You all never get a better end than ths.
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What happened with Frieza? I'm not watching Super.
He ended up beating the final villain alongside Goku, got resurrected with everyone's blessing, left without any issues, and is already back to conquering the universe.
>Brought back with a halo to fight in Tournament of Power to stop the universe from being erased
>In the final bit of the tournament he fights side by said with Goku against Jiren
>Gets resurrected by Beerus
>Takes this opportunity to go off and begin rebuilding his empire, basically doing what Piccolo did at the end of Dragonball, ending on that same kind of "They'll just keep at it." kind of finish
He's a good guy now, so that makes it okay
>implying Jobgeta could do anything if he wanted to
20 year of peace with out frieza .
Reminder that Gero’s research and incentive to build 17 stemmed from his service in the Red Ribbon Army.
Bow to your real savior of the Universes.
Vegeta is now to Freeza what Tenshinhan was to Vegeta.
Enemies until a bigger thread shows itself and forces us to fight together to be point we even forget we were enemies, classic dragon ball.
They said they'd defeat Freeza, but it looks like they don't give a shit about what Freeza does, so long as he stays away from Earth.
He won super hard.
Super took back so much of dragon ball Z with this shit tier villain, What a fucking joke of a series.
But isn't that a selfish thing to do? They're condemning god knows how many galaxies to suffer Frieza's tyranny.
Or was the threat they fought against and Frieza helped them with so serious that a space tyrant isn't a big deal?
The entire multiverse would have ceased to exist if Frieza didn't help beat the guy he did.
Well Goku did promise that he would revive him.
>tfw word spreads that a Red Ribbon android saved the universe
>Neo-Ribbons start sprouting up everywhere, thinking this to be proof that the Red Ribbon Army is strongest
>They scour through the ruins of Dr. Gero's lab in search for clues about their Messiah 17
>Find that Krillin fucked up killing Cell, and instead just halted his growth
>Neo-Ribbons complete Cell's growth, and even fix flaws in his design that Gero never had the time to, on account of being murdered by 17 and 18 in the original timeline
>Enter Celldorado
They can get rid of the spots, claiming they were signs of his flaws
>But isn't that a selfish thing to do?
But user, Goku isn't a hero so it's okay
>But isn't that a selfish thing to do?
Wasn't it a selfish thing to do, to let Piccolo (the literal reincarnation/son of the guy that almost destroyed civilization as we know it on Earth, and tried to rule over it as the God-Emperor of Evil) just go off and do his own thing at the end of Dragon Ball?
That's how this franchise operates, mate.
The Z fighters still don't like Freeza, but they him off the hook until the next time they see him. It seems like Freeza was smart enough to not mess with Earth this time.
I see. Well, it fucking sucks but it the situation was that dire, then there was nothing to do.
Vegeta himself too.
You know, now I think I'm fine with this, as long as Frieza keeps being villainous, even if Goku has to fight him again in the future. Or did they made him a good boy in Super? Because I don't see working as an heroic individual.
why ?
Why do you retards think this? He is literally commanding a universe conquering army.
How do they keep getting away with it?
What's next, fucking Griffith?
Why doesn't Goku show Frieza the Hyperbolic Time Chamber?
Why do you care so much if you haven't watched it?
Clinging to the past is why Jiren lost.
Why do you care if I care? You don't even know me
Didn't they permanently destroy it?
Like there was the time they destroyed the door, and then reconnected it later, but I vaguely recall someone actually blowing up the entire pocket universe.
Still not as good as Hao
I imagine that Frieza is permabanned from Earth, they could easily body him if he tried any funny shit. Unless he's more powerful than his golden form now
Vegeta should have killed Frieza as soon as he was resurrected
Goku is a retard so him letting Frieza go is one thing, but it's completely unreasonable that Vegeta would let Frieza fly off.
People have been calling that Griffith would get away with it for ages.
Mostly because Miura will die before finishing
Piccolo was still out to kill Goku after their fight, in fact he had a demonic smile upon actually killing Goku with the special beam cannon. He was pure evil until Gohan warmed his heart, even after teaming up with Goku for the greater good.
Vegeta was also a bastard until Bulma warmed his heart, even well into the Cell and Majin Buu saga he was a heartless cunt.
Frieza going back to his ways for his first move is all well and good, but they would have never kept him around knowing how popular he is if he wasnt going to be a major fighter in the future.
Its highly doubtful we’ll be getting another black and white RoF fight again where they send him back to hell. He was changed in that talk with Goku in the foxhole against Jiren and was shown standing with the heroes; he will be a Z fighter to some degree in the future.
You should care that I care about why you care, because if you have a good reason for caring, then I have a reason to talk with you. Otherwise, you're worthless to me, as you have nothing of substance to offer me in conversation.
No. He has just realize what he feels for goku isn't hate, but angry hot lust/love. He and goku are soulmates. They complete each other in ways vegeta never can compete with (Frieza actually was a real menace AND helped defeat the major villian)
What if I don't want to talk to you in the first place? I can always talk to someone else in this thread. Maybe you're as worthless to me as I am to you.
He get to his Gold Form in 4 months so image what he could do training for a year or 2. There a high chance tat Frieza will come back to try and kill everyone on Earth in the future. After he rebuild his kingdom and trains. So if super get a sequel in the future. I see Frieza coming back as an enemy. Maybe the last enemy because the Author did say he wanted to end the series which the end of the Frieza Arc. Shonen Jump just would not let him
Piccolo Jr. never killed anyone until Raditz.
Piccolo is smarter than his dad he realized world domination is pointless.
How big will A17's role be in the next Dragonball series?
They can't forget him now after winning the ToP and stealing Spics and Nips hearts!
>Piccolo took one arc to become a good person
>Vegeta took two arcs to become a good person
So three arcs until Freeza is the new Z fighter?
So who maintains his empire? How could it survive for so long without its ruler?
Yeah no, he was just established to be the reincarnation of King Piccolo, hell bent on avenging his father/self, and could do god knows what if left to his own devices
He saved the entire multiverse and got his boat, he can retire in peace to live with his family now.
they could actually put some ANDROID 21 STORY ARC JUST BECAUSE 17
Where did you get this? Derete it immediately. (laughs)
Then again freezer becoming a good guy would follow the trend of the of bad turning good the series also consistently has. Might become a "no one can kill Goku but me" or maybe even wants Goku alive as almost a training buddy. Through Goku he has motivation.
>What's next, fucking Griffith?
agreed. the main villain became literal GOD.
>Freeza Force presumably annihilated after Resurrection F
>there's a handful left for Freeza to start rebuilding
I wouldn't be surprised if that one space ship and those thirty or so soldiers are all that's left
Mureum was not a villain
But he never acted on those. You can't arrest someone over thought crimes.
all is forgiven .
Not only did he get gold form in 4 months, but he perfected its massive stamina drain in a single year; a year in which he was in hell, tied up and unable to move. He did the whole thing with JUST IMAGE TRAINING.
The author also once said that Frieza was the embodiment of what he believe pure evil would be.At least back in the Frieza Saga
>Next time we'll see a flashback of young Frieza showing that he was a good kid who became evil due to bullying and abuse
>Revived twice
>Goku's bitch
>Recolor form
>Turned into clown in fights with actual threats
B-best villain. Based Chadza
You're missing the part where they weren't tough crimes.
>If Kami dies, Piccolo dies
>If Piccolo dies, Kami dies
>Kami didn't die when King Piccolo died
>Meaning Piccolo is literally King Piccolo, and Kami, a person Goku is in contact with knows this
>Anything King Piccolo did, Piccolo also did
And regardless, their Cell never did anything, and they still aborted him probably without remorse.
At this point I think he knows the deal, as strong as he gets the Z Fighter have not only Goku and Vegeta, the have Jiren, Hit, Beerus and Whis, etc to stop him.
Not to mention Uub has the potential of Buu, and has the likelihood of being the strongest fighter ever with training.
Something tells me the kindness he was shown is similar to the kindness Piccolo and Vegeta were shown, in that it will remain in his subconcious until its brought out further and he becomes somewhat good or neutral
If you remember at the beginning of super and even at the beginning of the ToP, it was stated Goku left a huge power vacuum when he defeated Frieza that left the universe as a whole relatively disorganized.
Part of that is Beerus' fault for being a lazy as shit GoD, but Frieza did keep some degree of order in the universe
Cell ate an entire city.
Why didn't Zeno and the Grand Priest announce that in 10 years or so, they'll have another ToP?
But Eneru accomplished what he really wanted to do, that is reaching the moon. He just got beat up and didn't get to kill all the sky people. And then he got a moon army.
Why does Vegeta get a free pass on being a homicidal, genocidal, mass-murdering douchebag, but not Frieza?
why would they
>The new movie ends up in the end being Frieza vs the first SS
Would it be kino?
>Don't include 17 in FighterZ
>Make him the best character in Super
>Sell him as DLC for huge profit
Well played
Frieza as the very last enemy the Z fighters will face before the franchise is close down? It would be cool as shit. Imagine a fight between Goku and Frieza long and intense like the ones at the end of Lone Wolf and Cub or Fist of the Blue Sky.
Because Freeza enslaved his race then killed them all except him, then was raised by said freeza.
I am actively trying to waste your time, yes. I see you as something of a sub-human. You aren't getting the answers to your questions when you could answer them yourself by watching a series you seem to be interested in.
no point in holding the author to his words anymore. Consistency has gone out the door
That wasn't their Cell. That was a Cell from an alternate timeline, a timeline where mind you, Vegeta never had the chance to properly reform into a hero, and where 17 and 18 were villains through and through until the very end.
So would it be moral to kill Vegeta 17 and 18 in the main universe for the sins of their counterparts, that were committed after a life they've never led?
>mfw Freeza was actually right in destroying Planet Vegeta because he was technically preventing another Yamoshi situation from happening
>that's actually why Beerus wanted to destroy Planet Vegeta, he was afraid
Since when can Beerus/Whis just resurrect people at will?
Whatever. It's no more absurd than being able to rewind the universe on will.
Gains are not linear. You get big gains when you first start training, and then you platue.
>Imagine a fight between Goku and Frieza long and intense like the ones
Nigga, Vegeta destroyed several planets while stopping for gas on the way to Earth and then wqs directly responsibke for the death of every Z fighter but Krillin and Gohan. Then he tried to destroy the planet.
Depends on if Sakurada is still in charge. If so then you better believe he'll be at the center of the universes. If not, he may be in a lesser role.
Ginyu Force when?
And under who's rule and who raised him to kill or be killed? Certainly wasn't the father that Freeza killed.
The 21 arc is already canon and takes place between U6vU7 and Zamasu arc. Just watch the DBZF movie.
I didn't explain myself correctly.
A long fight with a feel of closure, with two enemies just fighting to surpass each other, not just wanting to kill each other.
He already avenged them, like, twice.
That actually would be pretty amazing. Freeza kills this out of control Saiyan that would have destroyed everything. At one point he even chucks himself in front of a blast that would have killed some kids. Scoffs it off that he just didn't want his subjects to be killed by filthy monkey hands.
Freeza, savior of the universe. Man, that's going to be a hard pill for Vegeta to swallow.
So what happened to all the destroyed universes, did they restore them?
Also Vegeta never killed a single Z fighter Except himself you ridiculously dumb fuck. In fact, he killed the man who killed the z fighters.
Beerus can't. Whis can. The angels are magic. The first rule about magic is that it doesn't have to be explained.
Goku's almost never changing character flaw is his naivety. He always gives homicidal maniacs second, third, fourth, fifth etc chances. It's part of what makes him mentally retarded.
You mean like Goku already did with Freeza, except Freeza was a dumbass villainous fucktard who couldn't accept defeat and destroyed himself like he fucking deserved?
Reminder that Dr. Gero has nothing to do with the Red Ribbon Army from Dragon Ball and that if you claim he does you're not a true Dragon Ball fan
Dude Whis is higher ranking in everyone but Zeno
I'm sure you can overlook him doing that
*blocks your path*