which oni would you ai?
Which oni would you ai?
You do realize that the "oni" in the name means "big brother", right?
So, to translate your question, "which big brother would you bed?"
This one.
Akiko a cute despite being NBR
The watermelon one
That was the most generic thing I've seen in my life.
I haven't seen the show nor do I plan on doing so but
all the way.
I want to be a member of Arashi's mixed gender harem.
Yes it was a very bland show. I had even forgotten it existed. I don't even remember what kind of people the girls are, other than the red degenerate one I mean.
>it was a very bland show
Not at all.
The loli
It was the blandest shit imaginable. It was like 10 episodes of nothing (I can't remember anything other than the time where they had some contest and the red one won and acted like a decent person for once) and then one last episode of "hehe g-guise wanna know a secret? she's not even my real sister hehe". Not a single original thing in this cartoon. Not a single funny joke. Nothing to remember.
I was specifically referring to that scene, which was quite memorable.
Overall it was a fun harem show. Nothing special but much better than those that try to do "serious romance" and ruin the mood with drama.
>you will never join her harem
They're all great desu
Yes. This is the correct way to do it. Onii-chans are great.
top kek mate you have shit taste. enjoy your trashy cartoons faggot.
To me it seems more like you are a degenerate subhuman who might get to see a running concentration camp from the inside one day.
who won in the end? think it was between imouto and Ana.
All of them