She did nothing wrong
Darling in the FranXX
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she's spineless liar and a slut
Please for the love of god stop spamming new threads.
I wonder if this Franxx thread will suffer the same faith.
Agreed. People hating are just beta retards. 20+ fucking threads on Sup Forums right.
Such a cutie patootie
Changing your mind about something isn't lying.
I want to pump her full of my seed and take responsibility.
The ball going away means Mitsuru is cured?
t. Mitsuru
A1 and Trigger did something wrong stretching this out for 24 episodes instead of 12.
I think he will stop obsessing over Hiro now
Just like when Ichigo lost her hairpin
It actually needs 27~ episodes
Yes, she did.
She stole my heart.
Marry a closet case.
Wrong, she stole MY heart.
Don't get posesive, Milkman.
I can't stand Kokorofags.
Was this shot really necessary?
Likewise, we can't stand fatties.
Extremely so.
Also what -was- her reason that she hinted at for wanting to help Mitsuru?
I don't know why your autism causes you to think everyone who thinks Kokoro was a piece of shit to the fat kid this episode must be fat.
the entire show is unnecessary.
At least mine had the decency to try to play it off as circumstantial rather than an outright rejection.
I think that kind of pity hurts more in the long-term though, so maybe Fatoshi will be able to move on this way. After all, being fat is an easier thing to fix than being a directionless loser in a dead-end job he's overqualified for (not that his qualifications actually mean anything in this market).
Who cares if fatass got rejected. Kokoro went wrong in reaffirming the promise she made 10 seconds ago right before dropping her panties for Mitsuru.
>than being a directionless loser in a dead-end job he's overqualified for (not that his qualifications actually mean anything in this market).
>Projecting and comparing yourself with a 14 year old boy.
I hope she dies.
I wasn't comparing myself to him. I was contrasting.
>mitsuru is gay
>Ikuno is gay
>mitsuru is gay
Not not anymore
So Kokoro is in love with Mitsuru and Mitsuru falls for Kokoro because she shows herself to be a madwoman when she goes after him?
my sides
He loves crazy.
No Mitsuru is just being a good friend here. He is definitely gay and the only feelings he has for Kokoro are platonic
Kokoro a cute a cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What does it mean
All that development in the past episodes for him being gay? Yeah sure. Its just classic Anime admiration among boys. Basically Naruto and Sasuke
>1 episode overrides years of him homolusting and brooding over hiro.
He's gay, user.
>autistic screeching
What did he mean by this?
okay, someone just post a thread for FranXX when it hits its limit, not so many multiple ones.
Yes, that's symbolism for
>he moved on
Which kinda implies he stopped being gay. But we don't know yet.
canon slut
>Kokoro is a reward
Is that a joke?
People who defend this slut sound just like a whore defending her whorish ways
I agree.
Futoshi was a creep fuck the whole episode. And the sad thing he didn't realize he was a creep fuck.
Sasuga google translate sama.
What it actually says is "the face she makes when confessed to by [user]".
Stop spamming DiTF threads fucking niggers
please direct complaints about our viral marketing campaign to
Morning sun is user?
will she have his babies?
If Fattie actually learns from this he will be on his path to become a better human bean
No, it's just how it translated としあき (toshiaki), which is the default name there. It messed up the grammar too.
Based Jirenposter
Girl of the season confirmed.
Ironically, it's the Saori Hayami character saying that.
What was it turning in to? Quite different from Strelizia. An alligator maybe? Do they all have different animals for rampage?
>The reason Ikuno is lesbo is because she's always had a bad experience with Homoboy who didn't care at all.
>She gets a taste of a guy who's as good a pilot as he is fat.
>Goes straight for Fatushi.
>Fatty won't partner shuffle back to Kokoro because despite his feelings for her, he'll never forgive her, plus he's still a good boi that believes in being loyal so he won't abandon Ikuno either.
>Ikuno wants nothing to do with Milkman
>Kokoro and Milkman go on to be mediocre together while Fatty and Glasses tear the battlefield.
>Kokoro later regrets her poorly thought out spur of the moment idea to break her promise as Milkman has yet another tantrum over being a shitty pilot.
>fatties now write fanfics.
My sides.
So why did she say yes to fatty when he asked her to be with him forever? Was she just too scared to say no, or was she just doing it to keep their sync rates high for their missions and so when the opportunity for a partner switch presented itself, she took it.
They all become dinosaurs. Not so subtle.
Sync rates most likely. Futoshi is a big baby as seen in this episode, she had no choice
This but fatty is also really creepy and clingy.
Probably both. Also they didn't know swapping partners was even a possibility at this stage.
Mitsuru will fail to protect her, she'll take a major blow to the guy and suffer permanent womb damage. Miscarriages for life.
They all were listening.
Watch as Fatty's and the dyke's kill count skyrockets without even reaching 100/100 sync rate
I wanna know how the group dynamic will be affected next episode. Will fatman and Kokoro act normal around eachother? highly unlikely. Will Ikuno want to pair back up with Milkman after performing so well with fatman? How will the team react to this? Will the adults keep the new pairings or have them swap back?
Too bad these questions won't be answered since its gonna be a recap episode next.
Sundays are the worst.
>Which kinda implies he stopped being gay. But we don't know yet.
>homosexuality is a mental illness that can be cured with a good pussy
She's pretty cute desu, but should be more honest
Recaps happen after episode 12
She can be honest with milkman since the only pressing he does to her is the mating press.
Is Kokoro the worst girl of the season?
>fatoshi will now turn into a faceless old man that will get their daughter
splendid work user
you're unnecessary
la luz extinguido
A masterpiece.
Say what you guys will but I can't hate on fatty for putting his trust on Mitsuru to protect Kokoro. Just goes to show how he much he actually cares.
>ITT Characters who deserves hate rape
lol great
Fucking amazing
It's actually kinda pathetic caring for someone who doesn't give a shit about you.
What if Kokoro gets pregnant not because she has sex with Mitsuru but because Futoshi rapes her?
Wouldn't that be interesting?
they are keeping to new pairings that's why Mitsuru said he'd protect her from now on.
duh she read a book about babies and wants him to fill her up, she was even carrying around a doll where she knew he liked to hang out
So Ikuno/Fatman is also permanent too? Goddamn, poor Ikuno just can't win.
>that Kokoro.
> nothing wrong
She strung him along like a sick puppy until her uterus found a new hot dog.
I look exactly like Mitsuru