Is she correct?
Is she correct?
Going to go with eggplant purple here.
And anything>Nero>>>>>>shit>>>>whoreslikeKiaraandMedb
Kohai strong
I prefer chocolate purple myself.
Fucking disgusting
Blue is the colour of nobilty while red is the colour of the plebians judging how king arthur is the king of the brits i understand why she choses red for all anglos are dirty unkept barbarians compared to their french counterparts and ancestors God damn William the bastard
I prefer pink.
Can you back that up?
I see you're a man of culture aswell.
No. Purple is best
No, they just went and upgraded blue.
Fate need to die
Only one seiba matters
William was French you mong
But that's what he said
So why is he damning him if he's a bluefag?
Fate makes some much cash now only an act of suicide could stop it at this point.