Hey Sup Forums, someone told me y'all like demon loli shenanigans. Fresh off the presses, incoming chapter 8 dump.
Jahy-sama Chapter 8
I thought this got dropped? Glad to see it's back.
Honestly picked it back up for the sake of brown demon loli shapeshifter lovers everywhere. Which should be...everyone, honestly.
>Honestly picked it back up for the sake of brown demon loli shapeshifter lovers everywhere
Good taste.
God her ass is perfect.
so many things you can do with it.
Grown Jahy butt is prime cuts.
I agree.
Thank you!
And that's all for now. Going up on your favorite shitty manga aggregator dex in a hot second.
So I take it you are going to do the future chapters too? You are based user. Thank you alot.
Thanks for the translations.
I'm not sure how long I can keep reading this, Jahy-sama is just so pitiful.
We're pounding away at it. Raws are up to Chapter 14, so there's a lot to work thru and we're all in uni but we'll aim for weekly releases. Next chapter has reverse trap general Megumin.
What, Sup Forums is scanning this?
Much thanks.
What is Mashu doing there?
Ganbatte anons, looking forward to it!
how would Druug react when she finds the truth
my guess is that she'll rape her
>It's just some brown girl, I'm sure it's really no-
Oh my god she's perfect, I can't stop staring at her ass. W-why won't my erection go away? Fucking stop being hard....I COMMAND YOU DICK, OBEY ME NOT HER
It's too late. Jahy-sama has already won.
Stop fighting it.
Dear LORD those nipples
>adult Jahy is perfect
>loli Jahy is perfect
as expected of demon king's no.2, guy has good taste
Thank you very much anons and please keep going with this series. I was really sad to see such a cute girl's manga being dead, if you'll continue to work on it you can be sure there are people who will read it and appreciate your effort.
>haven't fapped in like a week
>can't stop looking at her glorious brown ass cheeks and nipples
>while I'm not looking at them I'm imagining them
She's so pretty.
How about you stop staring at Jahy-sama's body with a lecherous gaze?
guess I wasn't the only one who thought the op pic looked like black hair botan