Magus Bride

Did anyone finish this shit show? Why was each episode worse than the last? How come the OVAs were magical and interesting but the show contained like 6 of the same character with the same tragic backstory and no other personality to speak of?

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>Did anyone finish this shit show?

>Why was each episode worse than the last?
No, it wasn't. It was getting better to ep 14. Then it dived in quality. And the last two were good again.

>How come the OVAs were magical and interesting but the show contained like 6 of the same character with the same tragic backstory and no other personality to speak of?
Because they were a self contained tale. This was more like a meandering saga.

Mahoutsukai was a good anime in the end.

The show was great until the last arc. That's when it shit the bed with the plot and that horrible, horrible antagonist.

This fuck out of nowhere to do nothing and just kind of show up cause he's shown up before

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I really enjoyed it, great show. The only part that disappointed me a bit was Cartaphilus. He felt more like one of the side characters (which I found to be more interesting) than the antagonist. He could have been left out completely and I think it would have actually enhanced the show, just showed more of Chise and Elias and their relationship dynamic.

It's clear he's more important than what we were shown, but him showing up at the last minute was absolutely pointless.

It happened!

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Just finished watching last episode
Literally, what the fuck happened?
What the fucking was the point of Ashen Eye this episode? He appears out of nowhere and protect the jew just to fuck off right after with a "SO BORIINNGGGG"
What the fuck did Chise to the jew? Seriously
Why the fuck the Jew now lives with Chise and Elias like it's their beloved son
What the fuck it's gonna happening to Chise now? The Dragon Curse regressed leaving only a decomposed arm behind,or she still has terminal magic cancer or the Jew did the arm transplant in the end?Is she is gonna die any day now or not?
I don't get this ending at all
The only good part of the entire episode was the "wedding" scene

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>anime original ending
Expect no answers here, the manga's done none of these things.

>The only good part of the entire episode was the "wedding" scene
Yup. The end of cour 1 was fucking beautiful, this one was shit outside of the last few minutes. Anyways, one curse is an immortality curse, and the other is a "you die now" curse, so they balance out so that she'll die at some random point in the future. Exactly like a normal human.

What the fuck it's gonna happening to Chise now? The Dragon Curse regressed leaving only a decomposed arm behind,or she still has terminal magic cancer or the Jew did the arm transplant in the end?Is she is gonna die any day now or not?

I understand your other comments, but this one was explained. She has the immortal part of Cartaphilius, and the life-ending part of the dragon. So they basically came to a compromise that the curse wont kill Chise anytime soon, but the immortality wont last forever.

>What the fuck it's gonna happening to Chise now? The Dragon Curse regressed leaving only a decomposed arm behind,or she still has terminal magic cancer or the Jew did the arm transplant in the end?Is she is gonna die any day now or not?
the jew inside her tell her he would keep the dragon curse at bay and the dragon would keep the jew immortality at bay so she ends up with an average lifetime

Oh so that's what that meant. I watched the scene a couple of times but still didn't understand, that makes sense.

I liked it and I am looking forward to where the manga goes.

This is Chise and Elias immortal serial killer son, say something nice to him

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Why Silky is such a treasure?

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I'm the first one who responded about that part, and I watched it in moon. Did the translation fuck it up? I know they were pretty bad in other parts.

last arc caught up and overtook the manga so pacing went to shit
also there are many unanswered questions that feel they should at least be in part explored like what the fuck is Elias but the manga hasn't gotten there so in the end the anime feels kind of lacking

Oh, the manga end will be different? I might still read it then.

6 millions wasn't enough

we don't know, last chapter ended with Chise meeting the jew at the fountain, it will probably have more exposition on why is Ashen eye there but the same overall plot

Man, they should take better care of their child, it's not gonna be nice for his room when it rain

It was pretty clear now that I rewatch it and completely understand, it just didn't make sense at the time. It was more vague. "I'm going to keep you alive, the dragon will someday kill you, we'll be inside of you keeping each other in check, so you won't die right away". I got that, but didn't understand exactly what that meant.

>but the same overall plot
Meh, I'll probably skip it. The jew is just such a horrible character that he drags it all down.

This seems like one of the shows where they should have waited a couple years before they came out with anything, so the story was more cohesive, but I guess they just wanted to capitalize on it. That or they could have just slowed everything down, but that could have had it's own problems.

Agree man. When I watched the OVAS I was so excited for the full series. I think it was mainly because the OVAs had a solid structure of her backstory being presented, whereas the series feels like a mish mash of various events, like you're always waiting for the real plot to kick in and then it's the last episode. But I don't read the manga so I can't really talk.

At least we can go back to the nice dump threads when new chapters drop.

Preview here!

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Weird to think this is canon now.

Wait, are you telling me there's doujins of this now??

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>thorny tentacle monster living with her freshly purchased underage redhead
no, i don't see how anyone could make doujins on that premise

She used sleeping magic on him so he can have some rest without having to suffer for a few decades

Well, I stayed on because I liked the artstyle and the OVA. I can't say it was worth it. Really not a very good show.

>Why was each episode worse than the last
I was about to marathon the second cour how can you fuck up such a nice setting you must be exaggerating.

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I think its amazing how every show I drop early ends up being terrible and not worth watching.

underwhelming end but I enjoyed it overall

It's just very average, nothing offensively bad other than replacing the first op song

Show began to plummet when this real nigga didnt return anymore.

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It was a good show. Not amazing, but more good than bad.


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I loved it the whole way through, usually my highlight of the season.

silky best gril
change my mind

Overrated like fuck by casuals because it's the "Show you're supposed to like" of the season.

But under rated on Sup Forums at the same time.

>"Elias, how dare you sacrifice my friend! I hate you!"
>"Elias, give me an excuse so I can forgive you."

Yeah that makes sense.

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>Yeah that makes sense.
Have you never spent any time with a woman? That's the most realistic thing in the whole show.

Like any good faerie-tale, it had ups and downs, and wasn't very consistent or well-refined, but I loved it anyway. Hakumei & Mikochi quietly stole its position this season as "top anime for those who like to imagine tiny creatures peeking at them from just out of sight," but they're both wonderful.

The plot of two opposing curses is kind of a classic, though usually it would work to the protagonist's loss rather than their gain.

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>ywn have a cute axolotl bro keeping you company

why even fucking try /a...

dropped episode 17-18

this show is boring af

>"Show you're supposed to like" of the season.
What? According to who?

so this is gonna be like the Gantz ending? just not as the manga one?

So did she just discard her old eye completely? What if some unknown picks it up off the street?

That's no reason to type like an idiot.

I loved the OVAS but stopped watching at like episode 6 I think. It just got so boring and tedious to watch.

I still plan on finishing it but I just can't get myself to actually watch it. The whole romance shit feels so retarded and the characters aren't even that great so far.

I stopped watching around episode 12 because every single episode ended with some super dramatic cliffhanger that was resolved in the first 3 minutes of the next episode.

Still loved it though and I will marathon the rest of it soon

i had to drop this shit at episode 18.

every two-episode span the same shit happens: things are going peacefully, she gets kidnapped. next episode she gets rescued and things are peaceful again.

rinse and repeat


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>every single episode ended with some super dramatic cliffhanger that was resolved in the first 3 minutes of the next episode.
>every two-episode span the same shit happens: things are going peacefully, she gets kidnapped. next episode she gets rescued and things are peaceful again.
I watched it until the end, but this annoyed me too.

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