How is your country represented in anime?

How is your country represented in anime?

Attached: ricardo-martinez.jpg (680x350, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>not at all
but I would imagine it something like pic related

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Pretty acurate.

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This is now an America thread

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With the recent Clen results of many Mexican boxers and the banning for life of el Panterita in Japan, this will probably change into the cheaters of boxing.

Attached: burgers can't handle spicy food.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

I posted it again.

I can imagine French anons watching Ikoku Meiro No Croisee and cry to sleep.

Attached: 2018-03-24 23_47_09-.png (1920x1080, 1.37M)

This guy's name is literally Pedro, he's mad because some mafia gang killed his waifu.

Attached: [DameDesuYo] Garo - Vanishing Line - 16 (1920x1080 10bit AAC) [38CB23F6].mkv_snapshot_18.53_[2018.02 (1920x1080, 169K)

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super accurate

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Amuro is a pretty stand guy
He's from British Columbia IIRC

Attached: gg Amuro.png (1194x900, 694K)

I think this is the only representation we've ever gotten. That and Nyamo sensei's pillow in Azumanga Daioh.

Attached: Pastry.png (1920x1080, 1.97M)

Like this I guess. Also in Jojo Stardust Crusaders.

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There's this anime set in a South American country that's obviously inspired by Brazil.

Attached: Michiko-to-Hatchin-michiko-to-hatchin-32569495-500-320.jpg (500x320, 70K)

Haven't seen Hetalia, but apparently he has a puffin, so that's nice.

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Do you know this man?

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Qantas in Patlabor 2
Kangaroo riding ewok koalas in Bavi Stock
Australia photocard in Ariel Deluxe
Machine War set in Australia in Rhea Gall Force
Opera House appears in Heinessen for Lotgh
Anime literally called Wondrous Koala Blinky

I know we are sorta geographic neighbours but what has Australia done to deserve such honour from the Japanese?

And no, Im not kidding

Attached: バビ・ストック アニメ Bavi Stock English Sub New Full HD.mp4_snapshot_01.12.46_[2016.05.18 (280x210, 18K)

>fine name

Nigga, japs can't handle shit over tabasco, my one huge gripe about going over there each time is how hard it is to find any kind of spicy food.

>yeah can I get this 5 flames
>Yeah 5.
>5 very hot sir would you like to try 4? There are no returns.
>5 is fine, i like it spicy
>get food
>it's el Yucato hot sauce or just some jalapeno based shit

Attached: --makise-kurisu-steins-gate-drawn-by-drawfag--e758735903ec77c7ccb0c0f518ee2969.png (600x600, 210K)

1. Big chinned sunglasses wearing blonde badass guy who fights for freedom and justice and freedom
2. Big noses blonde haired bigot who hates all Japanese people and is a buffoon
3. Huge titted bimbo with the American flag as her bikini and optionally a cowboy hat

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>burgers can't handle spicy food
This is true and it's a good thing. Why would I eat food that causes a negative experience in my mouth AND my bowels? I'm not a masochist.

I love spicy food, though.

Attached: B6789983-57E0-4174-8678-0A53D14B0EC9.jpg (750x1230, 603K)

t. Mexican-"American" or Cajun

Part of the US used to be Mexico, user. Mexicans are just as American. Don't be like that.


Attached: an american.jpg (640x480, 30K)

Those are Japs, not real Americans

The Mexican-American war was one of the most just wars in US history. We liberated the oppressed Texas people from the tyrannical Imperialist Mexican government.
Americans with Mexican heritage are fine but Mexican-Americans are not as they forego their Americaness to subscribe to Mexican nationalism which is itself an oxymoron.

What about Bandit Keith in Yu-Gi-Oh!?

OK, I don't know enough politics or history of North America to have this discussion

Has Canada ever been portrayed outside of Anne of Green Gables?

Just know that in America we have ethnic groups AND members of those ethnic groups who identify as their foreign ethnicity
Italian-American, Mexican-American, Irish-American, Jewish-American,
when they label themselves like this they tend to put their heritage before their nationality and country and are generally frowned upon except for the Irish and Jews.

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I bet you put ketchup on everything.

The worst.

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only once I've heard my country being mentioned in an anime. Occult Academy, on the episode about the Chupacabras.

Attached: Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin - 08.jpg (500x281, 33K)

It's not supposed to make you suffer. If it's hot for your taste, you don't have to eat it. People like spicy food because the hot feeling feels good, which only happens if they are used to it in the first place.

back to with those shitposts user

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Not everything, just burgers and hotdogs and sometimes french fries

>the hot feeling feels good
As said, masochists.

Pretty well.

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America, meddling in Idol elections as usual.

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Yes, much like sex, food is nice when things are spiced up, though I don't have any sexual masochist tendencies at all. But, again, you aren't supposed to eat spicy food if you find too hot, that is to say when there's no nice hot sensation, just pain.

I don't remember having seen a chilean one

cuz football and shit

Attached: cpt. Tsubasa Roberto Hongo.jpg (500x373, 22K)

I quit using that faggot mayo shit and started putting ketchup on everything I used to eat with mayo, including sandwiches and tuna salda.

The taste is 1000% improved. Everyone should do it.

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>move to a neighbor country with permission of the government
>ignore the law of the land and bring slaves
>call for independence of the territory you've occupied since last Tuesday.
>get rekt by improvised army from country recovering from a civil war.
>ambush them at the death of night and force them to illegally sign your declaration of independence
>join country you originally left so you can own people and be a backwards MOFO
>tell government of your new country that you also own a territory South to what was sign for on your independence.
>sent troops cross your border into your neighbours territory and settle there.
>get rekt by improvised army of locals for invading a country without a formal declaration of war (unconstitutional)
>lie about your neighbor killing your soldiers in your own soil when in reality you invaded them.
>declare war and defeat your neighbor.
>steal over 60% of his land.
>continuously send missions over for the next decades to try to steal more of your neighbor's land
"Muh just war"
War isn't just


>mfw sussie is from the Philippines...

user, who come I never noticed that last name?

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I love that anime, the op is unskippable.


It is not and thank god for that.

I wish they kept her old audiofile there where the VA speaks in fucking tagalog which sounds as awful as you'd think with that accent.

I still have that card so I'll see if I can upload it.

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Drugs, cartels and coffee.

I'm dead sure it barely has been.

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Just realizes the only character I know from my country is the ghost of a dead pilot.
Just googled it, his name was fucking Pete Pumps.

Attached: PetePumps.jpg (576x441, 27K)

Physically? 100% accurate. My neighbor looked like that when she was a kid, you can go to literally any popular beach in summer and you'll find at least a dozen girls that look like this, can't say the same about the personality though, they seem more reserved to me.

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i dont think we have at all

Pretty well.

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I swear there MIGHT have been some SoL show with a girl from NZ, but it was hardly representative.

but theres lot's of Australians in animu

You tell me.

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There are no argies in anime, at least not ones that I've seen. It's always the spics from the north that get all the recognition, but I guess that's okay.
No hard feelings.

wrong, they represent you guys pretty well

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Only if you don't count bara doujins

There's also that one scene in Sakamoto Desu ga, and a couple references to brazilian celebrities in Pani Poni Dash.

Amigo Amigo

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We make wines for snoobs.

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>facebook filename
Back to your shithole, cuckerberg.

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I don't think I ever want to find out what her secret hobby.

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Why do beaners always start this kind of threads?

>3. Huge titted bimbo with the American flag as her bikini and optionally a cowboy hat

My favourite.

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My heart and mind were shattered when I learned that everyone from Girls Und Panzer were actually role-playing as girls from other countries and all were japanese.

4. Huge niggers

This is some North-Korea tier propaganda bullshit

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Argentina never ever appears in anime.

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Validation, nobody in the real world likes them

see for most accurate argie ever


He may look like Chad McDouchebag, but he's got good taste.

Lacks a "Malvinas son Argentinas" t-shirt, 0/10.

>tfw everytime my hometown is shown in any media its either a deserted city overrun by nature or overrun by mutants and zombies
Fuck you guys, ever since that game was made our tourism is down 100% because everyone thinks that people cant live here or there are monsters about

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We got the Renato brothers from Gundam Build Fighters

Attached: Julio_and_Mario.jpg (1920x1080, 245K)

Not well.

>biggest joke in the Gundam Fight
>beaten off-panel in Captain Tsubasa World Youth despite being semi-finalists playing against the main characters
>no representatives in Medabots, Inazuma Eleven

Attached: CHxrPkM.jpg (640x480, 72K)

holy shit pripyat-user?

>eagle looking at the wrong side

A real American.

Not bad, Argies are smug.

>tfw you use this song to practice bouncing your boobies

>tfw norwegian

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