucker.
I honestly have no idea.
/y/ rejoice
12 weeks left
Again, faggots is the motive we can not have nice things.
Yamada was only the episode director for episode 1.
There's literally nothing yaoi, just your rotten brain
It's gonna be a wild ride
Homosexuals so desperate they invade Abe-san's pro marriage propaganda anime.
Faggots, gays, homosexual men, guys put a penis in their ass.
For things like that God hates them.
Do you like fishsticks?
If you’re ESL, just say so in the first place, cripes.
Next episode is Ikuno snapping for forbidden love
What is a fishstick?
>Do you like fishsticks?
Why the question?
>Is it what the director said? or what you pulled out of your ass ? they dont even know anything
Anybody with half a brain could deduce that you turbo retard.
I bet you also think Ikuno is not gay for Ichigo, despite proposing the pistil x pistil partnering
Next episode is end of first cour, I bet it'll be Hiro and 02 finally
Of what? I'm a fundashi and there is zero homo in this anime.
If you're really a fudanshi, I applaude you. You are a wise man. The point is, you can ship all the males you want in this anime, but insisting on saying it's gay to stroke is your ego is a stupid thing to do
? Wrong user, user. I agree, there is zero actual homo (Except Inuno, I guess) in this anime, even if you want to argue Mitsuru was gay, it's basically irrelevant in the grand scheme, he doesn't interact with Hiro and he's paired with a girl.
nope, i agree with ikuno being gay though, she didnt like the boys from the get go. but mitsuru and hibike hell no (even though the yuri bait was strong on this one and they literally removed a lot of scenes with the guy who later is going to be the boyfriemd of kumiko)
Like you wouldn't give your best bro a handjob or dream about em.
what a normie.
He will suggest stamen-to-stamen riding now that he's on his way to forgiving Hiro
Could stamen/stamen actually work? Pistil doesn't because you can't feel anything, but with a stamen...
Hoo boy.
Didn't kokoro taught him at the end of the episode that stuff like this happens and not everyone sucks cocks