All you faggots talking about that thot Kokoro when true best girl got to shine this episode
All you faggots talking about that thot Kokoro when true best girl got to shine this episode
Yuri did nothing wrong.
At one point her and Futoshi were Sup Forums's least favourites.
Now I see them getting praised out of nowhere.
Fucking dyke.
She's shit.
Citrus just ended. I need my /u/ fix.
The fat cock made her better
/fatlit/ duo fought very well
Flying kicks were awesome
Two shafted, unneeded losers being paired together can be a potentially interesting setup.
She's good at hiding it.
they make a great team honestly
it was one of the few times I enjoyed mecha action in this show
>best girl
she complete a character development:
>she thinks all her problems are her partner's fault
>I'm not like you.jpg
>believes that all men are bad because of past experiences
>he thinks all his problems are going to be solved by switching partners (ichigo)
>Changing partners doesn't solve anything
>her ex-partner is better whit someone else
>another man, futoshi, isn't so bad (like her ex)
She literally has a new, more mature start.
Mostly because until this episode, Futoshi was just some fat dude and Ikuno was some boring dead fish. They actually have interesting traits now.
>Doesn't put up with Futoshi's worship bullshit
>Futoshi will actually try to take care of Ikuno
They really do make a good match.
She deserves a true chad like me
It happened in Madoka so it's not impossible.
What is Ikuno's endgame?
They still are what are you on
To taste Ichigo's strawberry.
They need an adapter or something
Hoping Goro dies asap
She's the only female character who is not an obnoxious cunt, for sure. If anyone deserves a happy ending it's her.
Yeah. She just wants to do her job right and get some pussy, what's wrong with people who hate her?
Planning on losing some stamens, huh?
Strap in Ichigo. You're not leaving until we make this work.
>02 x Ichigo
>Ikuno x Ichigo
Why is yuri always the superior to het?
This. I will be suprised if she's totally gay, she's just jilted. They all clearly don't really connect the dots with FranXX piloting being pseudo sex, they just think it's a connection. Ikuno has a good connection and is comfortable with Strawberry so she thinks they should just pilot.
But Ikuno, you're the one not putting out. Ichigo is at least trying
>Kokoro and Mitsuru are officially partners.
Boy, they made it real damn easy on themselves by putting the two dispensable characters in the same FranXX, didn't they?
I bet my left leg that Chlorophytum gets fucking owned by a Gutenberg Class Klax in the Grand Crevasse and then whatever parasyte squad that'll inevitably go with them as backup start dropping like flies Stains;Gate style. No stakes to Mayuri dead on the floor in one episode.
RIP Ikuno and my hope for Yuri in the FranXX.
>Homosexuals are nothing but a source of pointless drama and strive
>This show gets it right
yeah, for real
I kept thinking how they would manage to kill Ikuno and Futoshi off while keeping Kokoro and Mitsuru alive for each other, but then they just switched partners like it was nothing.
what an alpha; i thought she'd be more shy about such an out-of-nowhere proposal
She's got more balls than all the male cast combined.
I wonder how she feels about being manhandled for the first time, for being a decent Franxx for the first time and just not useless dead weight. I wonder how it feels to finally have a stamen that cares about how you feel and knows how to pilot you. This show took a weird turn, I'm guessing fatso will become an angry sadman and she will have to slap some sense into him, since I doubt she wants to deal with another whinny bitch again. The interactions will be interesting, if they ever get any spotlight.
Ichigo a shit, Fatsoshi is unironically better for her.
Funnily enough Ikuno's bar was good enough it was Ichigo's one that was too low irrc.
So maybe pistil to pistil could work... Or stamen to stamen
>I wonder how she feels about being manhandled for the first time
This. Milkcrybaby couldn't handled her. Fatso fight scene in this episode were good.
>got to shine
>fails miserably
You can't make this shit up.
Other way around.
She kicked ass with fatty in battle
she reall /u/ was phase
>when true best girl got to shine this episode
True, Ichigo did look pretty good utterly btfoing a dyke.
What did they mean by this?
I hope we can see how their relationship is built. Even if it is in the background
Are you legally retarded?
Ichigo is a lesbian?!?
>When you are worst girl and you are finally with your crush and you go in for the kill and she says this
Are we Sup Forums now?
She's gonna get a wild ride from 02 some episode when Hiro can't pilot.
>complains about Sup Forums
>while posting a non-anime image and breaking board rules
Nice cognitive dissonance
I now want an anime version of that cat.
Ichigo just hasn't had her lesbian phase yet. She will.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with animalposting you massive faggot
I love how they're pretty consistent in showing her very faint freckles.
She really is the least unlikable member of this cast. I hope everything turns out well for her.
Well she did have more balls than Mitsuru did the entire episode, and showed that Futoshi was the better pilot after all. I've got more appreciation for her now.
Seems like you can't just make a show without yuribait these days.
At least she got to look at her butt.
I'm very concerned for her well-being now. It doesn't look like she is giving up on Ichigo any time soon. Fatty performed good on the battlefield but only because he was thinking about Kokoro. Now he is a mess and might get Ikuno killed. Even if they work well together they will be underpowered in comparison to the rest of the team who are ready to unlock the power of love.
She looks her naked all the time
>Fatoshit wants to be a better, stronger man for WhoreWhoreRo
>asks Ikuno for help
>"what a drag, but I will help you since I dont have anything better to do"
>she slowly falls for him but doesnt say anything
>Fatoshit redemption episode
>WhoreWhoreRo now lusting for Fatoshit dick
>"move aside bitch"
>he kneels and asks Ikuno in marriage
>they live happily ever after
>the end
There, I saved your anime.
When was that scene of (most likely) Hiro holding oni's hand as a kid?
I bet it will be something like that actually. Fat boi will ask Ikuno for help, and they will slowly start to bound until Fitoshi and ex dyke click together
Imagine being Ichigo in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Ikuno, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your freckles and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally go lesbian for you, both as a pilot and a person." when all she really wants to do is think about who has the bigger dick between Hiro and Goro. Like seriously imagine having to be Ichigo and not only sit in that chair while Ikuno flaunts her disgusting body behind you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her four-eyes and freckly skin, and just sit there, test after test, hour after hour, while she projected her degenerative yuri upon you. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her dyke attitude as everyone on set tells her she's A SMART GIRL and DAMN, YURI LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been lusting for nothing but either pilot-jesus or your tall megane stud partner for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Plantation 13. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her freckles as she stares suggestively at your ass, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get tested to be a degenerate dyke and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then Nana calls for another test, and you know you could go into stampede mode and kill every single person in this room before the plantation security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Ichigo. You're not going to lose your position as leader over this. Just bear it. Pretend you don't notice her feelings and bear it.
Delete this.
Childhood is believing Kokoro's lies. Adulthood is realising Ikuno was the fairest maiden all along
OK, this one is good too.
For some reason this show inspires me to do them. I've done 5 now. Kind of tempted to do one with shota Hiro and Mitsuru, but we don't know enough about if he was mind wiped or had met loli Oni yet or anything.
Fatty was miserable after being NTR'd and we haven't seen Ikuno's Buddha fetish appear.
[eye of the tiger starts playing softly increasing in volume]
Fatties have naturally powerful legs.
and a gentle heart that a girl stupid enough to believe in /u/ memes has never been smothered in honey, she'll be a lovely citrus tart
This one made me laugh
Being Ikuno is suffering
The fact that Nana and the other dude didn't shoot the idea down immediately means that it is possible and may have happened in the past. Which means pegging is still in play, boys.
Futoshi will turn Ikuno straight, you heard it here first.
I want to beleive
I just want Ikuno to tear up Ichigo's nasty snatch.
> Got to shine
Eh, it was mostly Futoshi being the hero in Chlorophytum, all Ikuno did was prove that you can't drive a franxx in lesbo mode.
She looks so cool.
Yes, a long time already.
It takes two to pilot a FranXX at it's best and her sync with Futoshi was better then it ever was with Milkman
>there are actual Ikunofags
I didn't even know this was something that was possible to think, could a girl be any worse? Ice cold dike with literary zero personality who is also a cuck and ugly
It still wasn't that impressive though.
>He still doesn't understand how Franxess work
>RIP Ikuno and my hope for Yuri in the FranXX
She's the Mari Okada Self-Insert character, did you really expect her to stay lesbian?
Mari Okada following Abe's grand designs
so shes super gay for strawberry right?
>Ikuno is the Okada's self-insert
>Futoshi is Nishigori's self-insert
>They're now paired together
What are they trying to tell us?
Took you this long to notice?
Futoshi was the one who took control, Ikuno was just being the battery.
Is Okada a lesbo? Why does her self-inserts always go /u/?
Figure she's more just super gay in general, it just sounds the more professional idea when she wants to 'test her theory' with the leader.
then go to /u/
I want to fuck ikuno
Come on people, we have been over this.
From what I'm getting, the inside monitors are only for the stamen, while the images and actual feed of from the mech's body goes directly to the pistil's brain.
While unfair, because this system puts the girls under more risk and stress, I can see why the design is as such.
The male brain is better "wired" from right lobe to left lobe and vice versa, in the females the wiring goes from front to back.
The higher functions, like aiming, flying, strength imprinted and the like are tasked to the stamen. Basic functions like standing, running, gripping and such, are channeled through the pistil.
This is no pacific rim, the girls are put under more duress than the boys, but is effective in the long run.
So after this episode, can we all agree that the milkman will father little Kokoro into the world instead of this fat fuck?
Don't they say that the stamen is the one who mainly controls the mech? In any case, it's clear that one driver can 'take control' so to speak moreso than another, we even saw it in this episode where 02 was charging around while Hiro clearly didn't want to, and after a point he physically forced Strelizia to retreat.