Are these two gonna be alright?

Are these two gonna be alright?
Will they save each other?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.36_[2018.03.24_15.13.24].jpg (1280x720, 187K)

They did seem to do pretty well piloting with each other, at least.

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Yes. Ikuno won't baby Futoshi, Futoshi will actually care about Ikuno's well being. They are perfect for each other.

I want this to happen now

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Ikuno is 110% gay, but I feel like they can support each other somehow.

fatman will teach the dyke about the power of the D.

Yeah is likely Ikuno won’t let him idolize her and won’t let him delude himself in stupidity, In the same way at least Fatman will treat her better than Milkman I hope

>Ikuno isn't an overclocked dispenser of affection and affirmation
>Fatoshi has to face actual expectations, constructive criticism and has to man the fuck up and gets swole
>Ikuno is slowly cured of being a bland /u/ insert
>they are the only people not named Hiro or 002 to actually survive, and end up as commanders of a regular squad
I like it. Won't happen, but I do like the idea.

only the gentle fat cock can save her from her sinful homo ways

The Mecha moved better than it ever did so It's an improvement

He will not be able to pilot with her. They both will be sent to the death camp because they have no partner.

lol no, she's gay.

>They both will be sent to the death camp
Thank you based Abe

Nope, they're dead.
Ikuno will just keep yelling at him, Futoshi will just feel more isolated and they'll die.

They will die and the blond guy will come in.

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Can't fucking wait

Fatty will break down being the partner of someone who won't baby him and Ikuno will go dyke it up with the mysterious other team in the second cour.

>Futoshi says loosen up
>She does
>Mech kicks the shit out of monster
Seems to be doing pretty well already

I honestly hope he does harden up and improves.

I want to cum inside Ikuno