What's the common consensus on Made in Abyss on Sup Forums?
What's the common consensus on Made in Abyss on Sup Forums?
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It's good, but you're a pedophile if you watch it. Minor concern really.
Pretty much this.
>It's good
Explain, how is it good.
What specifically do you enjoy in the series?
How so?
god i hate the japanese
It's got a great sense of adventure that I haven't seen in years and the worldbuilding is incredible. For the anime the soundtrack is also amazing.
not him but it does the thing of putting cute characters in horrifying situations very well imo
so is this the MiA thread?
More or less yes
You gotta have at least one going
I find it extremely hard to explain whats great about it without getting into spoilers.
With that said, for me, MiA is the definition of Adventure. There's a giant hole in the ground, lets go in! "Fun" ensues
How about the characters?
Were there any you found especially good or bad, and were they one of the appeals of the series for you?
Spoiler tags.
How do they work?
So you guys wanna talk about Srajo the Reticent some more and maybe what his book is?
its porn
Riko's a great reckless protagonist that drives the whole plot forward and because of her frailness, Reg is an excellent companion. Most of the side characters (Leader, Belchero, Habolg, etc.) are there for worldbuilding and little bits of information that the characters need and are only around for long enough to serve their purpose. Ozen and Nanachi (for the anime) were quite well portrayed and Bondrewd for the manga is an excellent villain. While I think Ozen wasn't particularly well utilized, almost like a glorified side character that only serves to teach and move the rest of the cast forward, the rest were done quite well.
While the characters weren't a main draw for me, they sure served to emphasize the things that did draw me to the series.
Most of the anime revolves around the main 2 character Riko and Reg, with bunbun coming in later. They work well together.
Young ozen?
That's right i'm Youngzen
>Riko's a great reckless protagonist
you can say that again
I fell head over heels, personally. Some people seem to have a problem with the nudity and random bouts of pubescent awkwardness but I find these moments all the more humanizing for the characters.
Need you in my life then
>Riko gets in a balloon at the bottom of the abyss and rides it up with her mom
Everyone in Orth would flip their shit when they arrived unscathed
And their whistles joined together
Completely agree.
I've been obsessed with Made in Abyss since I watched the anime, and somehow, even more so since getting caught up with the manga.
next chapter when?
Magnificent worldbuilding
To add on to this, it's not only the definition of adventure but also enforces the baseline mandate that unless there are hurdles and opposition, an adventure cannot be had. The sheer, mind-boggling level of danger posed and the absurd level of cosmic horror being implied by how truly hopeless it all seems, juxtaposed with the unrelenting warmth and optimism of the characters, all combines into an addictive story that speaks to the soul.
Reg and Riko make for a wonderful duo, the decision to have their voice actors sing a duet for the OP and ED - along with having Nanachi join in later - is nothing short of brilliant.
What are the odds one of the remaining white whistles is genuinely helpful instead of just being the next "boss" character?
Nanana~ !
I hope S2 doubles down on this with more stuff in Orth, I would have no problem with a 'filler' episode that follows Leader/Jiruo. Maybe have him run into some trouble with foreign delvers around the second layer only for Ozen to show up and wreck their shit.
What absolutely hooked me was the idea in episode 3 that they are NOT coming back. This is a one way trip, and everybody knows it, but they go anyways.
No thanks.
It must be frustrating to be Natt and know you're the only voice of reason as a cute 12 year old girl you're crushing on happily commits suicide in the name of some adventure cult.
probably a mix of the two, since Ozen said that Bondrewd is the worst one.
The idea of a journey you know you won't come back from is always an alluring one and definitely was one of the pulls for me as well.
something something, Srajo, something, something, predictions.
> Srajo has a necro fetish
> Srajo's artifact is a "plague" or "cure" that's similar to the effects of the Abyss
> Srajo's artifact is invisibility/phantasm which renders him undetectable and immune to damage for a period of time
> Srajo's artifact is a fuckton of crows
> Srajo's artifact synergises with Wakuna's artifact and when they do it basically obliterates shit
> Srajo's artifact is flight and gliding
> Srajo's artifact resurrects dead monsters
> Srajo's artifact is basically Cthulu insanity
> Srajo is friends with Wakuna
> Srajo's idea of the "plague" is Narehate's and hes about to basically gas the fuck out of the village.
> Srajo's idea of the "plague" is the desire everyone has to go into the Abyss
> Srajo isn't human
> Srajo doesn't speak but instead uses gestures to communicate
> Srajo is actually a chill researcher of the Abyss but everyone just thinks hes a strange and eldritch fuck.
> Srajo's coffin is actually a bookcase
> Srajo's coffin is actually a wardrobe and he's fashionable.
> Srajo's coffin has his dead child inside and he's delusional.
> Srajo's is actually the mask and it possesses people.
This was most of the predictions, Sup Forumsnons made about Srajo, so go buckwild with a few more. I'll try and record every prediction possible.
>more stuff in Orth
Orth's fucking dead
Somewhat decent worldbuilding + fetishes
I love the fact that the characters poo & pee. That by itself makes the world feel more real than anything else. Not the sexual stuff, not the horrific violence. The fact that people regularly get up to relieve themselves.
New chapter is in 6 days, right? Pedokiwi wouldn't hiatus us again?
>Habolg finally became a White Whistle like he always dreamed ofbecause his wife died
I'm always amused by the SFX
But I like it and I’m not a pedophile
It's a joke.
its not a joke
I think anyone who finds the scene where Riko and Reg are bathing together “creepy” has to be a woman who’s never known what it’s like to get a boner for the first time
Who should I believe?
yeah, the voice actress singing was extremely cute
I personally didn't like any of the characters
Maybe Bondrewd, because he looks cool, but he is kind of a fucker so
I need to feel identified with a character to be fond of it, maybe a half hikikomori half chuuni delver with suicidal thoughts
No me!
Sup Forums fucked up and posted an image that I don't even have downloaded. how...
Oh, the struggle of finding a place to poop
The user
I'm not a pedophile either, I'm attracted to both 10 year olds and fully developed women.
The other guy.
>loli crying noises
>muffled shota screaming
>loli spilling noises
They're great.
It's only pedo if you're turned on by it.
>the rumble of scientific triumph
I cannot fucking wait to hear this.
can't you empathize with bunbun?
Maybe when she die
I like Nanachi's personality, but it's a furry
Nanachi and Mitty deserve to be together, forever.
>That toilet could be a nagehate
Why does Srajo get so much love in comparison to Wakuna?
Boi do I have news for you
I tough it was an oversized menya
>maybe when she die
he already is
that you're a spineless pussy who cares about other's opinions about your choice in Rwandan Claymation
What if relics are powered by human souls? It would explain why they respond to white whistles, why the abyssal religion exists, how Reg has some of Lyza's memories, how Riko is reanimated by Ozen's relic, etc. Also Reg running out of power could mean that the incinerator is powered up souls.
This didn't even make you empathize?
What is she getting over, and will she get over it?
It's made pretty clear the incinerator is powered by electricity
>I feel so bad for her, having to listen to some piece of junk spurt out his artificial emotions. As if DissuadeSelfTermination_029.wav means anything.
what if electricity is powered by souls?
Empathizing with what?
That's like shooting your neighbor's agonizing retarded dog
Now that would be interesting
If your neighbor had an intense emotionel bound with his only recently made retarded dog I guess
The whole village on the 6th layer seems to be one big value-based philosophers stone.
Was the worst part of this just how much effort and care Nanachi put into the funeral bed for anyone else?
Bondrew please.
>And that's how I bought you back, Nanachi!
I was on the verge of tears when I realized the number of stuffed animals Nanachi made for Mitty. Right when she cries after Reg did the deed, I just started bawling.
I want to delve in to Maruruks abyss!
He would figur something out
More or less the same here
I kinda felt relieved in that scene, I thought both Mitty and Nanachi would be free finally, now I'm mad knowing it was just the beginning, and it was all useless because Nanachi's gretest fear became true
Yeah time to drop this piece of shit show
If you drop things when they die, boy I hope you don't drop your life when your parents do