Sora Yori mo Tooi basho

Damn that was hard to watch. Fuckin' cried myself.

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It was so ridiculous I burst out laughing.

Agreed. The tryhard 12yr olds here will shrug it off, but it was a pretty heavy moment

i actually cringed to the point that i had to take off my headphones and just read the subs. though ive liked almost every bit of this show and i liked the emotional moments this show provides.
i just cant believe that she was in such denial about her mother dying that she sent at least one e-mail every day for three years. they didn't sell me enough on their relationship or on her own autism was such that she could actually go to that extreme level of denial and escapism. her character mostly behaves pretty normal and like an emotionally mature person, not this lunatic who sends 1000 emails to a dead person.
and i dont think i fully understand why she would start crying there. maybe it represents the moment where her denial is over and she is fully facing reality that her mother is really dead. but why would she come to that realization based on a lost piece of technology found randomly that her mother stopped using. she was about to create so many delusions about how her mother could still be alive, but because her mother ignored her digital devices, then shes REALLY dead? thats silly.

Still hurts.

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I haven't cried while watching anime since I've seen Clannad many years ago. This show is a gem

Just stop thinking and cry, that's what melodramas require from us.

>it's another "thread gets sabotaged before it even gets to start" episode
the worst part is knowing that there will always be faggots to take the bait no matter what

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friendly reminder

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I dropped this shit in episode 2, did they ever find the body?

>emotionally mature

I want to cannibalize Hinata.


You should really do some soul searching and accept that you're an autist who can't relate to normal humans.

I had a really fucked up childhood and I made a friend on the internet who also had a really fucked up childhood around age 12. We emailed each other multiple times a day for like a decade. It quickly got to a point where we depended on each other. Even after we eventually met in real life, hooked up, and realized we didn't like each other, I still compulsively typed emails to her for a long time afterwords and just never sent them.

Shirase knew her mom was long gone. But emailing was her way of remembering. The same way people go to loved one's graves and talk to them.

The moment in this episode where she started crying was her finally finding closure. It had nothing to do with her being delusional.

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one day your mother will die and you'll remember this post and understand

Turn your brain on for a moment.
Now, explain how the laptop functioned perfectly after being left in a cold wasteland for years.

Please don't do this again.

>Implying this sperger even had a mother in the first place

>Turn your brain on for a moment.
i'll tell you as soon as you manage to do that

It didn't, everything happened in Shirase's mind as she was dying from hypothermia

>Shirase knew her mom was long gone. But emailing was her way of remembering. The same way people go to loved one's graves and talk to them.

>The moment in this episode where she started crying was her finally finding closure. It had nothing to do with her being delusional.

Fucking finally someone who's not retarded. I'm an aspie fuck and even I understood this

We've been over this.

We already went through this, and concluded that scientifically there would be no reason for the laptop to break. So please, stop talking about shit you know nothing about.

>Crying over Muh Emails

Didn't know Shirase represented Trump Supporters

Nice one drumpftards BTFO

My wife is so cute I want to do lewd things to her butt

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damn there you go again boy

This anime has so much background music with vocals that I feel it is just one big reel for the VAs.

You are very dumb user. She was dork JC when her mother travelled 14000 kms away for work and died. Not only did she never come back but there was no body, no ashes nor even the testimony of either of those things from someone else. It was just she was there one moment and then not there the next. She knew her mother was dead, she knew from the moment she was called out of school that day and told so, yet she didn't accept it because that's a very difficult thing for any one, let a lone a lonely and awkward middleschooler without friends or even a father. This was made easier by the lack of tangible evidence mentioned before, Shirase didn't have to confront the fact that her mother was gone because she never had to look at the remains or anything else that would force it upon her. She took the easy path and decided to cope by single mindedly working towards getting to Antarctica because doing so allowed her to avoid that painful process of coming to terms with the loss.
When Shirase cries it's certainly not because she now knows her mother is dead, it's because reality is violently crashing over her. It's because she is being forced to accept her mother's death while being reminded that she spent three whole years trying to avoid that. She forwent friends, clubs and all other social activities so that she could work a dozen jobs getting that money. Three years stuck in a limbo, not growing or moving on or even mourning because she refused to. Fuck it was even spelled out for you earlier in the episode with the onion scene.

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fuck you for posting this. I didn't come here to think about real life

this is a perfect representation of Sup Forums

Who else would actually love it if they found her body? Unrealistic due to the harsh weather conditions, but even the snowfall in Antartica is pretty low if the temperature is low enough.

honestly if they're gonna build an observatory there then someone is bound to stumble upon her corpse sooner or later, she didn't die that far away from the expedition base

Yeah they did, just marathon the rest, I promise it pays off.

if you think that her not physically seeing the remains of the body was such an important part of closure, you are fine to believe that. i think its different for every person. but if it was important for Shirase, i think the story would have told us some way or another, which it never did. it never made a point of that.

>it's because reality is violently crashing over her

i conceded that though i had doubts, i also came to that same conclusion about the intent of the scene. but what i said was that it was silly, to me, for the moment of finding the laptop to cause reality to hit home for her. if she spent three years avoiding reality, she could easily concoct a fantasy that her mother just lost the laptop, or something. its just a hunk of metal. anyone could lose it. anyone could just choose to stop opening their email. that doesnt automatically mean they are dead.

>stop talking about shit you know nothing about
How dare you proclaim such incorrect statements? I'm an expert in computer science that stopped over 50 server attacks. I built a computer out of nothing but raw metal and managed to run my custom GNU/Linux distro on it. I've been offered a job by multiple corporations like Google and Apple, but I declined due to my belief in free software. I manage 342 different servers a day, while programming a GPL video editor in Assembly. I earned multiple degrees in my field. It is impossible for anyone to question my skills in tech and anyone who even tries to perform such an irrational act, will have to face the consequences. In fact, you are the one who probably doesn't know anything. I bet you use Windows on a pre-built PC. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here on my self-built machine, knowing everything about everyone. Do you honestly believe that you're even in the same league as me? Did you know that I invented modern ATM machines, recorded the audio conversations between Muslim extremists and programmed an entire Nintendo Switch emulator that can run all games without lag? I can literally delete you from existence. Don't argue about computers with someone as educated as me, you'll only embarrass yourself and be careful when you judge someone's tech skills online without possessing any knowledge about technology yourself, it might save your life.

>anyone could just choose to stop opening their email. that doesnt automatically mean they are dead.

replying to myself here, but i had a thought that maybe this moment is simply lost in translation.
maybe there is some Japanese societal norm that im not aware of, where the act of not replying to your e-mails warrants a shame worse than death, and nobody would ever ever do it, and therefore its actually a very significant gesture with lots of meaning behind it.

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Im currently on ep4 and everything feels so formulaic and convenient. Is this really what a good chunk of Sup Forums considers AOTS? The editing is pretty good, though.

Jesus christ people are overthinking this. It's really well written and makes complete sense to anyone who isn't autistic.

Last thread died after 200 posts. Nobody is watching this shit. It's just small, but very vocal minority yelling stupid things as usual. There's one other unironically claiming Toji no Miko is AOTS.

Tons of people are watching franxx which is pure garbage. Audience size is not a fair metric for how good a show is.

You know your shit is stupid when you're pulling the rick and morty excuse.

i think you people basically cry because you love your mommy and daddy and you dont want them to die. and you dont want anyone elses mommy and daddy to die, especially not cute anime grills. you are easily manipulated.
its not well-written. the character is inconsistent. her reactions are inconsistent. the construction of this climax around an e-mail inbox was confusing at best.

I was just angry. All this build up for nothing. What a waste.

The body isn't specifically important to her. She's not on a quest to find it or anything, it is just that she was not confronted with a body or any other thing that forced her to come to terms with her mother's death. As for your second point I fear that you are actually autistic because you are taking things far too literally.

>i think you people basically cry because you love your mommy and daddy and you dont want them to die. and you dont want anyone elses mommy and daddy to die, especially not cute anime grills. you are easily manipulated.
kek. I couldn't have made my own point better.



Episode 5 now. The comedy is fucking bad, other than that and the incredibely convenient setup the show is a solid 7. Oh and the two dork characters are a bit too similar.

>the character is inconsistent. her reactions are inconsistent
no they're not
>the construction of this climax around an e-mail inbox was confusing at best
because you're a fucking idiot

It gets worse from this point, so brace yourself.

there was no sign of her mother for 3 years.
her mother never came home for 3 years.
people told her, straight up, that her mother was dead.
any rational person with even superficial knowledge about the conditions in antarctica would assume that she was dead.

in that context, why was the e-mail inbox the magic moment when the light came on for her? what is the significance of the emails and the laptop? the answer is there isn't any. its just some fucking emails. the emails and the laptop dont even have any real sentimental value, like if she found her dead mothers hairpin or something. that would have actually made more sense.

unless you want to tell me that the scene was not about shattering her delusion, but was merely her feeling a huge wave of pity for herself for trying so hard to hold onto her dead mother. which nobody has suggested.

>but if it was important for Shirase, i think the story would have told us some way or another, which it never did. it never made a point of that
That's because it trusts you to have a brain and realize that by yourself
>i conceded that though i had doubts, i also came to that same conclusion about the intent of the scene. but what i said was that it was silly, to me, for the moment of finding the laptop to cause reality to hit home for her. if she spent three years avoiding reality, she could easily concoct a fantasy that her mother just lost the laptop, or something. its just a hunk of metal. anyone could lose it. anyone could just choose to stop opening their email. that doesnt automatically mean they are dead
What the fuck are you talking about. Exactly where and when did you reach a conclusion that Shirase thought or believed her mother was alive?

>this anime is literally 2deep for room-temperature IQ Sup Forumsnons

i never believed flatly while watching episode 1 though 10 that Shirase fully believed that her mother was alive. I do not think the show tried to tell us that Shirase believed her mother was alive. that is not how I received the show. I think it would be foolish for somebody to watch 10 episodes and think that Shirase expected to find her mother alive.
But the... symbolism? or the unstated meaning, of which things she denies, and which things she accepts, are the entire source of what is supposed to make the scene emotional and make the scene climactic. For me the writing was bad. The choice for what they decided to make the climactic source of emotion for her was confusing to me. I would love somebody to make me wrong about it because I've loved the show. I don't want to be stubborn in any way. I want to feel what other people felt in that scene. But I didn't.

in this case it's literally one user
and don't you insult his IQ he's a very famous playwright and knows more than you do

The girl next door had a pet lizard? Look, flash cards, you aren't much help if the scenarios aren't believable.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Sora Yori mo Tooi basho. The drama is extremely forced, and without a solid grasp of melodrama most of the writing will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Shirase's endless weeping, which is deftly woven into her characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Mexican soap operas, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these tears, to realise that they're not just sad- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Yorimoi truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Hinata's existential catchphrase "piss off", which itself is a cryptic reference to the act of urination. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Jukki Hanada's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have an Antarctica tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the penguins' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.

Soundtrack is amazing. I love how the songs are adding to the scenes but no overpowering them. Looking forward to whenever the OST is being released.

Shirase never thought her mother was actually alive. There maybe was some glimmer of hope somewhere that a miracle might happen, but she obviously knew it wasn't going to happen. She sent mails to her as a way of coping, it was her diary of sorts. She knew her mother wasn't coming back, since her mother was never confirmed dead because there was no corpse she couldn't grieve properly. She even says att the start of the episode that she came to Antarctica thinking she would finally be able to accept her mothers death. She sent those mails out of habbt and probably didn't understand how long she's been doing that. You know how people sometimes end up shocked when they realise a certain show aired 5 or so years ago and suddenly feel bummed out, because they know times moves on and they still didn't acomplish what they thought, have been stuck in place, or are in a worse position than they used to be. It's kind of like that only a million times worse, because it's about her mothers death, them ost important and tragic event in her life up until that point. Just like how you actually know how much time has passed between, for example, 2010 but it doesn't dawn on you until you start thinking about it, Shirase knew all this time what the state of affairs was, she just didn't want to actually think about it. Seeing all those emails she sent over the year forced her to do so. It wasn't just the fact that they were mails. It was the combined efforts of her actually going to Antarctica, reaching the place her mother died and all she got out of it was the mails she sent to herself basically. While not intentionally, her friends gave her a diary full of painful memories which all came crashing down on her. Because it forced her to realise how much time actually passed.
that one's on you, multiple people have explained you already

This is very good

Some of the insert songs are already out as well as OP and ED
The rest comes out on the 28th

not them but i see your point, for me, i saw those emails she kept sending as a way for her to cling onto some hope. She doesnt outright say she believes her mom is alive but her actions tell us that she is still hopeful. The unread emails basically kill that hope.


But it's commonly accepted that Rick and Morty is only enjoyable if you are autistic. That's the complete opposite.

>the humor in Hinata's existential catchphrase "piss off", which itself is a cryptic reference to the act of urination
this made me break out laughing

Shirase is still stuck in denial and uncertainty, that was the whole point behind her saying that everything feels like a dream and her talk with the girls about how she’s scared of no longer feeling anything from her mother’s death.
This trip was to show up the haters and follow in her mother’s steps but it turned into much more than that which she herself didn’t even realize until recently.

This may very well be one of the best textbook examples of an autistic thought process.

No idea on how emotion affects judgment whatsoever.

Currently on episode 6. Is there a point to the shortstack character? Seems like the least fleshed out of the bunch.

>getting the names wrong
Geezus get yourself together, the first one should be mari and shirase is the 2nd one.
Add something about hinata’s relatable made up sayings and yuzuki’s autistic realism.

i understand why she would be delusional, even for three years. the point of the scene is that a stimulus of superlative power and significance appeared to make her suddenly stop being delusional. the choice for what that stimulus was, was not a lock of hair, or a picture, or a locket. it was an box of emails, the contents of which are not shown, that her mother never opened. that is the decision that doesnt work for me. im willing to be wrong about it. but just calling me low IQ and autistic doesnt get me to appreciate that choice, which the entire scene hinged on, and experience what she was feeling as a result of that stimulus. it doesnt make the mother character any more real. it doesnt make their relationship any more real. it doesnt make the grieving and the closure for Shirase any more real or final. it was a silly choice. it was bad writing. change my mind about it. or dont, and just enjoy the show all you want, dont let me stop you.

>shirase is the 2nd one
Shirase merely repeated what Hinata said first.

>that her mother never opened
that's the whole point
it speaks volumes, to anyone who isn't either completely braindead or trying his hardest to be an edgy contrarian
>it was bad writing
you have no idea what you're talking about

She's seeing her emails show up in her mother's inbox. Show up in her MOTHERS INBOX that's the key part. Not her outbox, not some fucking random place, her own mothers email account.
How can anyone be this dumb?
How would her finding a locket or a lock of hair be any better? What the hell is the difference?

You people need fucking help.

You can stop now user, we all know it's bait at this point. You can't actually be that fucking stupid

cause its a freakin inbox. it has no personality at all. it has no humanity. it had nothing there to remember the mother. none of her own words, her unsent replies, her other correspondences, her notes, nothing. it was almost like a Shirase pity-party for herself.

Seeing all of those mails in one place both drives home the fact that her mother is really gone, and reminds her of the three years of feelings she's been putting into the denial she can no longer sustain. I don't get why this is hard for you.

Also there was actually one unsent email, we haven't seen what's in it though.

It is because she was sending her mom messages the whole time like she was getting through to her. At this scene she realizes it was a waste of time they were just setting there unopened because her mom was a Popsicle. She finally faces the fact that she is dead

>it had nothing there to remember the mother. none of her own words, her unsent replies, her other correspondences, her notes, nothing
gee it's almost like that's the whole point you numbnut

her mother passed away
there is nothing left, the scene made you feel the loss of Shirase
how the fuck is this extremely simple concept so hard for you to understand

Why does it need the mothers word's?
Did you need a handwritten letter from Takako singing her love for Shirase to the heavens, with how much she would miss her after she died in the frozen wastelands?
Do you understand what coping mechanisms are?

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next episode she checks her moms browser history and finds her loli futa hentai stash

>what is catharsis

yes please

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>found mother mere seconds after she put two bullets in her head in, this was in 2006
>still have yet to shed a tear because she was the text book definition of a psyco cunt and I'm glad she is dead

honestly, why couldnt it just be the corpse? this felt like a desperate contortion of writing for it to be anything but the corpse. i guess thats the difficulty of trying to strike a tone between CGDCT and grief.

A lot of times in real life you don't get the luxury of seeing the corpse.
So without the closure that comes from seeing it, closure must come from elsewhere.
That's the point of Shirase's arc. To find a corpse would render the buildup pointless.

I wonder how their arctic farts compares to their ones in Japan and the other countries they went to.

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jesus christ, I know Sup Forums is a haven for Aspergers, but come on, now

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And where would they find her corpse, just randomly sitting out there after years of exposure? If she ever made it to the base she would have been saved or at the least her body would have been found the first time around.

>Dear Mrs. I'm-Too-Good-to-Call-or-Write-My-Daughter
>This'll be the last email I ever send your ass
>It's been three years, and still no word — I don't deserve it?
>I know you got my last two hundred letters
>I wrote the addresses on 'em perfect
>So this is my picture book I'm sendin' you, I hope you read it
>I'm in the snowcat right now, I'm doin' 9 on the ice
>Hey, Ma, I drank a fifth of cola, you dare me to drive?
>You know the song by Lars Ulrich, "Trapped under ice"
>About that guy who couldn't be saved by that other guy from freezin'
>But didn't, then Lars saw it all, then in the artic he found him?
>That's kinda how this is: you coulda rescued me from freezin'
>Now it's too late, I'm on a thousand emails now, I'm drowsy
>And all I wanted was a lousy letter or a call
>I hope you know I ripped all of your pictures off the laptop
>I loved you, Mom, we coulda been together — think about it!
>You ruined it now, I hope you can't sleep and you dream about it
>And when you dream I hope you can't sleep
>And you scream about it; I hope your conscience eats at you
>And you can't breathe without me
>See, Mom shut up, bitch! I'm tryin' to talk
>Hey, Mom, that's Kimari screamin' in the trunk
>But I didn't slit her throat, I just tied her up, see I ain't like you
>‘Cause if she suffocates she'll suffer more and then she'll die too
>Well, gotta go, I'm almost at the crevasse now
>Oh shit, I forgot, how am I supposed to send this shit out?!

Three years of emails have no sentimental value?

Seriously, the comedy in this show is awful, nothing but physical gags and "funny" over-reactions. If there was no comedy this show would be a solid 8

I think the comedy's pretty funny, the timing's usually on-point.

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>tea's gone cold, I wondering why I got out of Showa Station at all
>The morning blizzard clouds up my window, and I can't see at all
>And even if I could it'd all be grey, but your picture on my laptop
>It reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad

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>screenshotting your own post
Fuck off.

Gotta love neo-Sup Forums

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Fucking gold

This is an insightful post, especially because it uses the behavior of actual anons as an example of a parralel situation.

>While not intentionally, her friends gave her a diary full of painful memories which all came crashing down on her.

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How fucking autistic are you?

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