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I've always preferred GT since the fucking god sayian movie came out.
GT is objectively better than Super. Plus it has the GOAT transformation in SS4.
Making a shittier sequel doesn't make GT any less shit.
At least Super started good
GT is garbage.
>Here comes all the revisionist faggots who think GT is good
What are the movie retellings? Episode 5 in particular
I'm sorry GT is trash, buddy
GT ended great
No it didn't.
no it didn't
>lol I can summon myself now
>Hey Goku want to be forever tied to a namekian kid?
>well you have no choice because I said so
I feel like a lot of people overlooked how horrible GT's animation is.
SSJ4 looks really cool compare to UI or SSB.
fuck off furfag
Zamasu alone shits all over the entirety of GT
GT defenders are contrarians of the highest order
>Every episode is bad except the last one
overall shit
zamasu was fanfic tier
Stop with this shit.
Even that episode was shit.
Hell the whole arc was shit because it made shenron way stronger than he actually is.
It's been a long time since I last saw it, but I enjoyed it. I don't get the hate.
It's hated because it's fanfic level and most of the show is nothing but pandering.
As opposed to Super?
>fanfic level
Why? I though them traveling through different planets was fun. What's so wrong with it?
> most of the show is nothing but pandering
Pandering to what? I dont get it.