Winter season is good surprises season.
Winter season is dumpster fires season.
Winter 2018
Other urls found in this thread:
Most MAL looking picture I've seen
Bogeyman already huh.
Which dumpster fire do you enjoy?
Why do you use pictures? Are you too afraid of having to use words?
Do you really think anyone is going to read a long fucking list?
Do you really think anyone worth your time is worth filtering out from the rest of the trash? Or are you the trash? I dare you to write something if you have the intention of discussing anime.
Imageboard mate. Make your own list if a picture on the OP of all places triggers you so much.
So you're just trash basically.
Stay mad.
I like VEG a lot but fuck you for this bait
>everything I watched is in bad
>everything I dropped or didn't watch is good+
>but muh filters
>but muh SHAFT
>but muh seishun
>but muh pedos
>but muh forehead
>but muh wait nvm Saiki is actually perfect
>but muh moeblobs
there, I just condensed the upcoming 400+ whiny shitposts in one easily digestible post
you can thank me later
Go back to Sup Forums
Facts are not bait.
Hey man that's not how it works.
>Tagaki-san and Violet Evergarden that high
>Yuru Camp and Hakumei to Mikochi that low
Nah, fuck off.
>Saiki is actually perfect
you've proved yourself to have the worst taste of us all
nice shitpost
>saberclone a shit.jpg AOTS
waah my absolute fucking garbage 1/10 anime is better than yours: the thread
this doesn't take into account subjective taste in anime.
for example, if you just don't care about anything anymore, you would like Killing Bites or PTE.
This list is just objective quality.
>>VEG on top
>>Fate Extra, gay baseball hitmen, killing bites that low
>>Putting ABE'S MATING SIMULATOR 2018 that low
Man I didn't know it was possible to be this wrong in one image
Objective is always better than subjective and anime as a visual medium is no exception, which is why I ranked stuff the way I did.
"beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is bullshit that post-modernists trash vomit and I don't buy it for a second.
Holy shit dude....
user you are a faggot and forgot the text
Who cares at this point? They are all F-tier but one needs to be the AOTS. As a KyoAni hater I admit that VEG is the least shitty out of them all, the production is good
Op having such a shit taste
violet whatevergarden
I'll have to agree with the top spot, it was between SoraYori and VEG for me but VEG's characterization has so much subtlety and intricacies that YoriMoi just doesn't have, it's very well made, don't get me wrong, but it's a by the numbers character driven quest. The only thing it has over VEG is arguably the music, and the editing which is definitely superior to VEG's.
Can we Just agree this season didnt happen it would be easier and Sup Forums Will forget all those animes in like two weeks
Nah man, this season is not that bad actually.
Koi wa Ameagari no You ni is fantastic.
Shit list.
Isn't it the case for every season since like 2007?
watch more anime and lurk for 2 more years before posting, fag
name ONE (1) good show that didn't become ass 3 episodes in
Dumpster fire ending, we all saw how bad it was so let's not pretend an unfinished anime of it has merit.
>The only thing it has over VEG is arguably the music, and the editing which is definitely superior to VEG's.
I'm sorry, what?
Why has this season been so fucking bad for fanbase wars? Maybe I'm just paying attention to it more but people aren't even talking about the show's the threads are about. It's just screaming about boogeymen, shilling, counter-shilling, false flagging, cheap bait. This place is turning into a fucking shithole.
The only thing it(YoriMoi) has over VEG is arguably the music, and the editing which is definitely superior to VEG's.
You heard him. How is VEG's music and editing superior.?
Fuck off back to redddit then reeeeee!!! Sup Forums is cool!!!! Do you want to actually discuss anime? Haha you are such a retard go back!
I don't have a problem with VEG being on top but you must put in that place to Sora Yori and Yuru Camp as well, otherwise this is just shit.
Well, you've got Trigger and KyoAni with big, popular shows this season, so that right there is already cause for a lot of friction.
And they're both still getting blown out by cute girls doing cute camping, right? So that's just gas on the fire.
Anybody who puts VEG first are just doing it for (You)'s and I say that as somebody who likes VEG. It's Sup Forumseddit and Sup Forumseddit company wars and you fucks fall for it every time; that's why they KEEP coming back.
Sup Forums culture has successfully been merged. It's only a matter of time before studios get recognized as soy.
Thanks for the (Me) I guess.
This, dammit. Fanbase rivalry has always been here but shit's gone defcon now. Where do we draw the line between typical bants and outright dysfunction where we can't even discuss certain shows, studios, and genres at all anymore?
I understood the phrase. I'm questioning the veracity of the statement itself.
Oschestral OST with tuned quality and memorable tracks are far better than other types of OST. Granted, Sora Yori has some nice tracks and the song at the end of episode 12 did a really good job at conveying strong emotions in an otherwise silent episode.
However, the overall skill and artistry behind VEG's OST is unmatched this season. From the lake scene track to the simple yet very melancholic tracks on episodes 10 & 11, it all stands out immediately.
As for the editing there's a lot to talk about but for the sake of being brief let's keep it to a few lines of text.
Some episodes of Sora Yori feel inconsistent in their own mood which in turn also includes the soundtrack being used, sometimes the shift from drama to comedy is very sudden and you're left wondering what the hell is happening. Episode 12 however, was flawlessly executed in that regard and the rest of the show would've benefited greatly from this level of consistency.
VEG's editing can be a bit intrusive at times but every episode that you sit to watch let's you know that it's a drama through and through, there is no window for mistakes here, you perfectly understand what the episodes and the show itself are going for.
VEG is shit though.
Toji no Miko
I like SoraYori OST more because it is well edited with the scenes and more importantly they fit, There have been 3 or 4 times where the background music in VEG is too intrusive or even out of place. On their own, VEG is definitely more technically impressive, if that's even a thing, SoraYori music alone is just jPop shit.
Right? I usually don't mind changing trends in the way discourse plays out here. Just look at how many people complain about how many franxx threads are made on Saturdays because they're so used to generals and the catalog and have no idea how shit used to play out here. But the insanity is just getting so fucking bad.
Usagi Drop anime is still really great, just pretend the source material doesn't exist and you're good.
It is a thing actually. Music and sound overall are criminally underrated in a visual medium like anime that usually cuts corners by having lots of stills and panning shots.
Reina's trumpet solo starts at 22:44 by the way, check it out as it's quite good.
Anyway, in the sound department VEG is simply unmatched. The rain sounds, the footsteps inside buildings or hallways, voice echoes, gunfire echo and delay, etc, it's easily above the stuff you usually find.
Add in that it was all recorded with surround sound in mind and you have something truly beautiful.
can we filter reddit to gaia please
feels like its used just to punish wrongthink at this point
Just like your lack of intelligence, brainlet.
>Just look at how many people complain about how many franxx threads are made on Saturdays
Today was kind of bonkers, though.
Filter discord to IRC and we're golden.
>the fucking acorn
>implying lurk moar is a bad response
sounds like you need to lurk moar, faggot.
Best post in this thread
This is pretty clever.
>start at top
>not yuru
dropped your shit taste
No artistic merit.
>VEG's characterization has so much subtlety and intricacies
>Oschestral OST are far better than other types of OST
stopped reading right there
Not him but explain the sub-themes of, say, episode 7 and how some of these themes reached their peak in regards to characterization on episode 11.
Go on, don't be shy.
So why has it become cool to shit on Kajiura and Sawano lately?
good taste
Did you know art can be shit?
Yes, and Yuru Camp is barely passable. Barely.
Their schtick is well-established, which means they're uncool now.
In your dreams maybe.
This might actually be the most clever usage of this meme
>why do you use images on an imageboard
Don't make it so obvious you're so new that you don't know what any of those are
Can't FranXXfags and VEGfags just be friendly with each other?
>for example, if you just don't care about anything anymore, you would like Killing Bites
Speak for yourself, fool.
>emotional shit for emotionally fragile audience
>best anything
Heh, well said my fellow edgelord.
>doesn't like saiki
>criticizes someone else's taste
Oh the irony
FranXXfag and VEGfag here, it hurts
I stopped here
>However, the overall skill and artistry behind VEG's OST is unmatched this season.
Argument 404.
OP is not wrong. VEG is GOAT because it had a cowtits childhood friend NTR episode.
Every other episode is trash but those tiddies were too fine to ignore.
I'm going to be very honest with you here. Unless you enjoy FranXX purely as a guilty pleasure or as a fetish relief, you're enjoying VEG for the wrong reasons.
Chances are you don't even understand it and likes it the same way the plebs over normalfag sites like it.
wait... VEG had NTR?
The burden of proof lies in the one who first made the claim
Don't be a moron and read the reply chain then.
probably won't happen because all anime is soy according to soy posters.
They're all wrong.
Well congratulations, you still have no argument and this is a final (You).
Did any of them post OSTs? Especially you?