ITT good tsundere

ITT good tsundere

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_______ ______!

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Kazusa Touma

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Mine is a pretty good one especially seeing how the MC actually teases her back (why don't MCs do this more often).

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Every day until THK likes it.

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what is thk?

No such thing.

Tsundere hater kun. he is a rabid tsunderehater that keeps going into threads like this one.

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ah look he's here already.

The queen.

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a shit

Replace Asuka with Touma, pilot 02 isn't a tsundere.

Tsundere’s are shit

could some one name every tsundere on that pic.



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Sena for ever.

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She's good and is Tsundere occasionally

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I came here to post this. THIS.

no, that would be Taiga.

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I like.

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Tsundere + Imouto = Perfect Combo

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Also, pic related.

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Great, now anybody that is critical of tsundere and prefers kuudere is going to labeled as this namefag.

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Why hasn't anyone posted the Goddess, Erina-sama yet?

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>Best tsundere written came from this decade

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yep, this.

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