In my opinion that would be naruto. What’s yours?
Is Naruto really overrated? A lot of people seem to agree that the whole ninja war got out of hand.
Anyhow though, the most overrated anime for me has to be Dragon Ball Super right now, because it tries too hard to please such a wide audience that I feel like it fails to reach the standards of the original.
absolutely this
Berserk, though I guess that falls more into manga purview
Tenchi Muyo, I guess?
HxH, OPM, One Piece. Try criticising anything about any of those series, doesn't matter how asspulish, nonsencical or stupid and see if a entire army of people isn't going to appear and tell you how brilliant it actually is.
Boku no Pico
Kill la kill
Code Geass
delet this
WebM not related, just shilling Conan.
Conan is most underrated anime imo. There is a huge fanbase and everyone watches it secretly. But no one dares to admit it and just shits on it.
Fuck you.
Naruto is normie shit. Naruto is part of holy trinity of shit taste.
>Harry Potter
I got halfway into Monster and cannot care to complete it.
The start was really strong, and everything up to the mid 30s/40s was okay but I just could. not. give a shit that far in to deal with it another 30ish episodes.
Read the manga
Naruto is the most normie
Not much of a reader. If I had to distill it. it was the constant kicking down the MC and then holding him up as this great person who dindu nuffin so many times it just wore off.
I'm not huge on thriller, might be why.
All mecha anime
fuck you. I was about to post this.
Eva is the most overrated show on the board.
The shonens just are what they are.
On Sup Forums? Definitely Eva
Most overrated in general? Naruto, yeah.
Most overrated on Sup Forums? K-On or Mitsudomoe
Dragonball Z
How is this even an argument?
It ties with Attack on Titan in normies mate
pure trash
You're favorite anime
Is that you, user? Lose some weight, please.
Gay Ice Skaters
I’m surprised this schlock hasn’t been posted yet.
Forgot pic
its not even that good. Its literally capeshit x-men
Raildex. Prove me wrong
my personal favorite animus, but it doesn't get very nice treatment outside of its containment thread since that thing is such a zoo
that's a mostly good list
Not to mention how atrocious the writing is
this season Yuru camp
Nothing is overrated, people have different taste, and you are retard
Lmao once this wish becomes a dues ex machina it totally kills any depth the show will ever have to offer.
>this is a detective show
Nice trips
It's actually the 18th movie (of currently 22), which is par for the course of over the top action. The anime/manga has its moments though while the movies help break up what can be seen as the slog to climb.
Dragonball, Universe, Yuri On Ice, Gurren Lagann
Something a bit more lighthearted.
Sword Art Online, you can't even discuss this. Unless we are talking of overrated by Sup Forums, of course. SAO is the one that gets praise out of nowhere, its characters are bland but people claim they are great and the action scenes are also generic shonen fights but people go overboard saying they are the coolest.
And it made millions of money just like that going with baseless hype.
With stuff like Naruto you can see how it could get so big, and even its detractors recognize some strenghts so the "overrated" discussion gets muddy, same with other stuff getting posted here. I mean if Berserk, 20th Century Boys, HxH and Monster for example are overrated, then what the hell is the ceiling? Overrated means that its rate got above what it should be, but on a scale of 10 I don't think many things actually existing above those. They are simply too hyped but the rate is fine, they are the best of the bunch even accounting for asspulls.
Also the openings look nice if that's your thing, since there's a ton of them.
Last one though, just covering a few bases to entice people.
It's not overrated it's popular. Whenever SAO comes up in conversation online, be it here, reddit or any manga or anime website with a comment section SAO is always shat upon by everyone.
Nothing comes close to NGE. I guarantee everyone who didn't say NGE is the type of nostalgiafag who vastly overrates it.
I will actually agree with this. NGE is hyped up like the biggest wankest anime and will always get a mention on normalfag sites when talking about the BEST anime.
It was influential sure, I will even concede you if you claim it was the most influential anime ever, but not the best. It was just average, if it came out today it wouldn't really shake things up if you only appreciate it for the mecha-anime it is.