What makes it so good, Sup Forums?

Attached: IMG_8011.jpg (800x450, 31K)

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No bullshit, just fun.

High quality animation and art, a story that doesn't try to bullshit itself onto you, comedy, great soundtrack.

Everything the new season isn't going to have.

on that note, I'm glad they retained the intro in the trailer

Because it has some amazing atmosphere, combined with great animation, colors, characters, and music. It also has this "indie" feel to it that no other anime has. By the looks of things, the new FLCL only has good music.

It made me feel like a sexually confused teen again in a way I didn't think anything could

The synthesis between all its constituent parts to create a whole that is larger than the sum of them. Sounds generic but most anime can't achieve this, let alone to the degree of perfection FLCL reaches.

Literally only this one scene

Attached: vlcsnap-2013-11-06-20h15m36s239.png (768x480, 278K)

It's entertaining while also being about something

Additionally, great art, great characters, and great music

This. Wish there was more of her, tho


It makes no fucking sense

Attached: goodbye nigger.gif (220x165, 148K)

High quality art/direction, good characters, and a fantastic OST that's used perfectly.


Attached: FLCL Art Book 24.jpg (1600x1976, 653K)

If the new season has a girl protag its shit.

It does

Its 110% shit

It's also called fooly cooly progressive

Isn't the 'progressive/alternative' titles in reference to rock though?

Probably, but equally unlikely

Energetic, there's always something going on, fantastic animation, ost and characters, the story is generally simple but there's some extra stuff if you feel like delving into it, unique feeling
Over the top and wierd in general

Its a shame though cause FLCL had a very boyish charm to it.

Do people really dig the generic ass alt-rock in this? it was ok at best

It's a very adolescent show in every one of its elements, which is great if you consider it is a show about adolescence. It's also very genuine, like most Gainax stuff, you simply can't replicate that.


What the fuck is the point of a coming of age story if it's about some chick?

A girls coming of age story is just losing virginity at 15 to some random dude.

Can't believe they wasted a whole episode on this purple nigger

To be fait, FLCL wasn't realistic either. Coming of age as a male usually results in loss of hope rather than gaining it.