What did futaba mean by this?
What did futaba mean by this?
Quick! It's been 3 full minutes since the last franxx thread! It's time to make another! Run, user! RUN!
A SLUT A SLUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did they like it?
translate pham
Can franxx cucks stop trying to overblow this show's popularity?
It reeks of artificial hype/rage.
Ikuno > 02 > ichigo > Miku > Slutkoro
>Homo, lez, fatty and bitch, it was good times
Well at least I got this from the link.
Have pity on them. This might be under-ages first contact with anime and they can't handle the fact that it's flopping
> Facial expression when confessed to morning sun
What does it mean
Shit is getting convoluted.
must be nice to be japanese and not have your board spammed by CR shills and the CR funded mods ignore it.
Stop evading my filter
>547 million posts
Fucking hell, I didn't think they had that many. Lack of backlinks is still retarded btw
Zorome and Miku are the purest couple.
wtf I love Ikuno now
Look at her right shoulder.
Then look at her right arm.
My fucking sides, I've never seen this one before.
>what is enjoying things
Best girl. Now she can fight good.
Apparently, the only way to get this cancer threads deleted is to get the mods exposed for the trigger niggers they are
stay mad generalfag
watch more anime, underage
>generalfags calling anyone else underage
oh the irony.
>yfw mods are milkmanfags
>underages posting the same meme over and over again calling someone else underage
Would be almost poetic, if you weren't so retarded
Threadly reminder that mods are huge trigger niggers
So, when is the fat pig gonna die ? He's unbearable
>image filesize is given in bytes
Wtf japan
You know how I know you weren't here when TTGL and Code Geass were airing?
What did russian 2chan mean by this?
Ehat did they mean by this?
Do you think 2channerz come here and screenshot our posts and laugh at them?
yes, they do.
Of course
Actually, yes. We are not joking.
careful user, I was shitposting in franxx threads with pacific rim and nge gifs a few weeks ago and got baited
>tfw switched partner
They have blogs dedicated to posting screenshots from Sup Forums and their translations into Japanese.
so thats why everyones trying to outedge each other. We're merely western monkeys entertaining our japanese overlords.
Elevens please leave
What the fuck is wrong with you Franxxfags spamming the board with this shitshow? Nobody cares about this garbage, all you're accomplishing is shitting up the board with a bunch of threads with just a handful of idiots circle-jerking over this. Even superspicfags have more self-control than your stupid asses, even though they actually have the numbers to maintain a bunch of threads at the same time instead of this display of samefagging debauchery.
I want to suffocate in between those.
They really are like Sup Forums.
>when your new partner is twice the size of the last one
And no, I'm not talking about the weight.