>both stories are about an invincible god mode mary sue with a "le so wacky XD uninterested face"
Is this hack a ONE trick pony?
>both stories are about an invincible god mode mary sue with a "le so wacky XD uninterested face"
Is this hack a ONE trick pony?
The natural progression is for his third manga to be weight lifter SOL
mob has character development
they're similar on that level but they tell totally different stories with distinct themes
OPM is about the melancholy of having nowhere left to climb after reaching the top
MP100 is about how our talents don't make us better than other people, we all still have to get along
And pounding that fubooty
MP100's moral of the story is absolute dog shit.
>yes you have a talent but it doesn't matter you're just a loser so aim for a shitty office job instead
It's the equivalent of someone telling a young Usain Bolt that him being able to run fast doesn't mean shit and he should aspire to be a janitor instead. I will never understand how anyone can like this tripe unless they're losers themselves who enjoy seeing talented people get brought down to their level, ironically using sheer overwhelming force to do so.
MP100 is also really about growing up and becoming a functioning member of society.
You realize that ideology of his creates is actual inner demon and end boss? And the solution was that both sides accepted each other?
someone missed the fucking point
if that was the message of mob psycho then reigen wouldn't tell mob to use his powers at all
it's that natural talents and abilities don't make you better than anyone else, not that talents are worthless
>yes you have a talent but it doesn't matter you're just a loser so aim for a shitty office job instead
I don't read the manga and I've only seen season 1 of the show, but I don't think that was the moral at all
it's more like being talented doesn't give you the right to kill/enslave people
but again, I haven't seen further than that
No. The point of it is that costing on your talent and failing to develop as a rounded person is a failure. Your comparison would be Usain Bolt doing nothing but running day in and day out, never working on any other aspect of himself, never trying at anything other than the one thing he's good at.
You just made this thread so you could make this pun didn't you?
I think they are decent deconstructions of the same theme
>With ultimate power I will!
be a hero who is chill
>With ultimate power I will!
try not to rely on it
I'm guessing the next One manga will feature a character who is incredibly strong and beats everyone up, but isn't present in the main storyline
Mob isn't like that at all you fucking retard.
>it's that natural talents and abilities don't make you better than anyone else
But they literally do. That's why it's dog shit. Reigan tells Mob that his psychic powers are just a "regular old talent" and tells him to only use it for exorcising ghosts for Reigan's own profit. If Reigan was Usain Bolt's mentor then he would've told him to use his legs to get a job as a paper boy or some retarded ambition-less shit. The fact that Mob's "talent" could literally let him rule the world makes this all the worse.
No, I made it because I tried watching MP100 and it fucking stinks, dropped it after the second episode. At least OPM is very well drawn in both forms (not counting the original webcomic) and kept my interest all the way.
You missed it, it's way over your head
Being strong and powerful, having a lot of money, being incredibly beautiful, none of it matters if it's not important to you
You don't have to fit into the mold that others put on you, even if the mold is a great fit for you, if that's not what you desire
It's the reverse side of a typical shounen protag who breaks all the rules in search of the ultimate goal
An atypical shounen whose ultimate goal lies in staying within the lines and being normal
Same motivations, opposite goal
wow it must suck to be this retarded.
Mob wanted to be a cool guy but instead of leveraging his psychic powers to achieve this like that blonde kid did he gets brainwashed by Reigan into thinking his psychic powers are a shitty gimmick and abandons his talent in pursuit of something he doesn't have an affinity for.
you're missing out, it take a little longer to get going, but MP100's story is much better than OPM's, which in contrast kind of runs out of steam quickly
Holy shit, are you actually retarded? You think that natural talents make you superior to everyone?
You can nurture your talents and turn them into a living, but you can't be a massive cock to others about your superiority. No one is inherently better than anyone else.
If you build your whole self-image around your talents (like "that blonde kid") and someone shows up who's better than you, you're going to be destroyed. That's Mob's role.
Mob may be OP in the sense that he's naturally strongest canonically of his surroundings, but he differs strongly from Saitama. Especially emotionally, where Mob was always extremely weak to big emotional movements and having to tackle his own insecurities.
OPM is just a gag comedy playing off the whole DBZ-tier power-up trope. It's satire, and Murata's version makes it seem """"more serious"""" but in reality it always just ends with a big whole punch at the end.
Makai no Ossan isn't about power but also has a similar thing going on
It also has a stronger ending than Mob
it's not their fault faggots keep falling for the same one trick
>People on Sup Forums still think mary sue means strong character
You people are retards
you are literal fucking pleb, do yourself a favor and try again might improve your taste.
>reeeee I'm special
>the rest of society owes me just for existing
Except psychic powers don't make you cool or attractive. They make you a douche.
Mob wants to be cool and although his talent is powers, they don't make him cool, so he's trying to fit into society instead.
Yeah he could destroy the world if he wanted to but A. that's a dick move and B. he doesn't wanna do that.
Hey, a claw member is posting on Sup Forums! What's it like working under the Scars?
>You think that natural talents make you superior to everyone?
It makes you superior to people without talents, and in Mob's case it makes him superior to the entire world. Yet Reigan tells him that he's just a "normal guy like everyone else", when everything in the series is solved by Mob blowing away the villains with overwhelming force.
>If you build your whole self-image around your talents (like "that blonde kid") and someone shows up who's better than you, you're going to be destroyed.
Nobody is stronger than Mob though. He could've ruled the world with those psychic bad guys. Not to mention the blonde kid could still be the "coolest kid in school" by using his psychic powers. Nobody says Roger Federer should quit tennis the moment he loses a single match, because even if he does he lives a rich life by utilizing his talent instead of demeaning himself and believing he's on the same level as some scam artist faggot.
Weird that only you remember that Makai no Ossan exists.
>Except psychic powers don't make you cool or attractive
Except they do if you use them to achieve this, like the blonde kid did. I mean Usain Bolt could've used his powerful legs to mug people via kickboxing but he chose a path to success through utilization of his talent. Mob could do the same thing and achieve a successful life by utilizing his psychic powers, and doesn't even have to do so in a douchey way, but Reigan brainwashes him into thinking psychic powers are only useful for exorcising ghosts while at the same time relying on Mob to obliterate any and all obstacles.
If MP100 was supposed to be a dark series rife with intentional irony and hypocrisy then I could dig it, but the fact that it tries to sell all this with a straight face and play it off as "a good moral to live by" is atrocious.
The moral is simply that being super strong doesn't make you a better person than everyone else. You don't have the right to rule over others just because you can use violence to beat them into submission.
Hence why literally every opponent that mob has faced has a god complex and tries to solve their problems with violence, while mob is all "chill out, we live in a civilized society".
Funny because if Mob didn't exist then he would've gotten away with world domination. The real moral of the story is that everyone who is not Mob is an "average, non-special loser" when compared to Mob who is practically a god.
>talents make you superior to people without talents
how did the world fuck you up so bad, user
>he could've ruled the world with those psychic powers
and what if someone came along who was better than him? then what? his entire self-image gets ripped apart. you can't base your entire life on your confidence in a single talent.
star athletes have to have enough self-confidence to not be the best at things before they can be the best, and once they are the best, they have to be okay with losing. they are also not inherently better people than others, and should not lord their "superiority" by acting like a cockmongler to others without talent (shown by ritsu, teruki, claw, etc.)
reigen is showing mob how his talents can be useful to society instead of prancing around like an asshat. if mob's talent was athletics i bet you reigen would be pushing him to succeed athletically (and maybe make money betting on him). it's not anti-ambition, it's realism nigga
>OP is the exact person who the message of MOB is meant to be addressed to
>Completely fails to pick it up
I guess ONE isn't actually that good of a writer after all
Some motherfuckers just need to learn the hard way, user.
Except Mob is also a socially awkward loser who needs to learn how to fit into society and better himself.
The show doesn't forgive him for this.
>how did the world fuck you up so bad, user
How am I wrong? This is correct from an objective standpoint. If you're talking about "b-b-b-but talentless people might have nicer personalities" then sure I guess you have a point, but the series is about Mob blowing the fuck out of people who step out of line with his psychic powers, not muh personality.
>and what if someone came along who was better than him? then what? his entire self-image gets ripped apart. you can't base your entire life on your confidence in a single talent.
>star athletes have to have enough self-confidence to not be the best at things before they can be the best, and once they are the best, they have to be okay with losing.
You just refuted yourself. Even if Mob wasn't the best he's still better than everyone who doesn't have psychic powers or is weaker than him, and he could enjoy a successful life if he used his psychic powers instead of abandoning them except when villains appear who need destroying.
>reigen is showing mob how his talents can be useful to society instead of prancing around like an asshat
And Reigan would've told Usain Bolt to go get a job as a policeman to chase down criminals and abandon any delusions of making it big at the Olympics, because he's a loser who projects his own patheticness unto others.
Except relying on your talent to escalate yourself in life ends up making you a shitty person which we see with Blondie where his whole life was defined and driven by using his powers to get whatever he wants and he never realized how much of a douche he was until he pushed Mob past his emotional limits
Or you end up like Mob knows he's weak and that for the most part his powers are all he has and instead of using it as a crutch he decides to improve on the aspects of himself he finds lacking which is why he's in the body improvement club despite it killing him every time he tries.
It's not about "not using your special talents" it's about using them in the right ways, being a good person of character instead of letting your talent define you
Reminder that OPM webcomic will always be better
He could use his psychic powers to make up for some things to make himself appear cooler, but apparently we're not allowed to use our talents for anything other than helping scam artists make money.
Why respond to this obvious shit bait thread in earnest. Just let OP wallow in ignorance
As someone who has been told to do something simply because he has talent for it even though I dislike it: get fucked.
Except Reigan discourages Mob from using his psychic powers for anything other than exorcising ghosts and beating up villains. Why isn't Mob allowed to use his psychic powers to improve his life while not being violent about it? Because the series is poorly written trash, that's why.
>Mob Psycho is about "talents don't make us better than other people"
No it fucking isn't retard, it's about finding happiness through self-improvement and contributing to society.
All the antagonists are fucking criminals, con-artist, and cultists who are looking to manipulate desperate people - i.e fucking parasites that detriment society in an attempt to enrich themselves. The "adult" Reigan is also a con-artist, but the gag is that he actually runs a solid self-help/massage business while really exorcising evil spirits by getting Mob to use his powers.
The point of the "don't use knives recklessly" thing is that Mob has this huge complex about how dangerous his powers are to other people. When in reality it's just a fucking trait - maybe useful for construction work or loading freight since Mob isn't violent. Every day thousands of people get into vehicles that can accelerate to 100 mph and paint someone to the sidewalk. You don't lose your shit and have some chuuni complex about the power behind a wheel, you just fucking use it responsibly and get on with your life like everyone else.
>Mob is about aiming for mediocrity despite your talent
Almost as retarded as the last one. If you have a talent that society actually demands, then by all means go fucking nuts. Join the Olympics or be a cancer e-celeb vidya streamer, whatever you're fucking good at. The issue with Claw is that they thought psychic powers = they have a right to lead, was just fascist autism. Shit doesn't translate, they were a bunch of retarded thugs.
The issue with Mob is that he ultimately wasn't interested in a career that would rely on his powers (basically be a magical crane or forklift) and wanted to be good at more useful shit like math.
Remember that his greatest physic feats are from having a violent emotional breakdown, which he can't do anymore now that he's well adjusted and doesn't want to anyway.
Every man deserves have his voice be heard. Even the cuck guzzling OPies
Saiki mixes the best of both of both characters
Don't compare your garbage piano skills to being an omnipotent god, imbecile.
>I mean Usain Bolt could've used his powerful legs to mug people via kickboxing
you're muddling the analogy with weird scenarios
it's easier explain if you replace psychic powers with being born into a rich family. you can buy friends, influence, and generally coast through life relying on that power. but the people who do so, more often than not, end up as shallow and delicate people who can't face real challenges and ultimately unhappy
>It's not about "not using your special talents" it's about using them in the right ways
Sure, except Mob doesn't actually get taught this. He's taught to only use his powers to back up Reigan when his scam jobs turn out to have a real ghost or to annihilate power-hungry villains. He only exists as a plot device to shut down any conflict to preach a hypocritical moral.
It's Mob blowing the fuck out of people who are giant assholes who use their psychic powers to be assholes to those they consider inferior.
The most successful life you could make out of psychic powers that isn't inherently villainous is doing exactly what Mob's doing or law enforcement, though.
>Reigen would've told Usain Bolt to abandon the Olympics
How does telling someone to not use their talents to be a dick equate to telling someone not to pursue a career in athletics? Psychic powers aren't athletics where you can use them to compete in any way, they're good for catching criminals and banishing ghosts.
Basically, except that the villains also all have complexes that make them think that psychic powers make them better than others. You're completely right in all regards, but Mob is also about explaining why that kind of mindset is bound to lead you into shit.
Being born rich isn't a talent you mongrel.
>Why isn't Mob allowed to use his psychic powers to improve his life while not being violent about it?
1. what exactly are they going to improve? it's made pretty clear that society in mob psycho doesn't consider powers a cool or attractive trait except to desperate claw autists
2. what the fuck are you talking about? how is reigen discouraging anything but being a violent prick?
>The issue with Mob is that he ultimately wasn't interested in a career that would rely on his powers (basically be a magical crane or forklift) and wanted to be good at more useful shit like math.
All Mob wants is to be a "cool kid", and that can easily be achieved with psychic powers. And there are many ways he could contribute to society with his godlike psychic powers in ways that shit like math never can. But what does the story teach us? "Give it up, you're not special and if you didn't have your talent then you would be normal". Yeah if you take away what makes someone special then they won't be special, no fucking shit retard.
>Reigen discourages Mob from using his psychic powers for anything other than exorcising ghosts and beating up villains.
Fucking kill yourself, I would call you a speed reader but you clearly haven't read anything.
A) Reigen tells Mob not to use his powers on other people without their consent
B) this also applied to villains, because Mob didn't want to hurt anyone. Reigen would never tell Mob to attack another person, they had a big fucking arc about this you faggot
neither saitama or mob are perfect characters. their whole stories revolve around their flaws, in fact.
t. guy who wasnt born rich
You have much more expectations than some lowly peasant neet
neither is psychic power.
but like how ESP is portrayed in the show, both can grant political and military power and can act as a substitute for social skills with minimal effort.
real talents, like playing an instrument or sports, even if you're relatively better than your peers, they still require constant practice and hard work.
>it's made pretty clear that society in mob psycho doesn't consider powers a cool or attractive trait except to desperate claw autists
Oh yeah because that blonde kid was the coolest kid in school because of everything besides his psychic powers, right?
>how is reigen discouraging anything but being a violent prick?
Reigen never encourages Mob to utilize his powers in a positive way. He constantly puts him down, telling him his powers aren't special and that he shouldn't use them for anything other than beating up villains so Reigen can smugly look down on them and call them shit.
I mean, ONE is the luckiest motherfucker in the manga industry because of how much of an enormous break he got. Literally every other obscure webmanga artist would KILL to get into a position that he did and have their work picked up by actual industry figures.
At the very least MOB is not passively a god like Saitamas dumb ass gag nonsense. He gets his fucking shit kicked in by that juggalo looking mother fuck when hes caught off guard.
>that blonde kid was the coolest kid in school because of everything besides his psychic powers
Yes, he was the coolest in school because he beat up people from other schools and was hot. He didn't even tell anyone else about his powers, the other kids confuse his strength for muscles. Did you even read the manga? Did you watch the fucking show? Am I being baited?
>reigen constantly puts mob down
w h e r e n i g g a
As easy as this
>Did you even read the manga? Did you watch the fucking show?
I could ask you the same thing. Sure he beat up other kids but he also used his psychic powers in non-violent ways to make himself appear cool. What's stopping Mob from doing the same?
>he also used his psychic powers in non-violent ways
>he also used his psychic powers in non-violent ways
>he also used his psychic powers in non-violent ways
give me a panel
give me a moment from the show
that break being Murata reaching out to him?
even before that ONE's chicken scratch web comic was receiving hundreds of thousands hits and had professionals reading and passing around his work.
I believe he was talking about the soccer flashback. That's the only thing
Same difference. At the end of the day, Reigen relies on Mob's overwhelming power to shit on villains so that he can act all smug and put them down, and then turn around and tell Mob that he's not special either even though he's shitting on every villain that appears. All while profiting off Mob's powers instead of putting him on a path to self-improvement and proper usage of psychic powers, though I guess Reigen's standard for the latter is "exorcising ghosts to help my business".
So by cheating at sports?
What a real stand-up way to use your powers to make you look good. A shining example to us all.
no, both are great, you just aren't mature enough to appreciate them yet kiddo
finish sophomore year and try again
Better than cheating people out of their money.
>What's stopping Mob from doing the same?
He did, and the one girl he was trying to impress stopped giving a shit.
Wasn't agreeing with him, been saying to entire time to ditch OP's dumb ass and move on
If you tried as hard with your life as you did with your bait, you'd still be a fucking waste of oxygen
By actually banishing the ghosts that haunt them?
Or by giving them a really good massage?
They're retards who think that ghosts are on their every move and Reigen's giving them their money's worth by dissuading their paranoia. Mob's just there to banish any actual ghosts. I'd be hard pressed to say that Reigen's actually conning people out of money, He's just giving them what they need instead of what they want.
Psychic powers can do more than 1 impressive thing you know. If Reigen was a proper mentor he'd give advice to Mob on ways he could use his psychic powers in a wholesome manner while still appearing to be cool, instead of brainwashing him into not using them for anything other than helping Reigen.
They're actually kind of opposites when you think about it.
>Ultimate in physical strength
>Acquired through hard work (albeit normal strength training)
>Uses his powers to become a hero
>Ultimate in mental strength
>Born with it
>Avoids using his powers to live a normal life
You realize Reigen was scamming the shit out of people before he met Mob, right? You'd have a point if he only started his business after he met Mob, but you're literally defending a literal scam artist and I sure fucking hope it's because you're a fandrone of the show rather than being this much of a subhuman.
>waah 1/20 of your post offended me so u lose
The absolute state of mobniggers.
just go fucking read the manga holy fuck I'll do this one more time
>Mob wants to be a "cool kid", which can be achieved with psychic powers
He wants his crush to like him, and she doesn't give a shit about his psychic powers. So that option is out.
Teruki became a cool kid by using his powers to beat the shit out of normies, and Mob doesn't want to hurt people so that's out too. Even without the powers, dude was charismatic while Mob is a shy little /fit/ sperg.
>many ways to contribute to society with his God-like powers
Name them. Remember that you can't rely on shit he did at or past 100%.
There's spirit exorcism, which is basically a hobby rather than an actual job because 95% of the calls will just be the type of idiot who thinks healing crystals and storage wars are real.
There's military application, which Mob can't do because he isn't violent.
Long range telepathic communication? Phones exist.
Heavy lifting? This is the most commercially viable for Mob, but also boring as fuck.
the only people he actually scammed were the extremely rare cases (only 2 were ever shown) where there were actual ghosts, and afaik reigen didn't even know actual ghosts/psychics existed until he met mob
yeah, there was a whole story arc about it.
are the only people complaining about MP100 the speed readers?
>one manga about an existential crisis faced when you achieve your goal and have nothing left to live for
>one manga about working hard at self improvement to get what you desire when what you desire requires things you're not good at.
Yeah, completely the same OP.
durr but they both have really op protagonists who kinda look similar so they must be the same hurr
It was
>You have natural talents, but they don't make you the best. You should use them to help society.
I only watched the anime, but if they really do make Reigen acknowledge that he was repressing Mob then not only does that prove me right but it also makes me have more respect for the series.
Fuck this shit
Where's my season 2 hype?
>Mob is dumped by his girlfriend
>Mob is physically and emotionally tortured
>Mob losses his job
>Mob losses the big race
>Mob finds the bodies of his family in a house fire
Lets not forget that Mob's greatest weakness is fear of his own destructive power and that it is one of his most defining character traits based in an instance where he almost hurt his own younger brother. This alone makes him a more interesting character and not a mary sue
>yfw Mogami's wild ride will be animated
>and she doesn't give a shit about his psychic powers
Maybe because all he showed her was flashing light parlor tricks. Don't even try to imply that's the only impressive thing you could do with psychic powers.
>Name them. Remember that you can't rely on shit he did at or past 100%.
Try anything STEM. He could easily contribute to society's understanding of the universe by utilizing his psychic powers for experiments or putting them under observation, which could lead to greater leaps in technology to benefit mankind.
talk about missing the point. Its about working to get what you want. Mob's powers, no matter how godly couldn't help him get in tsubune's pants, so for Mob, the powers were pointless. He wanted tsubune's snatch and she liked boys who lift. So he had to lift. Rather then pout and complain, he actually worked to do it even though he was a scrawny, nonathletic guy. Mob was really adult about it. the point of all the villians is they all could have been mob had he got resentful at being turned down by tsubune for not lifting.
If you can't see this then you didn't actually read the manga.
While its a huge developmental moment between the two, I dont think it plays out quite how you imagine.
Or you're a retard millennial who thinks that being born with something makes you the best and hard work doesn't exist.
You're still wrong.
Reigen just happens to do this thing called character development because MP100 is a character based show so development is kind of important.
Mob was never once told he couldn't use his power to improve himself, just that he couldn't hurt others with them. Mob actively chooses against using his powers not only because he wants to improve himself as a person but because his powers are tied to his emotions, he fears his powers but through Reigen, intention or not, he has started to use his powers more for what he believes is a good cause. Mob is naive but without Reigen he'd probably still be trying to not just keep his powers bottled up but his emotions too.
t. Millennial
Except Mob doesn't need to work to be the best psychic. He blows everyone out of the water with zero hard work, all pure natural talent. And he gets told by Reigen that it's nothing special and he shouldn't bother with it other than helping Reigen be less of a scam artist by purging ghosts that actually appear.
>I only watched the anime
what the fuck. at least read the material before complaining about it.
If I enjoyed One Punch Man will I enjoy Mob?
Still on the fence whether I should even bother reading Mob