How will it be remembered?
Dragon Ball Super
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Official fanfiction
the dragon ball gt where goku didnt turn into a kid
expect the subbed version at 18:15 PDT, in about 5 hours, can't say anything for the japanese airing tho
"What if there was another GT but it wasn't as shit as the actual GT"
"Dragonball sup-what? Oh you mean DBZ? Fuck yeah I loved DBZ, cell was the best villain!"
What? GT is better in every way.
No it isn't.
How do we go from this
Dragon Ball Marketing
not canon
to this
to this
To this
I noticed that Pan wouldnt have been annoying if they had someone like Bra to be what Kale was to Caulifla.
To this
Finally no more mexican bullshit
You are a bunch of dimwitts
A better successor than GT but still ultimately forgettable with a few standout moments
Esto és el Dragon Ball Super fin.
>what Kale was to Caulifl
Fusion fodder? It's not like Bra and Pan fusing would even have mattered in GT, given that none could even go SS.
>tfw King Piccolo remains unsurpassed as the most entertaining db villain to date
The villains will probably be the most popular takeaway from the series rather than the plot itself like with most of the Z movies
that's pilaf t b h
In Spanish.
Here's what will happen. Screencap this.
Remember the fight with Hit against Jiren?
>jiren was hit around his heart region leaving a big indent
>knowing hit's time-manipulating shenanigans, the punch will take an effect later aside from stopping him in place that episode
>we cut to goku, frieza, and 17 who hold off against jiren
>frieza and 17 grabs a hold on jiren so goku can fire a kamehameha
>he survives the impact and eliminates both frieza and 17
>jiren is about to deal the final blow to a weakened, exhausted goku
>jiren suddenly has a heart attack due to hit's punch
>the damage done to him by MUI goku in the previous episode takes a toll on him alongside with hit's hit
>jiren dies, but since U6 is already eliminated, no one is penalized
As a meme source.
>Goku being "forced" to use SSGSS the very first minute of the ToP wasn't in Toriyama's outline
>so it was Toei idea
For what fucking purpose?
iI need more fo these
As a mistake much like GT.
can we watch the subbed version together in a stream?
there's still stuff like that.
to this
>last ever episode airs tonight
>dead thread
to this
from what?
to this
How much longer till it airs?
>Goku wins the ToP
>Jiren praises Goku, he now understands the value of friendship, and hopes to fight him again in the future
>U11 is erased
>the Grand Priest summons Super Shenron, and announces it time for MVP to make his wish
>the screen fades to black
>the screen slowly fades back in on a blue sky
>the final scene of Super is Android 17 smiling as he sails into the sunset on his cruiser
>do you crave my mc-nuggies, jiren-kun?
When did goku unlock gear fourth?
>17 is a gary stu
I mean, I get where these people are coming from. In a normal anime, they'd be correct.
But DBS channels a lot of dragonball's comedic tone, so the same actions that would make him a gary stu in a normal anime just make him a straight man in this one.
It started the blanco and the meme Spanish terms.
Why Sup Forums won't miss /dbs/ in one post
I cant wait for Chadhan to beat the shit out of Yamoshi
As the thing that redeemed GT.
>As the thing that erased GT.
>Jiren praises Goku, he now understands the value of friendship, and hopes to fight him again in the future
>U11 is erased
GT is still shit and will always be shit.
As a mexican invasion
He didn't ask to describe GT user.
Black Goku
Do you love Beerus
their both shitty fanfic-tier
What about him?
where can I watch it live with Sup Forums?
More than anything
Now that Super will end in a few hours, let me ask you an honest question.
What was your favorite meme out of all of this arc or even the entire series, dead or alive?
>you wish to use the Super Dragon Balls to restore the fallen universes?
Gohan Blanco
Your reign of terror ends here, Jiren
>Super will end in a few hours
>Now that Super will end in a few hours, let me ask you an honest question.
Would you watch a U6 GT spinoff?
The asshurt caused by Mirai Trunks and back tingles.
Your motherfucking anime ends 4 hours from now!
Thank god.
This series is exactly what Dragon Ball has always been. The Problem is, some anons were expecting to see Citizen Kane or something similar.
Who is this ugly fuck
So how long until these threads get 'ed?
>Red Goku
>Blue Goku
>White Goku
>Evil Goku
>Female Broly
>2 potara fusions
>Gods and Angels
>Super Dragon Balls
>Purple Piccolo with time powers
>Alien superhero with most generic backstory possible
Super is pure deviantart fanfiction
nostalgia googles are a real problem
The salt was amazing
Super isn't ending you idiot, only Toei's series will end, there's still a movie in December and the manga is confirmed to continue not only with the ToP but with the same story is told in the movie, DBS will last at least until 2019
Next week.
El Grand Padre
Who me?
why I just did this?
If Frieza was smart he'd do exactly that and use the people Goku fucked over in the TOP to gain support and who knows maybe rule their universes so that he can in return invade Goku's universe with a strong enough army.
No, not really. His charm heavily wears off you realize he's just a smug lazy incompetent jerk who only "respects" his fighters because they're currently saving his ass, and can't even boast about being the hero's strongest associate anymore. Even in-universe, the Z Fighters and MAYBE Whis are the only people who can stand him.
Just because you are an expert in autistic spic fanfiction and some coincidences occurring don't make it official fan fiction.
Did I ask your opinion about this, Timmy? Thought so.