Next Tuesday we'll have a fest in honor to Charmy
Black Clover
is this a leaked image of next week's episode?
and why did you make a new thread faggot? Last one was archived because no one wants to talk about it
well guess I'll shitpost in an attempt to keep this dead shit alive
guess I'll try again
ok what the fuck is going on here literally where did everyone go
Remove elves
Elves are the superior race on this planet
but they got fucked over the last time humans attacked them
Their population was in the hundreds at best compared to multiple kingdoms full of thousands of humans
Yami will go full negro to save us from elfos
I want to FUCK Captain Yami!
>Last one was archived because no one wants to talk about it
This is likely true. On the other hand a bunch of threads are being annihilated by Franxx spam.
Yeah its weird. Every other day we got tons of discussion then out of nowhere when Franxx releases, the board is spammed with 20 threads on it and our thread ends up completely dead within seconds.
Are Yami and Asta the only ones who reinforce their body with mana or anti mana in shortys case?
Vetto, Mereoleona
Fanzel, Leona, Magna, Vetto, and Ladros all use reinforcement magic on their bodies
everyone got trolled by the BC vs MHA thread so we accidentally let the main BC thread die....
I regret nothing
doesn't Luck also reinforce his body with magic? How'd he get Elf'd
He just uses his lightning to create armor which in turn make his attacks hurt more and increase his speed. Reinforcement magic is an actual magic type used so far only by those chars.
I glad Black Clover thread is dead
So I've been catching up to the story but this part confused me.
It's obvious that the elves all died by Licht's mass light attack which is the same spell that Julius died to prevent getting cast. However the unreliable narrator is bullshitting us to think that Licht merely did a reincarnation magic.
So if Licht is the one who wiped out the entire elf race then why the hell is he genuinely emotionally fucked by it and is blaming the humans?
Either I'm retarded or there is some 4D chess is going on.
guess again mother father
user, Licht doesn't have light magic, he has sword magic. And NotLicht, aka Patoulli, only got light magic after being reincarnated inside William. The only person (that we know of so far) who had light magic back then was the first wizard king, Licht's brother-in-law.
>It's obvious that the elves all died by Licht's mass light attack which is the same spell that Julius died to prevent getting cast.
There's the source of your confusion. Licht didn't cast the mass light attack that killed all the elves, because his magic is summoning swords. Same magic the old guy that Magna idolized had.
Oh my goodness I'm a mega retard then.
Thanks for clarifying.
>The only person (that we know of so far) who had light magic back then was the first wizard king
So this is the guy who prevent the demon invasion,but in the BC universe, elves are demon worshipers. Did Elves throw the first stone and first Wizard King just retaliated by going full Elf Hitler?
Nah, not really. Pretty much everyone was confused when we first read that.
>Did Elves throw the first stone and first Wizard King just retaliated by going full Elf Hitler?
The elves never did anything except stay away from humans. First WK and his sister Tetia grew to like Licht so genociding the elves out of nowhere and at his sister's wedding doesn't make any sense since, like I said, the elves never really did anything.
While I don't doubt it
The fankxx shit posting is drowning out threads faster than normal
Mimosa Rebecca or Noelle
Yeah, the culprit must be someone else
Did you think we had forgotten?
Did you think we had forgiven?
Behold, now, the terrible vengeance of the Elves!!!
Death to the royalty!!!
And death to the humans!!!
>DB super end and shitxxx on same day
>board goes to shit
>Did Elves throw the first stone and first Wizard King just retaliated by going full Elf Hitler?
Well one was marrying his sister.
Did you forget the part where first Wizard King and Licht became good bros?
It's a joke, user.
How far would you go to prevent your younger sister from marrying a nig.... elf
Fuckoff bnhafag
Elves have massive magic, how can humans compete
Asta's been pretty useless lately. He needs a power up.
Julius was fucking lichi shit up
Until he died
Lichii pulled a frieza like a bitch
>Julius was fucking lichi shit up
think you miss a page or two user
>we finally get bc doujin
>its bara shit
He cheated like a filthy nigger.
He Was basically hold ur family member at gun point
It’s an effective strategy
when the guy you're fighting can literally control time itself, you can't be expected to win playing fair user
Still won
threadly reminder that you failed to protect this smile
Is it worth watching this just for Charmy?
The argument was how can humans compete
I told you how they could compete
Elves in BC actually take heavily from jewish culture, not african
Sorry user. I did not have enough wishing energy.
I ship asta and assassin waifu
Mariella is for her (adoptive) father!
Its worth watching if you love BC and have low standards like me
Fuck me elves are some useless cunts
>Naruto was mediocre
>Third Hokage dies and shit jumped to popularity
>Bleach was mediocre
>Aizen betrays everyone and shit jumped to popularity
his death was the best thing to happen to Black Clover and you know it user
Its fine, he smiled one last time before he died
>summons a demon god
>gives main character his powers
>btfos fuegoleon
>kidnaps orphanage children
>crushes MCs arms
>gives you a reason for a tournament arc
>nearly destroys your entire kingdom
>kills your Wizard King
>turns half the cast into elves
Now that the only human who could compete is dead, how can they compete?
They don't. It's time to flee the country.
>>summons a demon god
Gets killed
>>gives main character his powers
Lost control of their golem
>>btfos fuegoleon
Didn't manage to kill him
>>kidnaps orphanage children
Not an accomplishment
>>crushes MCs arms
Didn't manage to kill him
>>gives you a reason for a tournament arc
I suppose
>>nearly destroys your entire kingdom
Didn't manage to destroy it
>>kills your Wizard King
I suppose
>>turns half the cast into elves
I doubt it will last long
The human youths already seem more promising than are current magic captains
Half the cast is over 20.
Mimosa a cute
It'd be pretty funny if Julius used his time magic to not disintegrate Licht's sword of revealing light, but to push it back in time at the current spot. If the wedding was held at the same place the Clover Kingdom is now then Julius would've sent back the light showers that Licht sent down to kill Licht himself and his people.
charmy needs more spotlight she so OP
Ah shit the twists
Black Clover would quickly rise to my top 5 if the whole arc was a time loop of NotLicht wanting revenge for the swords of revealing light spell, that he himself casted years into the future because of the swords of revealing light spell in the past
That would be fucking amazing.
As funny as that would be, it wouldn't explain the trap that cut off the elves magic.
That's young
after seeing his spell be flung back in time, NotLicht used his second weapon, a magic nullifying AoE. Which Julius also flings back in time
It just happend so.that someone was summoning a demob causing the anti-mana field.
pure kino
She gets shown pretty regularly
> yew charmy Is a demon worshipper
holy fuck that's what happened! Julius literally sent the spell back in time which just so happened to be where the elves used to live 1000+ years ago.
>seriously, why didn't Julius just do that
Charmy is actually based off of a goat/sheep demon
Well the theme of the manga so far is dark =/= evil, I mean the team is Black Bulls, Black being associated with Evil and Bull/horned beings with demons then you have Yami who's power is dark magic which is normally associated with bad guys then you have Licht with light magic who is the bad guy.
Bleach was the same way
Dropped it early so wouldn't know
there is no prejudice against dark magic in Black Clover. It is seen as an element type like Fire, Water, Earth, etc...
There is however a prejudice against demons, since as the anime keeps FUCKING reminding us, Humanity was almost wiped out by demons until a powerful mage saved all of them
Yeah I know there's no prejudice I'm just talking about the theme of the manga/anime
Even the Black Bulls themselves a either have powers, backstories, or character traits that usually end up creating villains or anti-heroes
All I can think of is luck really.
Also anyone surprised that none of the black bulls went Rouge?
Not including this elf business
Yeah it is kinda bizarre that not one bull has deviated in anyway. But perhaps that just means yami has a good eye.
Yami is best boy, would like a spin off manga of teenage Yami
Zora was literally a terrorist.
More like Robin Hood.
I rather not. We have enough drama let the group stay as friends.
Also there is another character we haven't seen yet maybe he/she will be an antagonist.
Would be nice to have a rogue magic knight that isn't from the Purple Orcas for once but with everyone getting ELFED, another character who's vice-captain level would be nice to have on our side
Purple orca a shit
Xerx is the only one we currently know of who didn't turn or die and last we saw of him, he got completely shit on by Zora. He really has it rough.