Why do lolis like ice cream so much?

Why do lolis like ice cream so much?

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What kind of ice cream comes in a little bag like that?

"oppai" icecream

who the fuck doesn't?


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For the same reason they like yogurt

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she really is an angel


Fuck off

Why pedos likes to be deleted so much?

Why is neo Sup Forums such a mistake?

Why oldfags are such a bunch of boring grumpy crybabies?

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Why do lolis love adventure?

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They're drawings ok?

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Ask the mods, faggot

Canadian ice-cream, those faggots bag milk also.

Enjoy your ban fucker

Why do lolis like milk so much?

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Why do you ask so many dumb questions? Are you stupid?

You're just salty because no loli would ever want to drink your milk.

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You're gross

Lolis are naturally curious, so of course they would love to adventure and explore.

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Do you have a vagina?

Stop replying to the ban-evader fujo.
Report and ignore.

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Do you have a brain?


>Report and ignore.
Can I report you instead?

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It's not a fujo, it's a tranny.

me as the bard

Lol nope

Fuck lolis

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Who would you say are the most influential lolis of the last decade?

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Then post some proof.

All of them.

Any of them

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What would you do if you turned into a loli?

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Where do these newfags get the gall to think they can mouth off?

But we are already, all of us, little girls here.

is Kodomo no Jikan the ultimate degeneracy?

Nah, Sup Forums is no longer like that.

We aren't in Sup Forums dude. Post your email.

Wrong board buddy.

Why don't you read it before making statements like that?

Lolis also like Nature Valley

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Yo', mods. Could you guys be cool for once and check out what's going on down here? A lot of these posters are going down a dark path and I'm worried that they'll become a bad influence on other potential posters.

Haven´t you read these [tags: toddlercon, guro, scat, rape] doujins ?

Are randoseru actually sexier than the lolis themselves?

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Why is this fetish a thing? And why does it make my dick tingle?

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finger myself

Find a nice onii-chan to cuddle with

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Thanks jany. Now delete the thread

Post the next one

Masturbate furiously to hardcore porn till I am out breath and than later find some out guys to pleasure for money, to live as a little neet girl with the money I get. I'd also post pictures of myself on Sup Forums to get attention points.

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>5 magic based characters
>Only 1 front liner

What a shit party comp

Wizards can solo anything

It's 2018 and we still don't understand why lolis are so sexy?

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It has
2 defender, 2 strikers, 2 controllers and 2 leaders, it's a perfectly balanced party.


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Please could you stop using my wife Tama-chan to say such utter bullshit.

forgot that

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>Wizard, sorc, cleric, druid, swordmage all rely on magic, bard doesn't actually attack leaving them with only two options for physical offense.
>Everyone of them except paladin are squishy back liners who will get one shot

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3.5e and 5e D&D wizards can fucking destroy pretty much anything late game. Early game they're squishy as fuck though. Pathfinder wizards (D&D 3.75) are the same.

4e wizards are more balanced, but sorta boring to play.

I'd play Grand Theft Loli tbqh

He was so fucked he deleted his own post. retards on Sup Forums using virgin as an insult need to be culled

It was deleted because the retarded newfag didn’t ass himself to read the rules before posting.

Swordmages are front liners, they have ridiculous the best AC in the game. Bards do attack, you're just all kinds of wrong here.

Do oppai lolis like ice cream too?

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Me too

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Because they really like to make a point over opening their threads with crappy genre appeals or fetish generals, and not specific anime or manga.

That's a sexy JS