Frame Arms Girl S2

It's happening lads.

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Those god damn FAGs are gonna steal from my wallet again?

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They better keep the old staff, though I worry it was a lightning in a bottle moment.q



Think that they will have the cake scientists show up in S2?

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There will be FAGuys this time, right?

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Agreed. The anime was really well written/directed. I don't often physically laugh out loud at anime. I really hope they can keep the same level of great gags, roboautism and bonus yuri.

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Is there anybody that can stop the FAGs?

>that one user who keeps saying Ao pleases the cake scientists for money ends up being right
I hope it happens.

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Jinrai is still for sexual

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Do you think Ao would do a striptease for money?

I love bodysuits

That charger pose looks like it's a ref to something but I can't think of what off the top of my head.

Gundam 00?

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Nice fucking catch mate.

Seriously I'm smiling like a retard, FAG is back, Etotama is back all I need is Kemono Friends back to Tatsuki to die happy.

>Kemono Friends back to Tatsuki to die happy.
One miracle at the time, user.

I'm glad all you fags bought stuff. Sorry I'm poor.

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Get a Materia, they're the cheapest I believe.

They will steal your shit and end being more expensive than the others

That's why you do what I do and keep them locked in my nightstand.

But you can't just buy one Materia. That's not right.

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I like them the least anyway.

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We already burnt the miracle with Etotama, but God I just want to go back to comfy Kemonoposting, that shit was healing as fuck.

OK, so what FAG should I buy to keep my Base company? I gotta splurge to guarantee a third season coming.

Dat puffy, dat ass!
Ah said God DAMN!!

>tfw no Stylet kigurumi

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>to keep my Base company?
Hamburger Ater to keep the blonde color scheme going

Will she get her old body back in S2?

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You can't be a proper tomboy with long blonde twintails, so she should.

I hope she has the personality of an ojou-sama.

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It's gotta be tsundere. Twin tails are the tsundere stereotype.

We already have Styko for that role. But the true star of the show will be the smug cat girl.

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Will it have Ao? It better have Ao.
I miss that adorable dorky jew.

Does this mean another collab?

My body is ready.

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Why do skirts in the FAG universe allow for cameltoes?

I wonder what role her brown twin will have. Will she be a sister, rival, or a single episode transformation or something?

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I need more Baselard in my life. And more alternative world where the robots are girls fever dreams.

I need to resist those plushes.

After buying standard hamburger on a whim, I really acquired a newfound appreciation for that design. I like cheeseburger too, but there is something about a short-haired tomboy with a killer body that I can't resist. I can see why people were upset about the change.

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short to shoulder length hair is my kink

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Shimada Fumikane was saying he'd like to see them animated, so who knows. Maybe.

Do you guys think we'll get full 2d animation this time round, or will they stick to the 3d models like in season one?

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I hope they stick with mostly 3D. It's not like I don't like the 2D FAGs, but making the FAGs 3D actually enhanced their awkward cuteness I think.

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Honestly, I agree. Them being 3D also made the 2D segments feel more special, too.

What are the prices like on the figures? I'd like to buy Gourai and whatever the ninja girl was called.


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I hope they do way more stuff with casual clothes.

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Not this anime.
The best you can hope is for tomboy type of FAGs or tomboy girls owners in this.

Why is architect so best

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Nice. And I was lusting over Styko today.

You could spend the rest of your life making her smile.
And it would be a good life.

On one hand, yay for more Aho. On the other, I still haven't built my Architect, Styko, Base and Hamburger.



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Jinrai is cute!

Dropping in to say congratulation lads.

Hopefully with an acutal budget this time instead of that shitty cgi. And I especially hope that there won't be any fucking bait & switch with the key visuals being 2d and then the trailer hits and they're like "fuck you this is cgi now".

Will Ao become an FAG to that she can marry her waifu?

I'm glad that I am alive to see this day.

Looks cute. I'll start watching S1.


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Why would they ruin it with dudes?


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post more FAG butts.

Ao pls

Oh fuck yes. Time to rewatch S1 in celebration.

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Was this show any good? It looked like a shameless commercial

I never doubted you FAG.
Gotta sell more toys.

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It was the best shameless commercial

Cutest jew

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>More Baselard
This is the best news I've heard in weeks!

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There weren't enough doujins. Hopefully a second season will help to fix that.

FAGs aren't for lewd

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Yes. Good.

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Worst girls

Ao as a FA-Girl when?

Having sex with FAGs isn't lewd, it's gay.

Very, very naisu.

There were plenty of doujins, almost none were/are scanned. You get on that shit if you have money.

But that makes them the best.

But these two are literally for lewding (You).

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So is there a list of new FAGs that could appear in S2? I haven't kept up with new releases and reveals.

But when? I need more Base in my life.