>Milkman and Kokoro
>Ikuno dyke
>memed to existence
what's next?
Darling in the Franxx
Spider posting.
False hype
Well, the ultimate act of love is to commit suicide together anyway...
>source: my hairy ass
another series ruined by f/a/ggots
>3 Gutenberg class dinos attacking at the same time
>sortie of different klaxos directly attacking the plantation
>Strelizia: "Leave this to us, you guys go defend the plantation.. We will catch up with you as soon as we are done here"
>memed to existence
Nigga if you couldn't see that shit coming from a mile away, you've been speedwatching this shit.
hopefully futoshi kills milkman
He will take care of his child while he makes more.
he said he's impotent tho
Fucking told you all it would be a character episode.
Kokoro a slut
The next thing to meme into existence is mind of steel Futoshi
Yandere 02 when?
>Four years ago
>Why are these characters all blank slates?!
>Why can't these characters just be blank slates?!
The absolute hypocrisy of Sup Forums
Hiro didn't remember the promise because he was a new clone after the one the make the promise to milkman died
>People complain about the secondary chars being flat stereotypes
>Give them whole episodes dedicated to character interaction, background, motivation and thoughts
>wtf is this filler, get back to the plot and robot fights
You can't win with these MAL fags.
the fags should team up together again just to die
In an 11/10 show this would be foreshadowing a lovers' suicide, but I'm almost positive the writers will cop out and give a happy ending to everyone (except fatass). Not that the latter option bothers me. I would like for Hir02 to be happy as well.
If we meme hard enough we could materialize a sperm in Kokoro's womb.
It's Mitsuru's, by the way, not Fatass's.
Does it even need a clarification.
Yes, because I want to see this pig cry some more.
Let's predict cour one finale. How much you want to bet that Fatoshi is still distraught by being cucked next episode, so much so that he goes out and does something retarded to impress Kokoro in some shitty attempt to win her back over? He fails, obviously, and dies.
>so much so that he goes out and does something retarded to impress Kokoro in some shitty attempt to win her back over
>He fails, obviously, and dies.
i doubt it
I'm having more fun with these than I thought I would when I started rewatching Code Geass.
>Milkman and Kokoro
Not memed
>Milkman being faggot for Hiro
Fully memed into reality
You can’t make everyone happy. That and I think some anons can’t compute such a seemingly sweet girl do something pretty cruel, even as understandable as it was.
this is a million times better than Kiznaiver
Shit, I forgot how hot is 02. Hiro better get in that ass STAT.
Abe will fix this, Kokowhore will die
"Even NTR is preferred over the degeneracy that are homosexual and lesbian relationships" -Abe, Godemphra of Japan
the final cour will be about grand cavasse
>Abe killing the girl who wants to be impregnated.
Sure user.
So THAT'S why Citrus is flopping.
That much I can guarantee will happen regardless of whether or not they die.
Those weren't really anything you couldn't predict. They were obvious from the beginning of the series and if you couldn't see it, you haven't watched enough anime. Darlifra is extremely straightforward with its story-telling and it's the typical teen anime that teenagers are able to follow.
If you couldn't see Ikuno's lesbian tendencies at least when she literally had lilies around her in the ED, you need to watch more anime.
And yet there will be people who will scream asspull every time something will hapen in the next cour.
Is this your first year on Sup Forums?
People always make up shit to bait people into responding. If you do like a proper newfag and ignore them, you'll get them bored and they'll shut up.
>02 looking at Goro
Partner shuffle incoming.
>Dead Goro incoming
Hir02fags btfo.
This. Punished Futoshi when?
I'm afraid Abe has forsaken us this time, user. He doesn't care as long as it make babies.
I wonder what were this guys thinking when Kokoro raised her hand and volunteered to pilot with mitsuru
Are you calling them that just because they’re fat or because they really do like Futoshi?
Next week will be a new OP with pairings swapped. Screencap this.
its always been implied
Genista has a nice bum
>Oh, found one.
I am still convinced she was merely referring to the lake that she immediately went to in order to take a swim.
Not sure she even has the eyesight to notice Hiro from that distance.
Ok then I need to watch that then
Is it or is it not as good as Eva?
>Ichigo and Miku looking at eachother
Yuri Franxx soon
>memed into existence
They’ve hinted at both of those for the entire fucking series, how slow are you?
Why’s Mitsuru and Ikuno still in their pilot suits?
>Big climax at the Grand Crevasse
>02 drives Strelitzia down it with the intention of suiciding to somehow kill all the klaxosaurs
>Hiro stops her and saves her with The Power of Love
>not wanting the beautiful crazy to shift her desire to die in desire to live because she found someone who loves her, much like that certain someone did
and you're correct
>I want to swim in a ocean
>ah, there's one
>wtf this isn't an ocean
>well at least swimming feels good
So I guess 002 realizes that because of Squad 13’s extraordinary performance increases across the board that APE is gonna choose them for the dangerous mission to the cavasse.
Is that why she’s been so grumpy during and after sorties?
>shit in every way
>except papa and friends taste of fashion
>shit in every way
>except the mechs and enemies are cool
could say these are at the same level of watchability unironically
This is Ikuno. She recently got to experience a fight where her mech Chlorophytum didn't perform pathetically thanks to the piloting skills of Futoshi. Say something nice about her!
At this point I don't even care.
As long as Nana lives a happy life and isn't killed off for shitty shock factor, DarliFra is a success in my book
futoshi's wife looks good
Hachi will be riding her by the end user, they will all get a happy end.
In the end I think Kokoro and Futoshi are going to do a commendable job converting two gorgeous faggots to the straight side.
Futoshi will fuck the lesbian thoughts out of her.
A lovers' suicide is no 11/10.
A potential lovers' suicide is a hurdle for the lovers to overcome. Even for a tragedy it's weak because suicide is the ultimate cop-out. The cop-out of life itself.
If they overcome the despair pushing for suicide, then that's a triumph for the audience to feel good over. And yet if they yearn for life yet fail anyway, then that's all the more tragic and much more dramatic than suicide.
Suicide is really just a downer in general.
Why is she a lesbian?
Likelihood Fatoshi mans up and goes through a chad transformation?
>Mitsuru murders fatty
>Nana and Ikuno become partners
I await the episode where Nana dies a gruesome death so I can laugh your ass to oblivion
>shit in every way
Her freckles are cute.
Unlikely. Look forward to more gags about him eating a lot next episode.
She will become slave to Futoshi dick when he gets his /fit/ness episode
>he's still expecting characters to die
Why is every scene with Nana a 10/10
i was promised giant robots,instead i got ntr the animation,damn i hate this thing why do i keep watching it!?
What's left ? Zorome and Miku being a pure couple with no drama ? 02 turning into a monster ? Dinos being farming gear ?
>11/10 show
>sad ending
She has good taste in girls
This is for you, Gorofriends.
>Kokoro has been nothing but cordial and polite to him until this episode
>tfw Fatoshi thinks that means they're perfect for each other, but that's exactly what rings alarm bells
>Kokoro only treats him nicely because she's being professional about their pairing
>absolutely no scenes dedicated to them bonding at all, or getting to know each other better
>instead all of her heart-to-heart scenes have gone to Mitsuru in the greenhouse
>she didn't even try talking to him after the swap, now that she no longer has to
This NTR was inevitable. Futoshi x Kokoro is just a blank slate doomed from the very start, all the other pairings have some sort of development or charm.
>stubborn bossy womanlet with the patient and gentle tall guy
>double tsundere that argue like an old married couple
>spit swapping, clingy lovey dovey bakappuru
It can't be helped
>One ride was all it took for Ikuno to pull off Strelitzia tier feats
The big guy knows what he’s doing, he’ll be alright with her.
If those listed + fatoshi all died that'd be fucking great
because nana is the only sensible character in the entire show
oh shit, that fits so well
>Memed to existance
Anyone with some working braincells could tell that those things were gonna happen. Ikuno being a dyke was practically written in big glowing letters on her forehead.
Oh shit, thanks a bunch man. I a few other things that need TL if you're willing.
But we never have bad/sad or bittersweet endings. It would be so innovative, and a happy ending would be so cliché.
She will die protecting children who rebelled against APE and thus creating oppurtunity for them to escape.
In a hall, a Kyoanifag and a Triggernigger were arguing over which anime was the official 2018 AOTY (even though it was March).
"Violet Evergarden is the best ever depiction of Victorian Europe in anime! It's for ADULTS, not children, unlike Darling in the Flops! And by the way, that title sounds like kiddie porn!" said the Kyoanifag.
"Yeah, comatose adults," scoffsingly says the Triggernigger. "Darling is a COMPLETELY ORIGINAL anime that just happens to bear some cosmetic similarities with Evangelion with actually interesting and fun characters, unlike Violet Everflop! And that title sounds like a bad 19th century paperback novel!" said the Triggernigger.
Just then a dedicated C-Station fag, who had bought over 9000 custom Yuru Camp grills and totally understood the necessity of Girlfriend (Kari), stood up in the back of the room, puffed up his chest in pride, and held up a rock.
"What kind of rock is this, and how old is it?" he asked.
"It's granite, and was created by the Goddess Hirasawa Yui-sama eight years ago," said the Kyoanifag.
"No, it's gabbro, and was created by the true Goddess Matoi Ryuko-sama five years ago," said the Triggernigger.
"Wrong! It's extrusive igneous rock from the Aokigahara Forest which formed during a massive eruption in the year 864 AD and encouraged the growth of today's dense forest! But you might have known that if only you had turned away from your computer screens for a few seconds and gone outside!" the C-Station fag replied.
The people in the room erupted in cheers and much singing of "Shiny Days" followed. A green pheasant flew in the door and landed on the Japanese flag, carrying a banner reading, "Go outside, you lazy-ass fucks."
The Kyoanifag was killed by an Oumu and the Triggernigger was eaten by his clothing.
Actually how the fuck is he fat when piloting requires physical effort?