Franken Fran

I'm a little confused by her intentions.

Franken Fran is evil right?

Attached: fran.jpg (180x280, 12K)

No, she's a curious child with a lot of talent in surgery and genetics.


She doesn't let morals hold her research back, a true scientist.

Would you trust having sex with her.
I wouldn't

She just doesn't care about good and evil.
No. Veronica is safe though.

She is nice and grants people what they ask for. Problem is people are quite stupid and greedy.

I would volunteer my body, for science.

Oh boy ethics
Fran is neither because she doesn't behave on human morality scale. She's "programmed" for something and acts accordingly.
It's not about morals, or her caring or not caring about them. She just does what she does, which is doing operations, and conducting her medical research.
People ask things of her and she complies, but it's a monkey's paw deal because Fran doesn't understand people, and the result is something that is, for the lack of a better word, "good" according to her. The client got what they wanted and/or are alive.

>Hey Fran my knee hurts please help!
>Removes all your appendages and attached your torso to the back of a bear

She is clearly nuts

Sure upside down saten. Just expect to have body parts modifed if she finds anything lacking.