Mitsuboshi Colors

It all ends tomorrow. No more adventures protecting Ueno from the evil Saito. No more cute clubhouse antics. No more bullying Kotoha. And we are probably not getting a second season, ever.

It was fun while it lasted.

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We got some good shit out of this show

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Please don't remind me

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>It was fun while it lasted.

read the manga

I wanna come home after a long day of work and have Yui-chan waiting for me. I want her to prepare a nice meal for me and give me a back-rub. I want to spend the evening with her and cuddle, maybe watch a nice movie and talk about the things going in in our lives. I fucking hate being lonely and not having anyone to talk to. I wish I had a cute girl like Yui-chan to talk to. Maybe we'd do more things, but honestly that wouldn't even be that important to me if I had a cute girl like her to spend time with. Not having a cute girl like her is driving me insane. It's so fucking unfair.

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I'm going to really miss this, I enjoyed remembering the similar stuff I did when I was their age, and it was great pretending that kids today are still as creative and not just brain-dead zombies left in front of TVs by overprotective mothers. It's a pity it's not more popular.

>not just brain-dead zombies

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Colors may have been Q U A L I T Y but it was endearing quality and I loved each episode.

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>It's a pity it's not more popular.
Maybe it will be like Ichigo Mashimaro and become more popular with time.

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oh hey is that out yet?

Season 2...

I'm waiting for confirmation.

There is no chapter left to adapt so you can wait a long time for your confirmation.

>It was poop while it lasted.

"i am a hero" mangaka was right when he made the other mangaka in his manga say that most anime and manga are a form of counter-culture media/literature where they are supposed to be quickly consumed, then discarded do you agree?

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I feel the same way, but I would rather spend time with Kotoha.

where can I read the mango? Does it get new chapters translated frequently?

Is there any other loli anime with humor similar to Colors? Shit like them claiming Saito has a missile launcher or the comments about Pops getting eaten by tigers, which can't be found even in other loli anime like Ichigo Mashimaro or Mitsudomoe.

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Manga is still being written. The ride doesn't have to end yet. Even though I will as always miss the cute voice work. Especially from Yui's VA.

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One day user... One day.

I`ll miss Nono

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Where's the anus edit

This but with Sat-chan

I'll miss the funnyman

Hey. At least the manga's still running.

For now...

Now where is my Bocchi anime.

She was very pretty.

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Sorry but anime doesn't like to adapt works with characters that are complete losers!

That makes two of us.

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Fuck the colors.

If I could get away with it I certainly would.

Most manga and anime are targeted at children.
Late night anime is meant to advertise manga or LNs.

It really is a shame it looked so cheap. These girls are so cute, they deserved better.

Attached: [Leopard-Raws] Mitsuboshi Colors - 07 RAW (ATX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_05.43_[2018.03.23_15. (1280x720, 81K)

This show was the most fun I had this season, just pure fun and cute
I'll miss it, and I'll miss the threads, even with all the lolicons

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Anime and manga is counter culture in the way they fight censorship laws. It seems like it's a contest for artists to see how far they can push it without being censored. They're always hiding genitalia in anime and video games.

Mitsudomoe is absolute shit.

Why do things have to end? Fuck this gay earth

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Not an anime, but Yotsuba-to has similar humour.

Barakamon, maybe?

Guys I think I solved it!

This anime was animated by a loli!

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I want to fuck Nono before the show ends.

I want to fuck Kotoha after this show ends so nobody is watching.

Giving all the colors(plus nono and sacchan's mom) the mating press!

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they're pure, leave them alone

Pure sluts.

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>Change her boyfriend weekly
>Blushes after her ass got slapped in public (by Sacchan with tissue)
Moka is fucking slut.
Nono is the real best.

I don't want it to end. ;_;

Final Unko soon.

It's been a pleasure, my fellow pedophiles

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 08 satcchan thumbs up.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

The cheapness was part of the charm because it was so consistently cute. I wouldn't have this show any other way.


I only recently picked it up but aside from the slideshow hilarity of episode 4 the show was pretty much normal with some bouts of nice animation. You lads went too far with the QUALITY meme with this show desu.

You know how it is with some people.
I bet people would keep calling Marchen Madchen a QUALITYfest until the end of time even if by some miracle the remaining episodes had sakuga out the ass while being movie-length each.

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To be fair, Marchen was a legitimate production disaster.

i'm still listening to the character song

you have us user, and soon Tay

>>Blushes after her ass got slapped in public don't blush after getting your ass slapped?

So what's this anime about? Should I marathon it now that it's over even if I'm not a lolicon?


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>video and strawberry chapters for the finale
Oh god it's going to tug my heartstrings too much.

Why does middle schooler Sacchan have black hair?

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Buy Sacchan isn't cute.

Yeah as an user who actually didn't pick it up because people kept calling it a slideshow I was legitimately surprised when I finally watched it. Seems like a great adaptation of a great manga.

I don't remember this page

Stupid, cute kids doing stupid, cute things. Think Yotsubato. It's far more innocent than these threads make it out to be, so give it a shot.

Non Non Biyori is better.
Country > city

>country > city
You're not wrong. Colors x NNB crossover when? Renge would fucking love it.

i want to beat up nono's womb with my dick

Ueno is pretty comfy.

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Can't wait to see the final pic with all of Kotoha's hats.

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Do we also have an oyaji glasses compilation?

user, my heart. Seeing her smile everyday would be so healing.

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>Can't wait to see the final pic with all of Kotoha's hats.
>Do we also have an oyaji glasses compilation?
I definitely need to see both of these by the end of the day.

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No. Anime is to consumed and distilled to Reaction Images, the only true measure of worth

Wish could have seen nono's nono animated

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It is not even in the real manga...

Yes and?

Oh god yes

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I will miss the Colors in anime format. Probably I will read the manga as it continues.
Bought this tapestry at Anime Japan 2018 also, it will have a good place in my home, as a memento of an anime I liked a lot and of my first trip to Ueno (I never went there before and would have missed some good things if not for Mitsuboshi Colors)

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Now that it's almost over how was the adaptation as a whole mangafag? I'll probably pick up the manga after the show ends.

I did not read the manga except for a few pages at a store so I cannot tell you unfortunately


How are all of their outfits so fucking cute?

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It's great! They rearranged some scenes to get a sense of pacing down as most chapters are disconnected from eachother.

Nothing was lost in translating the manga to anime as far as I'm concerned.

It's actually fantastic.

I'd like the Colors to squat on me.

I first saw her at the Colors headquarters on the park in Ueno. She was wearing a blue dress. She appeared like an angel. Out of this filthy mess, she is alone. They... cannot... touch... her.

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Why Kotoha is so SOFT?

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Pretty good actually, I just wish they had a bit more budget.

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If the entire show looked like the ending theme's artstyle it would have been too good for Sup Forums, it would just kill plebs on sight.

lies, Nono takes care of herself

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The would be too stylistic for everybody's tastes.

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>purple ranger joins the colors
Would watch every episode/10.

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Hey that's Kotoha twin sister, Kotoho.

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