where does he go from here? Does he wallow in misery or does he prove the world wrong?
Where does he go from here? Does he wallow in misery or does he prove the world wrong?
I would go out of my way to buy all the merch i all i can possibly hope for is for this fucktard ensurers the demise of the fragile soyoby and the slut.
Probably sacrifice himself for Kokoru
The only way for him to redeem himself is if he gets his own episode where he mans the fuck up and move on from the slut.
He's a broken mess now and Ikuno will have no empathy for him, leading to the lowest sync of any team.
He becomes /fit/oshi and toughens up.
Kokoro goes back to him but gets rejected.
Ikuno got his back
They will form the cucked duo
esto es el fin, lechero
this. did you see how fucking long those two were holding that heavy ass klaxosaur while mitsuru was being a little bitch? that was impressive
There is now only one path he can walk down.
>the lesbian and the cuck
>the faggot and the slut
>friendzone and sisterzone
I am starting to root for the dinos
I'm genuinely hoping that they turn out to be a power couple. She gets him to earn that bread by doing laps around the house and he gets her to "loosen up" a bit as he pointed out this episode
he only liked her cuz she fed him food like a spoiled baby. He'll move on soon enough.
He stuffs his face. Story ends. Fin.
He'll get an arc about realizing that love is more than just the man protecting the woman.
That was back when he didn't think this was going to be permanent.
Now he's a broken mess and Ikuno doesn't have the empathy to deal with it.
>gets so depressed he stops eating a lot
>works out
>gets swole
>becomes a Chad
>fucks Ikuno daily
Nothing else to do
dude he'll get better. dude gonna get swole and become chad.
how do you know that Ikuno doesn't have the empathy to deal with it? even with a higher sync milkman is a shit pilot.
>The girl he loves hates him
>The new girl he's partnered with also hates him or won't be able to put up with his whining and will hate him
>Everyone else hates him
Because she's a stuck up lesbian and Futoshi is currently a whining male.
Damn dude you're so tough. You'd be crying too if you were in fatoshi state.
He can do nothing against El Lechero (Forma Hermosa).
He fucks the dyke till she turns straight and thanks him for the deep dicking. Seriously he commented on how "tight" she was while piloting. He is a skilled parasite and once he puts the appropriate moves on our little bookworm she will loosen right up.
Things are looking up for our tubby tommy
I have been for 7 years
No one hates him.
Koroko and Mitsuru certainly do.
02 I'm pretty sure doesn't like anyone besides Hiro
Ikuno probably does and if not will in his current state
Devil hates him
Everyone else at least doesn't care about him enough to watch him suffer.
what? how does Ikuno hate him. she probably feels empathy for him since her partner ditched her as well.
>Koroko and Mitsuru
They're embarrassed by him, but that's not the same as hating.
>Ikuno probably does
Why would she? She probably going to be pissed now, but he has nothing to do with it.
>Devil hates him
They're best friends. Zorome banters with everyone.
>Everyone else at least doesn't care about him enough to watch him suffer.
Hiro does, and Goro and Ichigo would help him too.
He is my favorite character now. Kinda cliche, as everyone loves an underdog, but I can't help it.
>Koroko hating Futoshi whe she was the betraying cunt
And Mitsuru only has feelings for Hiro, no one else matters to him
What is this "giving spanish names to character" meme? I see it a lot posted with Dragon Ball stuff.
Hate would be better than what she actually feels
She doesn't care
I sincerely hope this happens.
He'll be completely redeemed.
You answered your own question.
>since her partner ditched her as well
She is probably too busy being glad about finally be rid of this piece of shit to think about fatso or anything else.
Ya know, I get where he's coming from. I was a pathetic teenager at one point and thought that being overbearing and lovey-dovey with a girlfriend in High School was fine and we could keep a relationship on the sole foundation of just saying you like each other all the time. But in actuality its a pretty baseless relationship and sooner or later one of you is going to realize that there's actually nothing to it and call it quits. Fatoshi's in the wrong for being overbearing in all honestly, having experienced it myself and gotten destroyed because of it.
Doesn't really excuse Kokuntro though. She's also in the wrong because she didn't say anything and just went along with it being overly agreeable. And because of that she made Fatoshi continually and repeatedly unaware of the shit that was actually bogging down her mind.
Ya live, ya learn and do some self-reflection with regards to all the things you've done without hesitation to taking legitimate responsibility for things even if you were unaware due to inexperience. That's the only way you change. Maybe it'll happen for them in the show.
He become an incel and start shitposting on /r9k/.
Of course she's in the wrong. She herself admitted to it that what she did was very mean towards Futoshi.
But in the end, it's best that it ended now, instead of being dragged on even more.
Now everyone is happy. Futoshi is together with a new partner that he doesn't treat like a precious treasure, which allows him to pull out the maximum efficiency out of Chlorophytum.
Kokoro got her beau Mitsuru, whom she's babying and teaching him to trust everyone, allowing him to make the most out of Genista.
This partner swapping saved both mecha pairs.
Nothing he did mattered
You all act like she left because she was uncomfortable
She would've done exactly the same if he had "learned your lessons"
where do you kids come up with those buzzwords? I must've been living under a rock or something, because I haven't heard that term a since a couple of months ago.
Gordoshi Blanco when.
>Now everyone is happy
I somehow doubt Futoshi is happy.
Even if somehow he gets over Kokoro and pilots Chlorophytum amazingly he's still stuck with a lesbian.
A flat as fuck Lesbian I might add.
Punished Futoshi soon.
>that it ended now
Tension remains. In particular fatso probably hates milkman even though he said it's over, and he'll eventually come to hate slut for her mind games as well. This show will officially have shittiest writing in recent years if this shitfest, one of tremendous scale compared to other things group went through, will not have one or another long-term consequences.
how do you know she won't fall for the fatman. Peter managed to fuck lois so not all hope is lost.
Her being gay is one. A rather big one.
this, fitoshi best pilot after hiro, now no longer held back by being overprotective of his pistil
anime: Will probably change for better / find another partner
real life: Submerge in self pity until suicide
Milkman being gay was not a problem for slut
>the next episode better start with Ikuno forcing Fatso to go for a jog in the morning and telling him to harden the fuck up
Someone said it in an earlier thread but Ikuno might be the perfect person to give the big pussy some tough love, and they seem to sync up pretty well too
>Futoshi crying his eyes out
>Zorome tells him to lose weight
he's just so best
Call him by his proper name, Fatoshi.
zorome and fatso are best friends though. Honestly I hope they make fatman into /fit/man.
maybe have a episode where ikuno is making him excercise. and then never talk about it again, and as the episodes progress we see him start to slim down more and more.
Because women like Gay dudes and milkman already doesn't give a fuck who he pilots with since none of them are Hiro
It won't. This storyline is just building up to their death.
He's gotta swallow the redpill or blackpill and realize the truth about women. He's already had his first experience with hypergamy, so things can only improve from here on. Unless he decides to remain in the beta bluepill world and continue with his clingy, lovey dovey shit. In that case, RIP.
Futoshi eats greasy food and jacks off to memories of Kokoro for months on end.
For a time, the males try to cheer Futoshi up, but end up leaving him alone as he pulls further into himself.
The women are repulsed and scared by his actions. Will the men become like this if we leave them? Do we have this power? They become aware of their station of idols, but are scared to use it, for the fear of losing sync and dying in combat is all to real.
Kokoro feels guilt and tries to cheer him up, but her kindness only strings Futoshi along. Once she tries to pull back again, he sinks even deeper into depression. She becomes disgusted with him on a fundamental level and is embarrassed that she ever considered him a partner, much less a friend.
One day, Futoshi sees himself in the mirror -- long hair, unshaven, covered in food wrappers, a sheen of grease on his nude body, bits of cum stuck to his unwashed pubes. He becomes aware of the stench emanating from his pores. He cries, knowing he is weak.
He determines to make a change. He will go back to the way he used to be, even without Kokoro. He plasters a mask to his face to hide his shame, but the only person it fools is himself. Everybody can tell he isn't the same jolly ol' Futoshi. On the inside, his soul still cries with frustration.
Once he realizes that he is broken on the inside, something snaps. Instead of returning to catatonia, he becomes manic. He works out like a mad man. He eats healthily. He flirts unapologetically. If he can't be the old Futoshi, he will be a new Futoshi! He is reborn as a total chad.
And yet... a person can never truly change. People learn and grow, but the core of a human remains invariable. He is hollow. He doesn't like the new Futoshi, but keeps at it, because it's what he wanted, right?
Franxx's plot comes to an end. The children have all become adults... all but Futoshi, who's mind is still locked in his room, jacking off to memories of Kokoro.
His time will come.
More like Fatoshit amirite
Columbine with giant robot, that's where.
Its there a WebM of the Genista Cannon part yet?
Also yes Futoshi and Ikuno seems to sync up quite well considering the moves they pulled out, I think both will end up helping each other their own way Ikuno loosening up a bit because of Futoshi and Futoshi toughening up a bit.
Maybe Futoshi will be THE NEXT MILKMAN
Full of truma betrayed shit and don't trust anyone anymore.
But he is the best with Chlorophytum
The Futoshi X Ikuno pairing works, because Futoshi won't treat Ikuno like a precious porcelain doll that must never be hurt.
Despite being a good pilot, Futoshi couldn't make the Genista shine enough. He was too much obsessed about keeping Kokoro safe, instead of a fellow warrior.
I still think you're all crazy.
Futoshi is broken and Ikuno won't care.
They're dead.
With these new partnerships, and ZoroMiku and IchiGoro getting closer, P13 is getting a lot stronger.
So strong they might not need Strelizia there anymore.
how new are you that you cant even tell the difference?
She must care.She will get trouble again if he can't pilot her.
Futoshi doesn't have to love Ikuno, and Ikuno doesn't have to like Futoshi for both of them to be a good parasite pair piloting a FranXX. Plantation 26's team didn't look like they did the love relationship pairing that Dr. Franxx proposed, and yet, they're still effective.
Sure, the new Genista pairing now has 100%+ synchro efficiency, and the new Chlorophytum setup is probably around 80%, but that's good for now.
Okay lemme rephrase.
She'll tell him to do his job already and he'll just go through the motions.
She won't actually try to help him.
Honestly, I hope he decides to stop eating as much as he usual does, cut down the fat, and get stronger both physical and mentally not for Kokoro but for himself. I also hope that he cheers up Ikuno, she may be a lesbian doomed for failure but she's still level-headed when compared to the rest of them.
Futoshi was acting completely retarded with Kokoro but that's because she was pretending to be nice and to like him. To the viewer it was obvious she was only putting on a facade, but keep in mind Futoshi is naive and really believed she loved him back.
Since Ikuno seems to be actually nice and honest, he may very well fall for her and sort his shit out.
When Fatoshi finally becomes Fitoshi all is left is for him to fuck the lesbianism out of her.
Sup Forums has had many laughs at this poor boy's expense, but they will be hailing him as a hero by the end.
This is trigger we are talking about. Either they all die at once in a TRIGGER-star explosion to save the world, or none of them die.
lol you're fucking delusional. she gonna help him. there no other way to get the sync meters back up.
probably, he gonna end up being the samwise gamgee out of this.
This episode was bad enough, but if everything is fine and dandy next episode, I'll have no reason to keep watching. There's no way they can ruin the life aspirations of 3 characters (zorome, Ikuno and Futoshi) and maintain the status quo.
I can't wait to see a fast-forward of all them being adults and looking back at the shenangins and drama they've been through. That is, if they all live .
Things should get really awkward between the team now. If the next episode just has Fattie crying like a bitch over Kokoro like it's a joke, then the side character development is meaningless.
Did you remember when she can's sync with Mitsuru?
Thats why she must help him even she reply him to fuck up like her and get work
and...maybe the opposite
Next episode is mot likely Futoshi and Ikuno going full Mind of Steel. If it's about Hiro and 02, then yeah, it's trash.
You're delusional.
She's a lesbian.
They hate men.
>tfw best brorome and best girl miku are beyond all that drama and only have bantz.
It can be primarily about 02/Hiro, but the others should have drama going on in the background. If everyone acts normal after this episode, then it's dumpster fire confirmed.
he kinda already did by proving that the lesbian was not the problem in that mecha.
when piloted by a good pilot it can hold a giant monster by hinself
Every pair had their episode. It's only fair Fatoshi and Ikuno get theirs.
Yeah when they die.
This show needs a main team's death soon.
They will, but I don't think it's next. I think it will be in cour 2 after Futoshi broods for a few episodes.
Yeah, bring back 090 for it.
Milkman is a fucking bad pilot
nobody is going to fucking die
this series is not well writen enough to give us the taste of death
He was supposed to have extreme cognitive dissonance over what he saw in the city alone, not to mention finding out that he's "infected" - and wow, it's fucking nothing! Next, there is likely first time when shit within the group got so bad that it came to physical violence, tension supposed to be all time high, but I absolutely wont be surprised if life goes on as usual next episode except fatso looking slightly more disappointed, because that'll be same development as one from manlet city trip.
Fuck, this show has some crappy writing and main heroine who alone carries it doesnt even gets screentime now, why do I even watch it?
R-remember Naomi?
yea milkman and kokoro. we already saw even with a high sync milkman is a shit pilot.
No, no one would give a shit. They need to kill fatoshi, the slut, or one of the gays
Does synch even fucking do anything? Futoshi BTFO everything even with a piss poor synch rate.
honestly it should be milkman dies and kokoro struggling to find a new partner as fatoshi won't take her back.