name a bigger slut in anime
protip: you can
name a bigger slut in anime
protip: you can
Make more threads, please. This is epic!
You’re waifu
I got nothing
This is even more forced than the Erased NTR mayhem
it's your not you're
OP is really butthurt I see
>dumps the disgusting fatty mr "nice guy" for the handsome chad she's been in love with the whole time
This should happen more in anime, if you ask me.
Fat people deserve no love.
Someone who allows his/her body to become disgusting clearly doesn't love himself / herself and therefore is unable to love others.
that bitch from toradora
OP is probably falseflaggin because he wants to make this some sort of epik happening Sup Forums meltdown.
he wants to make a collage and post it on reddit for that sweet DitF karma
t. fatfag that was dumped by his friend
>aids infested faggot
Agreed. Nice Guys are some of the worst human beings imaginable.
She did nothing wrong though.
This doesn't make sense
They're rapists who use emotional manipulation and guilt tripping instead of roofies or brute force.
>when I man changes his woman he is called a traitor
>when a woman changes her man she is always right cause women are strong, independent and can do whatever they want, deal with it
Then they aren't nice
I'm talking about Nice Guys, not actual nice guys.
>tfw this is probably true
Who implied that? Stop projecting your politics. Kokoro left Fatoshi because she had no feelings for him, her government-assigned partner. She did have feelings and sympathy for Mitsuru, and quite frankly they had more development together as a dynamic than Fatoshi has had ever.
>I'm talking about nice guys
>but not about nice guys
I don't really get it
A "nice guy" is someone who's basically a shitty self obsessed person who covers it with a veneer of niceness when in public, but then smolder in private about how their niceness goes unrewarded. The funny thing is though the "nice guy" title really belongs to Kokoro in this instant, Fatass is really just a socially retarded beta.
She is a fucking Oathbreaker anons. I don't give two shits about fatoshi but this thot is a horrible person. Reminds me of rei from hotd
>The funny thing is though the "nice guy" title really belongs to Kokoro in this instant
That was I was thinking. But I guess that socially retarded and nice guy are synonyms now
Who gives a shit? No one's too blame here. They just weren't mean to be together. That's all there is to it.
She was paired up with a creep against her will
She did nothing wrong
thotkoro worst girl confirmed
Can you really call it cuckolding or being a slut if the girl was never really that into the guy in the first place and was only staying with him cause that's what Papa told her to do?
How come the only way trigger can make drama work is with NTR? Are they hacks?
>No one's too blame here.
Actually both parties are to blame, and whether they were meant to be together or not is irrelevant, they're forced to be in a relationship as both part of a team and partner's they have an obligation to themselves and the others to sort their shit. Even after this episode they still fundamentally haven't solved their issues and it could potentially lead to issues in the future.
Yes, especially when the girl in question lied and made false promises. That's just a shitty thing to do regardless of circumstances.
their pairs were chosen specifically because they were compatible, on what criteria I don't know, but it's likely that it's mental compatibility to some degree as well
so either this was an extreme over-sight on the side of APE and kokoro has always been a thot, or Mitsuru is just such a miserable asshole that Kokoro felt he was Futoshi 2.0
>She did nothing wrong
Aside from being spineless and comforming. Both sides were in the wrong, fatty for being too clingy and Kokoro for not having the balls to be upfront.
Well, consider the fact that if their numbers dipped low enough, they get killed.
Kokoro was the one who showed the most worry through the series about sync numbers. Her lying is cause of that.
>on what criteria I don't know
Seems like they pretty much just paired them based on personalities being similar.
>Kokoro was the one who showed the most worry through the series about sync numbers. Her lying is cause of that.
True but it doesn't make it right. In fact had she been honest about how she was feeling and told her teammates and superiors the situation could've been resolved in a far better manner, and far earlier.
Shitposting aside, she still did. She did nothing wrong in trying to get a better partner since she was never with fatty out of her own free will and honestly deserves better. However, saying yes to him asking her to be with him forever right to his face, then breaking that promise 10 minutes later without saying anything too him was a huge bitch move. Should have just been honest and told him she had no interest in him and liked Mitsuru, then she would have done nothing wrong.
Well if it's based on personality, that means Kokoro has a boner for autistic losers, seeing as she thotted the awkward fatty for the whiny asshole
>Left a guy you were forced to be paired with for someone you actually like.
Wow, what a slut.
>They're rapists who use emotional manipulation and guilt tripping
So they're not rapists at all?
Your logic I don't follow. Yes the thought she was in love with Kitamura, but when push came to shove and she started interacting more with both Kitamura and Ryuuji she realized which personality she was more attracted to. Even Kitamura realised it from the get go, when he rejected her confession. Besides which the OP is implying a slut who betrays, given that it's about Kokoro(that's subjective too, really don't have any opinions about the ep at the moment), however Taiga never betrayed Kitumura as they were never in a relationship, and when she started falling for Ryuuji, Kitamura was head over heels for the student council president.
Kokoro was guilt tripped by his nice guy attitude. She had no other way to free himself from him. Stop your retarded victim blaming at once. You do realize that this kind of shit can be really triggering to people who have been through these kinds of relationships, right?
they were forced be team based on skill i agree she really liked other guy seeing therads is funny but everyone should know your answer is correct
I really couldn't care less about any characters besides 02, MC and Zorro (only because he advanced some fucking plot in previous episode).
>She had no other way to free himself from him.
She did, it's called honesty.
Words of a slut/manwhore right there
an actual "nice guy" doesn't have the courage to go beat the guy up who steals his girl, because they're pussies
Futoshi has a good heart, I'm sure he will do something about himself after being heart broken.
I don't even watch this garbage but I want to make a thread too just to join the fun
>UNIRONICALLY using the word "triggering"
holy shit neo-Sup Forums. fucking kill me.
Literally tumbrl
I do watch this garbage, but because it is Im not emotionally invested in it. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the amount of threads created about this.
Cecilia is slut by default tho
>quit discussing anime on the anime board, reeeeeee
seriously though, NTR in a trigger anime, if you didn't expect the perfect storm of shitposting then it's your own fault.
Curious how Futoshi will develop now. I feel yall about his ordeal, but no mecha NTR will ever be as bad as this.
>10 threads for 1 shitty NTR episode
Honestly you can't defend this.
>but no mecha NTR will ever be as bad as this.
She didn't change her man, they offered a partner swap and she wanted to do it because she has a crush on milkman. Then fatty threw a tantrum because he has a crush on her. That's not her problem though.
>TFW you can pinpoint how thirsty is a girl down to centesimals
it's not fair
she was the purest too
These, the absolute state of Sup Forums
hey so i dropped this shit on ep 3, what the fuck happened today
Is this a best girls thread?
Well to be fair some of those started off as a different topic... but fucking jesus christ
>best anything
I don't understand why this anime is so popular.
user go kill yourself
You too
i cant believe she fucking dies
Guilt tripped, sync numbers threatened, and the whole squad can hear through the voice comm. She was kinda forced into agreeing with the promise. Youd have to be an autist to think she was a cunt for saying that at the time. The situation 10 minutes later was unfortunate.
Fatass was being clingy and obnoxious. Glad he got kicked in the shin.
It happens all the time irl. It's just in their nature. Props to Trigger for the realistic portrayal.
You're waifu
This should happen more often, only the losers get cucked, their fatty/manlet genes get eliminated, more women for the men at the top of the food chain, a better genetical foundation to enhance the human race.
This food slut.
At its peak i counted 3o Franxx related treads.
her and futoshis killcount was low and they were imeffective because futoshi cared about her too much and was protective, she gave futoshi a partner who he now wipes ass with and saved milkfag from maybe getting sent to klaxschwitz
shes still a lying whore and worst girl though
>the science of cuckoldry
Fatties mary-sue is actually a stone cold bitch. Name a better plot twist. protip: You can't.
Manipulative bitch who takes whatever dick she can get. Kokoro-chan? Kokwhoro-slut.
But she always wanted the Mitsudick. He's suave and mysterious and melancholic. Also, he brought her to that ruined house that had that babymaking book.
It's only natural for a female to seek out someone with superior genes.
This little hussy.
How many people did that bitch cuck moot with?
Her fault is in leading him on. Should've told him she didn't like him that way from that start.
Being kind isn't guilt tripping. Learn to say that you're not interested. There's nothing nice about leading someone on. It's pure cowardice that makes things worse in the long run.
>He's suave and mysterious and melancholic.
Re: he wants to be Hiro's cute trap.
Of course. Shotahiro was cute, after all. And 002 loli was most likely smitten by Shotahiro as well.