Best season in years is ending

>Best season in years is ending.

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Bye thread.

Please dont let my thread die. It doesnt deserve this.

Pity reply.

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I'm sorry your thread got killed by all the Dragonball Spics

>over 60 threads filtered in catalog
Sup Forums is dead, move to /c/.

anyone have a link to this hentai set?

Fucking bull its all been such fucking shit. I haven't made it past the 3rd episode of a currently airing show since summer 2017.

Anime is dead

>didn't watch Yuru Camp
>plebbit spacing
Go away.

Back to your containment threads.

I feel you, OP. I too loved SoraYori.

Anime isnt for you. This season was amazing

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indeed, never watched so much anime per week before.

How many years in a row has Sup Forums been dead?
Yet we're still all here.

>tfw burned out early on and don't even watch much anymore

Next season is gonna be amazing though. Will surely top this one

Why is that?

This, except it was Winter 2017 for me. Keep having to drop shows I might otherwise be interested in because of CG.

this season was shit though

do you have the series list? which ones you watching?

>How many years in a row has Sup Forums been dead?

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and next season looks like nothing but trash
I guess thats what we get for having so many good shows this season

You faggots can kindly fuck off. You obviously arent into anime and should either drop the medium or go back to whatever shounen shithole you came from

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it was shit user, next season looks a million times better

Next season is fucking garbage. You dont belong here.

you're the one that doesn't belong her user if you don't think next season is going to be great you obviously aren't into anime and should drop the medium

Please learn English. Your 3rd world is showing

next season legit looks like one of the worst ever




Follow the guide.

>tfw all of these shows were good even the lesser known ones
I don't know how they did it.

why are whitebois so insecure?
>having taste means you're a bogeyman

Me too.

Attached: [FreakCrSuBuS] Pop Team Epic - 12 [720][Multisub].mkv_snapshot_06.42_[2018.03.24_17.19.16].jpg (1280x720, 143K)

>miss one letter
>your point is invalid
nice comeback faggot

I was one the one asking why people are so insecure over ESL?


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Where are all the 3 gatsu threads?

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No, I meant people that don't eat whatever seasonal garbage is on their plate? Whenever did I imply anything about shonen.
Dumb bogeyman fearing faggot

buried under franxx ntrposting.

Where am i supposed to dump all my momo images then?

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You are just going have to wait, unfortunately. Wait until monday when the franXX spam dies down.

>whatever seasonal garbage is on their plate
Doesnt apply to this season as there are many great shows. Maybe if you actually liked anime and took the time to watch more than just DB trash you'd know.

But best show of this season is still continuing next season.

So I don't see the problem.

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>having taste means im a shonen faggot
lol americans I swear
All of you do this, make this identity that you fear and want to fight
It was a garbage season, the only thing worth watching was YC and VEG, why do you think slow shit and all the other mediocrity is actually good?

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>muh boogyman
Sorry to say it user, but you are the boogyman fearing faggot

>the only thing worth watching was YC and VEG
Try out Sup Forumseddit, shonenfag. It's more up your alley.

Attached: blehh.jpg (1274x720, 97K)

But yuru camp was wonderful


And only good show this season too.

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Neither of those are shonen?
oh, it's this faggot
what boogeyman did I bring up?

Best season has been over for 3 months...

I've been having a blast, and I've yet to dent all I want to watch, so will hurry up to meet the last episode threads.



Attached: [HorribleSubs] Toji no Miko - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.20_[2018.03.23_18.52.41].jpg (1920x1080, 204K)

Fuh at least next season we will have more banter from multiple anime instead from only those Fagxx. I can't believe Half of the board was only of that shit show.


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